fille des bois
Yesterday on RTB (French Belgian television) There was a documentary "our daily poison".the author Marie Monique Robin was investigating if
there was a link between the contamination of the food chain by pesticides,aditives,food coloring, and packaging and the epidemic of chronic
dideases observed all around the world. The author is also known for another documentary "The world according to Monsanto"
I found " our daily poison" interesting because above all the author was analysing the way the industry and the federal safety regulors found "the
daily allowable limits of poison " we may consume
So this is how they determined safe levels for public consumption :
1 a drop of a single chemical in a known concentration is applied to one eye of every indidual in a population of rats
2 The concentration level of the chimical is made stronger and stronger until half of the population dies immediatly. That level is recorded as
milligrams of chimical per kilogram of body weight .
3 The concentration of the chimical is slowly made weaker and weaker until no ill effects are observed
4 This minimum concentration is divided by 100 as a safety factor, and that is designated as the maximum safe amount a human can
consume of any particular chemical, per day
If it sounds arbitrary it is .
Then the author explained how with only small dosis of BPA found in plastics, pesticides, cosmetics can produce endocrines disruptors
which contaminate generations of people.
She also talked over the history of the Aspartam and how dangerous it could be
So if you have the opportunity to see this documentarie don't hesitate .They give it back on ARTE on march 15 th
there was a link between the contamination of the food chain by pesticides,aditives,food coloring, and packaging and the epidemic of chronic
dideases observed all around the world. The author is also known for another documentary "The world according to Monsanto"
I found " our daily poison" interesting because above all the author was analysing the way the industry and the federal safety regulors found "the
daily allowable limits of poison " we may consume
So this is how they determined safe levels for public consumption :
1 a drop of a single chemical in a known concentration is applied to one eye of every indidual in a population of rats
2 The concentration level of the chimical is made stronger and stronger until half of the population dies immediatly. That level is recorded as
milligrams of chimical per kilogram of body weight .
3 The concentration of the chimical is slowly made weaker and weaker until no ill effects are observed
4 This minimum concentration is divided by 100 as a safety factor, and that is designated as the maximum safe amount a human can
consume of any particular chemical, per day
If it sounds arbitrary it is .
Then the author explained how with only small dosis of BPA found in plastics, pesticides, cosmetics can produce endocrines disruptors
which contaminate generations of people.
She also talked over the history of the Aspartam and how dangerous it could be
So if you have the opportunity to see this documentarie don't hesitate .They give it back on ARTE on march 15 th