Our Feline Friends


The Force is Strong With This One
I introduced myself a few days ago…and now I’d like to introduce my best 2D friend, Kirabelle –


“Oh hai!”

Kira is a female blue Abyssinian who will be 3 years old in April. She is a little kitty, not more than 7 lbs., but she’s a strong one and her size is normal for the breed, she has an athletic, muscular build. She’s an indoor kitty, she’s super fast, and can jump to astonishing distances and heights. We try to keep her as occupied as possible because she’s a very active cat, except of course, for the 16 hours a day when she’s sleeping! She will often come up to me when I’m in bed and motion to me with her head that she wants to get under the covers to sleep. Sometimes she’ll even cuddle up against my chest with her head on the pillow. She is very much a companion, a lot like a dog in that respect (sometimes she’ll even fetch!). And she’ll jump up onto my shoulders and let me walk around the house with her like a parrot!

I’d always wanted an Abyssinian cat and moving in with my girlfriend 2 ½ years ago afforded me the opportunity to do so. Marie and I are now so in love with this beautiful creature and can’t picture life without her. She seems so human in her mannerisms sometimes, and totally like a wildcat at other times, but she always exudes this air of intelligent awareness which is at once endearing and baffling to me. She is free to field any questions you may have, tho I will have to translate for her. ;)



My previous kitty, Bastet, was a stray black American shorthair (perhaps a bit of a Bombay mix), and she was a delight as well (she died some years ago of kidney failure). I never thought I’d get another cat again after her transition, but I’m so glad I did. Kira is a solid part of our family and she really does add a quality of life element to our day-to-day lives. I often wonder where Kira’s next step is in her evolution. Based on the C’s information, it would seem her next destination would be 3rd density when she’s ready, but the thought of her starting off as an organic portal is a bit frightening to me. I suppose it’s no more or less frightening (or exciting, I should say), than us thinking about our own next adventure in 4th density. But just thinking about all of the trials and tribulations that lay on the path ahead of her, it just makes me a bit sad is all.

I’d love to share stories about our interactions and mutual growth. Please use this thread to discuss your own feline friends too, so please do share your experiences and post pics!

Nice cat! she is lucky to have a home to live. I love cats very much and that makes me feel sorry for the ones that are abandoned. In the area where
I live there are plenty of them. A few days ago, I found a female cat badly vounded and I took her to the vet and now is in my house until she gets better.
She is beautiful, i have never seen a breed like that one. Her ears add a dimension of wildness to her which i find appealing. When i moved to this locale 5 years ago, this cat showed up one day, and we became friends. We have taken naps together outside in the summer, and he even licks me like a dog. His tongue is much rougher than a dogs though. "I" will take a pick of him and share it cause he was around my house 2 days ago, his winter coat has come in, and he is looking quite magnificent.

ps i love cats, thanks for starting the thread plaintiger
Elisa said:
Nice cat! she is lucky to have a home to live. I love cats very much and that makes me feel sorry for the ones that are abandoned. In the area where
I live there are plenty of them. A few days ago, I found a female cat badly vounded and I took her to the vet and now is in my house until she gets better.

That’s a wonderful thing you’re doing for that kitty Elisa. If I had the space, time and ability, my place would surely be overrun with adoptees.

She really is a dear. No doubt someone would have snatched up this kitty had I not done so first.

At the risk of incurring the wrath of the more militant animal lovers, I purchased Kira from a breeder of Abyssinians in NY State. I checked the place out, it is certainly no kitty mill, and they checked me out too to make sure she was going to a good home.

My previous cat Bast was a stray, if not slightly feral (or traumatized) until she got used to domesticated life. I got her when she was a year and a half old and had her for about 7 years. I brought her to the vet once early on when I noticed a small round nodule protruding from the elbow joint on her front leg. After nearly interrogating me about how well I take care of her and if I have any guns in the house, they told me that she had been shot with a BB gun. I was horrified. But I had the BB removed and she recovered fine, but she was understandably always very distrusting of humans. But the main reasons I went breeder instead of stray this time is because, quite frankly, I always wanted a purebred Abyssinian, and you never know with strays, your entire apartment could turn into a urinal. I couldn’t deal with that again and I couldn’t ask that of my girlfriend either. As a result tho, we have a very good-natured, well-adjusted, house-broken kitty, and we couldn’t be happier.

There are a lot of strays in my city. I work from time to time with the Feral Cat Foundation here, they really have a good operation going to get strays spayed and adopted if possible, instead of shipped off to Newark to get gassed. If adoption isn’t possible, they are tagged and released back to the colony where they were found. Our city council has been blocking some ordinances we’re trying to get passed that would make the Foundation more effective, so it’s a bit of an uphill struggle.

bngenoh said:
She is beautiful, i have never seen a breed like that one. Her ears add a dimension of wildness to her which i find appealing. When i moved to this locale 5 years ago, this cat showed up one day, and we became friends. We have taken naps together outside in the summer, and he even licks me like a dog. His tongue is much rougher than a dogs though. "I" will take a pick of him and share it cause he was around my house 2 days ago, his winter coat has come in, and he is looking quite magnificent.

ps i love cats, thanks for starting the thread plaintiger

Yes bngenoh, I saw that a happy cat thread was lacking on the forum.

Her ears remind me of a serval. Look at her when she was a baby…her ears are almost bigger than her head and she looks a little like a bat!


Yes, my cat has that sandpaper tongue too. It can be a bit abrasive when she licks me, but it’s supposedly like that so it’s easier for her to lap up liquids. When cats drink, what they essentially do is flick the water up with their tongue and “catch” it in their mouth.

It’s so sweet how you and the cat have become friends and how he comes to visit you! I would love to see pics.
Here are my two loved "street cats" : Mystic, the white and gray one - a male, and Lily, the black one - female.

It's not obvious but they only have 1 month different in age. Not the same morphology at all, nor the personnality. Though Mystic is bigger, he's very fearful, and for evidence I haven't a picture with his eyes open ! I feel concern about that, I'd really find a way to give him some peace. His early life was very hard, maybe it has to do with that. He almost died at 2 month and a half from a bacteria or a virus, we will never know what it was


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Beautiful thread, I love cats!

Maat said:
Here are my two loved "street cats" : Mystic, the white and gray one - a male, and Lily, the black one - female.

Maat, your Lily actually looks like a Bombay to me.

This is my Bombay named Cassidy. Some friends rescued him from a trash container when he was a newborn, back in Valencia, Spain. I fed him with powdered cat milk using a baby bottle, brought the little fellow back to Argentina with me. Now Cass is a huge healthy cat with quite a defined personality:



Edit=Image Link
skycsil said:
Maat, your Lily actually looks like a Bombay to me.

No she's not, she comes from a brood where there was all kind of kitties, not all black

skycsil said:
This is my Bombay named Cassidy.

I don't see your pictures, there must be a problem, maybe they are too heavy.
Oops, sorry!
I'll try without the img tags:

[removed by moderator to protect your privacy. Copy the img location for the individual pictures, not the link to your whole album and try again.]
skycsil said:
Oops, sorry!
I'll try without the img tags:

Yes beautiful big cat ! but be careful skycsil it seems that so you give access to all your photo album, not a safe thing to do on the net...
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