Our World: The Olmert government must go


FOTCM Member
When i saw this title in the Jerusalem Post today, i felt "Cool! People are waking up finally!" But then i read the article.... Obviously the woman has a different perspective. I am afraid her writing might be inspiring to some.


Aug. 14, 2006 22:15 | Updated Aug. 15, 2006 15:58
Our World: The Olmert government must go

From all sides of the political spectrum calls are being raised for the establishment of an official commission of inquiry to investigate the Olmert government's incompetent management of the war in Lebanon. These calls are misguided.

We do not need a commission to know what happened or what has to happen. The Olmert government has failed on every level. The Olmert government must go.

The Knesset must vote no confidence in this government and new elections must be carried out as soon as the law permits. If the Knesset hesitates in taking this required step, then the people of Israel must take to the streets in mass demonstrations and demand that our representatives send Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, Defense Minister Amir Peretz and their comrades out to pasture.

Every aspect of the government's handling of the war has been a failure. Take relief efforts as an example. For five weeks the government ignored the humanitarian disaster in the North where over one million Israelis are under missile assault. The government developed no comprehensive plan for organizing relief efforts to feed citizens in bomb shelters or for evacuating them.

And then there is the military failure. The IDF suffers from acute leadership failures - brought to Israel courtesy of Ariel Sharon who hacked away at the General Staff, undermined its sense of mission and treated our generals like office boys just as he decimated the Likud by undermining its political vision and promoting its weakest members.

Yet, guiding the generals to make the right decisions and finding the generals capable of making them in wartime is the government's responsibility. It was the government's responsibility to critique and question the IDF's operational model of aerial warfare and to cut its losses when after two or three days it was clear that the model was wrong. At that point the government should have called up the reserves and launched a combined ground and air offensive.

But the government didn't feel like it. It wanted to win the war on the cheap. And when the air campaign did not succeed, it abandoned its war goals, declared victory and sued for a cease-fire. When the public objected, after waiting two precious weeks, the government called up the reserves but then waited another unforgivable 10 days before committing them to battle.

All the while, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni did her best to demoralize the IDF and the public by publicly proclaiming that there is no military solution to what is clearly a military conflict.

OLMERT'S DECISION Friday to begin the ground offensive was by all accounts motivated not by a newfound understanding that this is a real war, but by the headlines in the newspapers that morning calling for his resignation. Yet, by Friday, the IDF had only 48 hours to achieve the objectives it had waited a month to receive Olmert's permission to accomplish.

Diplomatically, in the space of five weeks the government managed to undermine Israel's alliance with America; to hand Syria, Hizbullah and Iran the greatest diplomatic achievements they have ever experienced; and to flush down the toilet the unprecedented international support that US President Bush handed to Israel on a silver platter at the G-8 summit.


The UN cease-fire that Olmert, Livni and Peretz applaud undercuts Israel's sovereignty; protects Hizbullah; lets Iran and Syria off the hook; lends credibility to our enemies' belief that Israel can be destroyed; emboldens the Palestinians to launch their next round of war; and leaves IDF hostages Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev in captivity.

Israel's diplomatic maneuvers were cut to fit the size of our Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni who believes that her job is limited to being nice to other foreign ministers when they call her up on the telephone. In an interview with Yediot Aharonot over the weekend, Livni defended her decision not to engage in public diplomacy by claiming that this is not an important enough task for the foreign minister. It makes sense that this would be her view because as one who understands neither diplomacy nor English, she is incapable of conducting public diplomacy.

Livni argued that the job of the foreign minister is "to create diplomatic processes" - whatever that means. She also claimed that the best way to gain international support is not by publicly arguing Israel's case, but through back door discussions devoted to developing good relations with other foreign ministers. This is ridiculous. The job of the foreign minister is to defend Israel and advance Israel's national interests to foreigners, not to be their friend.

ASIDE FROM the fact that the government's bungling of the military mission meant that Olmert and Livni sprinted to the negotiating table empty handed, the reason that the UN Security Council cease-fire resolution ignores every single Israeli demand is because Israel didn't aggressively pursue its goals. While the Lebanese and the Arabs massed all their forces and pressured the UN, the Foreign Ministry asked US Jewish leaders to say nothing about the draft resolution and to make no public objections to that diplomatic process Tzipi and Ehud "created" with their "friends." And so Israel's positions were ignored.

[Poor Israel!]

Yet the reason that this incompetent, embarrassment of a government must go is not simply because it has delivered Israel the worst defeat in its history. This government must go because every day it sits in power it exacerbates the damage it has already caused and increases the dangers to Israel.

Iran has been emboldened. Its success in the war is now being used by the ayatollahs to support their claim of leadership over the Arab world. In evidence of Iran's success, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak met in Cairo with Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki. So now, after 27 years of official estrangement, Egypt is moving towards establishing full diplomatic relations with Teheran.

[Do you sense fear? 'Cause i do!]

The Palestinians have been emboldened. Hamas leaders and spokesmen are openly stating that just as Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon in May 2000 precipitated the Palestinian terror war in September 2000, so Israel's current defeat in Lebanon will spur the outbreak of a new Palestinian terror war against Israel today.

THE AMERICANS have lost faith in Israel as an ally. After he gave Israel every opportunity to win this war, even signaling clearly that Israel should feel free to go as far as Beirut if necessary, President Bush was convinced that Olmert simply didn't want to fight. The Americans were shocked by Israel's performance. They know that we can win when we set our mind to it and were flummoxed when presented with an Israeli leadership that refused to even try.

Today we have 30,000 soldiers in Lebanon with an unclear mission. Because of the failure of this government, Israel now needs to contend with an emboldened Hizbullah protected by Kofi Annan. Already on Sunday, Annan sent a letter to Olmert instructing him that once the cease-fire is put into effect, the IDF will be barred from taking action even if it comes under attack. As far as Annan is concerned, resolution 1701 says that if Israel is attacked, all it is allowed to do is call his secretary.

Given that both the Lebanese army and the countries which plan to send forces to Lebanon all say that they will not deploy to the south until after Hizbullah is dismantled, it is clear that the military mission is still to be accomplished.

In its helter-skelter offensive over the weekend, the IDF performed brilliantly as it tried to accomplish in 48 hours what it had been denied permission to accomplish for an entire month. Still now, in the diplomatic minefield this government set for it, the IDF remains the only military force capable of fighting and dismantling Hizbullah. But there can be no doubt that it will not be accomplished under this government.

There will be time to inquire into what has gone wrong in the IDF. There will be time to fire the generals that need to be fired. But we don't need a commission to determine what we need to do. Because of the Olmert government's failures, ever greater battles await us. As the dangers mount by the hour, we must replace this misbegotten government with one that can defend us

~ Is that an example where Ark would say: she is not even wrong?
Irini said:
Is that an example where Ark would say: she is not even wrong?
I would say so.

The fact is, the majority of Jews in Israel do NOT know how they got to be "Israelis" other than the propaganda their government has fed them. The same is true about Americans. They have no real knowledge about the formation of the U.S. and the covert activities of the U.S. over a very long period of time that contributed to their well-being at the expense of others.

Some people, when they discover these truths say "well, what can I do? It's not my fault." Well, obviously, after a couple hundred years in any country there isn't much that can be done to reverse injustice. We can't just give the U.S. back to the Native Americans, we can't just send all the African Americans back to Africa, or the English Americans to England, the Frence Americans to France, or the German Americans to Germany. Too much water has passed under the bridge.

But, that is NOT the case in Israel. There IS a possibility for a JUST solution. Modern European and American Jews do not belong in the Middle East. Period.

The land was stolen by an Evil doublecross on the part of England and given to the Zionists as part of another evil doublecross to use their influence to drag the U.S. into WW I. Everything that happened during WW II was designed to populate Israel with the most conscienceless and psychologically deviant Jews available. It was to this end that the Zionists collaborated with the Nazis. Careful culling and selection of those Jews that were to die vs those that would be sent to Israel was undertaken and there is documentary evidence that this is so.

My suggestion to right this terrible wrong is quite simple: All Jews in Israel should either return to their homeland of origin or the homeland of their parents or grand-parents, or - if otherwise qualified - to wherever else in the U.S. or Europe they might prefer to relocate, and simply give ALL of Palestine back to the Palestinians. Period.

The "foreign aid" that is used to bolster the Israeli economy could be channeled instead to helping them relocate, provide housing and moving expenses and temporary support until they get jobs. All the buildings and infrastructure of Israel should be passed intact to the Palestinians as a form of reparation with additional funds to help them get their economy going.

The whole world seems to be on the verge of a World War for a piece of real estate no bigger than New Jersey which is absurd in the extreme. If the Jews really want to hang out together exclusively, then give them New Jersey. They won't have to "defend" themselves from people who are REALLY defending their rights to live on the land that their ancestors have lived on for over a thousand years.
well put laura, well put.

Linking to the documentary evidence you mention would be helpful for me relaying your above post, and it would be enlightening for myself as i have no read anything about Zionists collaborating with nazi's other then brief mentions here and there.
Irini said:
When i saw this title in the Jerusalem Post today, i felt "Cool! People are waking up finally!" But then i read the article.... Obviously the woman has a different perspective. I am afraid her writing might be inspiring to some.
wow. this article is chilling, how it portrays the mindset of these people:

As the dangers mount by the hour, we must replace this misbegotten government with one that can defend us
what, by destroying the whole world? :O

Laura said:
The whole world seems to be on the verge of a World War for a piece of real estate no bigger than New Jersey which is absurd in the extreme. If the Jews really want to hang out together exclusively, then give them New Jersey.
...or New Orleans, maybe? ;) ... or somewhere nice and safe and tidily out of the way, like Easter Island.

51 Documents:
Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis


In 1983, Croom Helm Ltd. published my 1st book, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators. American writers don't expect favorable reviews from the London Times, but editorialist Edward Mortimer declared that "Brenner is able to cite numerous cases where Zionists collaborated with anti-Semitic regimes, including Hitler's."

Still less could a Trotskyist dream of a review from Izvestia, the Soviet government gazette, but they hailed it. "During the world war, Brenner points out, Zionism showed its real meaning: for the sake of its ambitions, it sacrificed the blood of millions of Jews."

Louis Rapoport, a failed Berkeley radical, denounced the book in the Jerusalem Post as "leftist babble." Nevertheless, he conceded, there were "very real charges that will continue to haunt" Zionism "until they are dealt with honestly."

In 1987, Jim Allen, the celebrated British movie/TV writer, based Perdition, a stage play, on the book. When intense pressure on the Royal Court Theatre canceled production, we debated Sir Martin Gilbert, the Churchill family's private historian, and Stephen Roth, head of the British Zionist Federation, nationwide, prime-time on ITV. The London Review of Books said the Zionist scheme "made it one of the most famous plays of the decade." Indeed, unless the Queen was sick on the crapper, every politically or theatrically interested person in Britain watched us win, thanks to director Ken Loach's strategic instructions.

Extraordinary world interest wasn't matched in America's media. Alex Cockburn championed the book in the Village Voice and in the Nation. But the Voice refused to review it. The Nation sent it out to someone, but, sorry, "he never sent in the review."

Walter Laqueur had to bark in the Zionist New Republic after their Perdition debacle: "Some of Brenner's book is invented, some is exaggerated or drawn out of context." Yet even he admits that "German Zionists did not fully understand the meaning of Hitler when he came to power in 1933. Some of their comments and declarations make embarrassing reading 50 years later."

Despite Zionism's best efforts, over 5,000 copies sold in 18 years before being put on the web: www.marxists.de/middleast/brenner/index.htm Then Lyle Stuart of Barricade Books discovered that a friend, a Zionist propagandist, had never read the complete proposal of the "Stern Gang," 1940s Zionist terrorists, to go to war on Hitler's side. 51 Documents was born. Now Americans and others can read the evidence and judge for themselves.

There are six selections re Zionism's relationship to anti-Semitism and racism prior to Hitler. The 51 documents, including 35 letters, memos, articles, and reports by Zionists, are from the Hitler era and after. Seven are by Nazis, most notably Eichmann's memoir, written in Argentina, on Hungarian collaborator RA<<zso Kasztner. Five of the six and 43 of the 51 are complete. The rest are extensive excerpts from important reports. There are four first-time full translations of articles from German, Hebrew, Italian and Russian.

Zionism convicts itself. On June 21, 1933, the German Zionist Federation sent a secret memorandum to the Nazis:

"Zionism has no illusions about the difficulty of the Jewish condition, which consists above all in an abnormal occupational pattern and in the fault of an intellectual and moral posture not rooted in one's own tradition. Zionism recognized decades ago that as a result of the assimilationist trend, symptoms of deterioration were bound to appear, which it seeks to overcome by carrying out its challenge to transform Jewish life completely.

"It is our opinion that an answer to the Jewish question truly satisfying to the national state can be brought about only with the collaboration of the Jewish movement that aims at a social, cultural and moral renewal of Jewry--indeed, that such a national renewal must first create the decisive social and spiritual premises for all solutions.

"Zionism believes that a rebirth of national life, such as is occurring in German life through adhesion to Christian and national values, must also take place in the Jewish national group. For the Jew, too, origin, religion, community of fate and group consciousness must be of decisive significance in the shaping of his life. This means that the egotistic individualism which arose in the liberal era must be overcome by public spiritedness and by willingness to accept responsibility."

By 1936, the Post ran a news flash, "German Zionists Seek Recognition":

"A bold demand that the German Zionist Federation be given recognition by the Government as the only instrument for the exclusive control of German Jewish life was made by the Executive of that body in a proclamation today. All German Jewish organizations, it was declared, should be dominated by the Zionist spirit."

Zionist factions competed for the honor of allying to Hitler. By 1940-41, the "Stern Gang," among them Yitzhak Shamir, later Prime Minister of Israel, presented the Nazis with the "Fundamental Features of the Proposal of the National Military Organization in Palestine (Irgun Zvai Leumi) Concerning the Solution of the Jewish Question in Europe and the Participation of the NMO in the War on the Side of Germany."

Avraham Stern and his followers announced that

"The NMO, which is well-acquainted with the goodwill of the German Reich government and its authorities towards Zionist activity inside Germany and towards Zionist emigration plans, is of the opinion that:

1. Common interests could exist between the establishment of a new order in Europe in conformity with the German concept, and the true national aspirations of the Jewish people as they are embodied by the NMO.

2. Cooperation between the new Germany and a renewed folkish-national Hebraium would be possible and,

3. The establishment of the historic Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis, bound by a treaty with the German Reich, would be in the interest of a maintained and strengthened future German position of power in the Near East.

Proceeding from these considerations, the NMO in Palestine, under the condition the above-mentioned national aspirations of the Israeli freedom movement are recognized on the side of the German Reich, offers to actively take part in the war on Germany's side."

They hanged people all over Europe after WW II for notes to the Nazis like these. But these treasons against the Jews were virtually unknown in the run up to the creation of the Zionist state in May 1948. Ninety percent of America's Jews suddenly became emotional pro-Zionists. With Democrats, Republicans and even the Communist-organized Progressive Party competing for Jewish votes in the November Presidential election, Harry Truman's monetary aid bought arms from pro-Soviet Czechoslovakia, and an Israel was born, run by the German Zionists' cothinkers in Jerusalem.

Jews and other Americans still know little of Zionism's sordid past. But today only programed fanatics can come away pro-Zionist after reading plain facts. Indeed, according to the American Jewish Identity Survey (2001), less than 22% of all Jews declare themselves Zionist.

Opposition to Zionism also grows among liberal educated gentiles, every time their declared enemy, Pat Robertson, howls in favor of Orthodox Israel.

For complex historical reasons, the Vietnam anti-war movement and anti-apartheid campaign emphasized demonstrations over sustained education. Even in victory, little was left behind in the way of attention to foreign affairs among the broad masses. Even after 9/11, the ultimate attention getter, US public knowledge about the Arab world, Islam, the oil industry, Zionism, and Washington's involvement with them, is minimal. But the present anti-Iraq war movement has no choice but to systematically educate itself and the public. The issues are too complex for anything less. Ignorance or illusions about any of the players, here or there, means certain death for X number of Arabs, Israelis, Kurds, Muslims and Americans.

51 Documents can play a major role in making serious study a priority concern for an anti-war movement that will stay solidly in place until the present bipartisan power structure is destroyed and replaced.

A check to me, for $22.00 + $1.84 media mail postage, gets a signed book back, anywhere in the US. Folks in other countries, and people wanting rates for bulk orders, should also write

Lenni Brenner
Park West
Finance Station
POB 20598
NY, NY 10025

Lenni Brenner can be reached at: BrennerL21@aol.com
Also see:


Edwin Black is the award-winning, New York Times and international bestselling investigative author of 50 bestselling editions in 13 languages in 60 countries, as well as scores of newspaper and magazine articles in the leading publications of the United States, Europe and Israel. His work focuses on genocide and hate, corporate criminality and corruption, governmental misconduct, academic fraud, philanthropy abuse, and historical investigation.

Editors have nominated Black eight times for the Pulitzer Prize, and in recent years he has been the recipient of a series of top editorial awards. For his work, Black has been interviewed on hundreds of network broadcasts from Oprah, the Today Show, CNN Wolf Blitzer Reports and NBC Dateline in the US to the leading networks of Europe and Latin American.

His works have been the subject of numerous documentaries, here and abroad. Black's speaking tours include hundreds of events in dozens of cities each year, appearing at prestigious venues from the Library of Congress in Washington to the Simon Wiesenthal Institute in Los Angeles in America, and in Europe from London's British War Museum and Amsterdam's Institute for War Documentation to Munich's Carl Orff Hall.

Black's six award-winning bestselling books are IBM and the Holocaust (Crown Publishing and others worldwide 2001), The Transfer Agreement (Macmillan 1984 and Carroll-Graff 2001), War Against the Weak (Four Walls Eight Windows and others worldwide September 2003), Banking on Baghdad (John Wiley & Sons and others worldwide 2004), Internal Combustion (St. Martins Press and others worldwide 2006) and a novel, Format C: (Dialog Press and others worldwide 1999).

His enterprise and investigative writings have appeared in scores of newspapers from the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune to the Sunday Times of London, Frankfurter Zeitung and the Jerusalem Post, as well as scores of magazines as diverse as Playboy, Sports Illustrated, Reform Judaism, Der Spiegel, L'Express, BusinessWeek and American Bar Association Journal. Black's articles are syndicated worldwide by Los Angeles Times Syndicate International, Los Angeles Times-Washington Post Syndicate, JTA and Feature Group News Service.

In 2005, Black won the World Affairs Council's award for the Best World Affairs Book for Banking on Baghdad, and the Dona Gracia Medal for Best Book of The Year. In 2004, he won the coveted Rockower First Prize Award for Investigative Journalism from the American Jewish Press Association for "Funding Hate," his acclaimed, syndicated investigation of the Ford Foundation's systematic funding of hate groups. In 2003, he received the top two editorial awards from the American Society of Journalists and Authors: Best Book of the Year for IBM and the Holocaust and Best Article of the Year for "IBM in Auschwitz" in the Village Voice. Also in 2003, Black received the International Human Rights Award from the World Affairs Council for War Against the Weak.

Editors have nominated Black for the Pulitzer Prize eight times, most recently for Banking on Baghdad, and twice for the National Book Award. In addition, Black received the Carl Sandburg Award for The Transfer Agreement as well as two Folio Awards and a Computer Press Association Award for excellence in magazine publishing.

The Transfer Agreement is Edwin Black's compelling, award-winning story of a negotiated arrangement in 1933 between Zionist organizations and the Nazis to transfer some 50,000 Jews, and $100 million of their assets, to Jewish Palestine in exchange for stopping the worldwide Jewish-led boycott threatening to topple the Hitler regime in its first year.
Black isn't as "black-listed" as Brenner because he plays ball with the ADL. But a sharp reader can "read between the lines."

Seems to me that the IBM system used by the Nazis to track the Jews was ideal for "selecting" who died and who got sent to Israel. But Black never actually approaches that issue in an obvious way...
Thanks Brent for asking the question and Laura for providing the info. I find myself sometimes talking to people and when i don't have complete knowledge on the matter, i end up loosing the argument, because if i don't know ALL about it, the person might be providing false arguments and i can't even see it, let alone counter them. I even might start thinking: what if they are right? It's very important to arm oneself with knowledge of how things really took/are currently taking place in order to not be deceived.
Irini said:
Thanks Brent for asking the question and Laura for providing the info. I find myself sometimes talking to people and when i don't have complete knowledge on the matter, i end up loosing the argument, because if i don't know ALL about it, the person might be providing false arguments and i can't even see it, let alone counter them. I even might start thinking: what if they are right? It's very important to arm oneself with knowledge of how things really took/are currently taking place in order to not be deceived.
I agree and the problem is acquiring and retaining all the knowledge.

I'm a fast learner, quick reader, and generally i have above average intelligence, still, with a 40 hour a week job and large social group, its difficult for me to assimiliate all this date. I have a shelf of books which needs to be read, psychopathy is my current "hot topic" and im trying to get through ponerology. Its a great read, but i keep getting distracted.

It's my own fault, but i find my current environment to be too full of "vectors" which can twist my behavior and push me in one way or another, anything but the direction i actually want or "should" go in.

Thanks for the links, ill be sure to investigate as time permits, and of course, redistribute the information to interested parties.
I don't think i agree with you sig, Brent... 'cause mine would've been dead by now, and i assure you it's NOT ;)

Boredom Kills The Predator.
Thanks Brent and Laura,
This is exactly the information I was looking for since a while. Much appreciated.
Irini said:
Thanks Brent for asking the question and Laura for providing the info. I find myself sometimes talking to people and when i don't have complete knowledge on the matter, i end up loosing the argument, because if i don't know ALL about it, the person might be providing false arguments and i can't even see it, let alone counter them. I even might start thinking: what if they are right? It's very important to arm oneself with knowledge of how things really took/are currently taking place in order to not be deceived.
Yes, it's important to actually know stuff well when having conversations like these. Many such facts as the above mentioned are like really strange puzzle pieces that can completely change the picture of what one already 'knows' like the back of their hand. But choosing how one decides to communicate what they know helps quite a bit too, I'm finding.

Am I going to go ballistic about their willing ignorance (as I have) or can I remain calm enough to pose questions, based on knowledge, that allows them to think further in a way that is forwarding. And then, the question I try to ask myself during an exchange is, do they really care (even if I think they damn well should)? Do I want them to Know more than they want to Know?? Because if the conversation is all about all the cool things I KNOW, it'll be worth squat.

Recently I conversed with a devout communist, something I already swore I wouldn't do again because to me American communists are just as narrow in their own way as American fundies. We had discussed Political Ponerology which he'd had a chance to leaf through, but objected to, because there on the cover of the book was a picture of Joseph Stalin with George Bush. They shouldn't be lumped together he objected, and Stalin when it came right down to it, was basically misunderstood, he suggested. [!!Sacred Cow Alert!!] Never mind that this communist had 20 million of his own people killed! I didn't call the guy's rationals ridiculous, but asked him if the ends justified the means in this case. His face scrunched up like he 'd been asked to think about something, which he actually seemed to appreciate, and we continued to converse.

By the end of the chat he said he'd have another look at the book, and check out SoTT, and look up Secret History, which was good enough for me. But what clued me in to the fact that I could talk to the guy more was that he seemed more curious than programmed. Yes, he had one sacred cow the size of an elephant, but he was also interested in things 'bigger'. I once had a chat with a lady, also a communist, and that also travelled in his circle and she said, about the reality of ET's, that she was so sure of their NOT exsiting/visiting, she'd be willing to bet her arm over it. That kind of certainty effectively ended the conversation.

Anyway, I digressed a little but I think it's a good thing to talk about how we discuss big things with people, in-person.
Elan said:
Anyway, I digressed a little but I think it's a good thing to talk about how we discuss big things with people, in-person.
I very much agree with that.

Even when people don't want to know more than what they want to know, i am still entitled to share my point of view (well, i live in Cyprus, it's still permitted ;) ) and sometimes they get interested and ask more questions (which reveals to me my ignorance points so i know what more to insert in my knowledge bag). Of course sometimes they don't even hear me, or think i am crazy, which is more often.

But even if they don't listen, don't want to, is against their sacred cows, etc., i find that there were times that i said something that was thought crazy, but after a while the person would come back and want to talk more about it, because he/she saw something him/herself that make him/her suspect that what i said was not just crazy talk. Hmmmm.... this brings me to another point...

Don Juan's phrase that the Warrior must be impeccable comes to mind. For those of us willing to know and spread the truth, i think is the same thing. We have to become impeccable. I can't go around doing crazy talk on things i don't know, i am not fully informed about, and expect people to believe. I will then serve the pathocrats agenda who try to make truth seem so crazy that no one will believe it.

Wow... what a responsibility...
Irini said:
Wow... what a responsibility...
I have the same problem. Friends, colleagues and family members that I interact with, usually dont' want to hear my POV. Yet I take the opportunity whenever it presents itself, to ask them questions which hopefully leads to more questions where I then get them to visit this website to find out for themselves. Sad to say that it hasn't always come out the way I expected. The usual response I get when I tell someone to check it out for themselves is, "oh..the article was too long" or "oh..I just don't have the time to go through it all". Quite often I just get a blank stare like I was crazy or something and there had been an occassion where the guy said "Ah huh, you must be into conspiracy theories"!! Or "I don't want to know".

An example was a colleague that recently had to go through heart surgery after which in order to keep piloting, he has to do what is called a "perfusion stress test" where the the cardio injects (what is termed "nuclear medicine") a radioactive concoction into the blood stream. After which the patient is made to lie down and have a Gamma X-Ray machine to ascertain the amount of flow of this radioactive chemical thru his arteries. Well, I mentioned to him after he told me this story, that I don't know about "nuclear medicine" but I know "nuclear waste" and went on to explain how there have been cases where airport X-ray machines have gone off 3 months after someone had this procedure done to them and it can't be all that good for the body. All I got from him was "Don't tell me anymore, I don't want to hear it"!!! I was appalled that he didn't want to find out more or if there were other alternatives.

Because I don't understand or have adequate knowledge on all the topics discussed here, it prevents me from giving a different POV since I wouldn't be able to answer which spurs me on to acquire more knowledge, but it is hard work and slow progress. On the other hand, as the C's so often said "Learning is fun" and I don't intend to quit learning anytime soon.
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