paralysed; informed that "they" were coming and almost here (nightmare)


The Force is Strong With This One
This is a dream I wanted to post right off the bat before I started to lose the ability to describe it accurately, considering it
's been a few weeks since I had it. Generally, for me, it's hard (well, impossible really) to truly get a sense of a dream someone else describes due to not knowing the person, and his/her life experiences or thoughts, that would give context, combined with the obvious usually other-worldly nature of dreaming. But I think this one here is pretty simple and direct and based on my interpretation of it after a few weeks thinking about it, should be a somewhat familiar concept to many...

Let me first say that the vast majority of my dreams are usually quite weird (like most peoples') and hard to describe, so this one kind of shocked me with the direct-ness (in terms of the simplicity and real-ness) of the experience. It started with a feeling of complete immobilization, and it was not a pleasant type of immobility by any stretch either. Before I even met the other entity of the dream I was already horrified by the situation, and I was struggling in a complete panic to break this strange type of paralysis (it was strange for two reasons: first, my struggling felt like an enormous mental and perhaps even emotional effort, not physical, because no matter how much effort I put into it I did not have a nanometer of control of movement over my body. The second reason is because it felt like something or someone had me suspended in some strange type of "thick" air or atmosphere of some kind. The "air" was also strangely tinted and hued).

Then the opposing entity appeared, directly across from me a few feet away, looking straight into my eyes. The best way I can describe it was it sorta had the shape of the alien from Independence Day (the creepy, vulnerable little guys, not the gross exoskeletons they wore around them) crossed with what I guess might be considered a gray... But the strangest feature of this guy was the fact that it wasn't clearly defined like you and I; instead, it was like halfway to being a shadow. It had features I could make out, especially the eyes, but it was very shadow-like and ethereal.

He said some things, well, actually I did not see a mouth moving but I did hear words in my head and I knew they were coming from him/her/it (probably an it, nothing I experienced suggested it even had a gender, except for perhaps the aggressiveness- male- this being demonstrated in "locking me up" the way it did). I don't remember all the things it told me but the important part of the lecture was at the end, when it kept repeating something along the lines of "we're coming, we're on our way, we're almost there" in a way that definitely seemed like a threat. But despite the level of implied violence, the being seemed very confident and self-assured, kinda like it wasn't experiencing any emotions other than a pure desire to control.

It was definitely weird, and I woke up terrified that they were, in fact, coming, and were, in fact, "almost" here. Even though I had no idea who "they" are or what they intended. It didn't seem too good though. He did seem to be delivering a message or representing a larger group, however.

I guess one thing I want to ask is, is it possible to actually be visited by "real" beings that reside elsewhere in the universe or in other densities/dimensions while asleep? As opposed to the more "awake" experience of abduction? I'm not pretending to be an authority on abduction experiences but I didn't think they are usually experienced in a nightmare like this, so I don't think it was an abduction per se in the traditional sense. But I can't say I can recall any other dream I've had where the other party(ies) in the dream were so well-defined in personality, purpose in existing in the dream, and seeming existence while at the same time having no basis in something I would have experienced while awake, like a close friend or family member (or dinosaur or something). And no, I haven't watched Independence Day in years and I definitely was not thinking about it before bed that night :P

Does anyone here have any perspective on what I can make of this?
I forgot to add that I have done prior research on the "shadow people" phenomenon, and some things do correlate here. When I finally awoke, I was on my back, with the window next to my bed open, and I was shivering (not the typical shivering of your torso, it was mostly my thighs spasming). But I am not sure how much the actual entity matches up to what I've read other people have experienced, being that it was only somewhat shadowy and wasn't much like what I've read other shadow people can look like. But who knows? How much of an experience like this is simply the product of a vivid imagination...?
Laura talks about this in the Wave series, which I'd highly recommend checking out if you have the chance. Here's a link:
Thanks for reminding me about that, I can vaguely recall reading something relating to this subject when I read the Wave series a few months ago.

I've been trying to search for it for a few days now, I'm having some trouble getting the search feature to find what the relevant transcript. I tried searching the .exe file too, I'm having some difficulty getting it to find what I want lol.

Can you remember if it was it about shadow people themselves (using that specific name)? Or was it something different...

Side note, I've done some research in the past few days on shadow people as well as various dream experiences. I am not sure if this qualifies as being categorized as a shadow person encounter. Maybe sleep paralysis is more likely but I have never experienced it before...hmm. Something like this is sure going to be difficult to nail down :)
Hi teeeg. The only thing I found in the online Wave that seems to relate to your question is this:

Chapter XXXVII
The Way of The Fool concl.
Food for the Moon and
The Burning House

[quote author=]
Were we to use a word which fits most appropriately this Sphere, then we should really call it a vacuum. Certainly, vacuum is a more appropriate term than sphere, for the Eighth Sphere sucks things into its own shadowy existence.
You Don't Say! You mean like "man is Food for the Moon?!

It acts as as sort of demonic conduit to suck into it s maws certain degenerate Spiritual forms on the Earth. It is a shadow Sphere, controlled by shadow beings.
Like maybe Drachomonoids and Grays? Here, again, we have the advantage of the Cassiopaean explanations of these "shadow beings." We can easily see how, without understanding of hyperdimensions and densities, those who were not directly inside the "secret schools" would have the idea that these beings are "shadowy" or even in some way simply "spirits." The same misunderstanding is prevalent today among those Alien/UFO interpreters who have decided that aliens are merely "spirits" or "demons" with no physical reality. This has led to such nonsense as believing that they can "possess" humans in an "interpenetrative spiritual way," like "climbing in or out" of a body and bringing on "shape shifting" in the human being.

However, the fact that they are shadow beings should not lead us to demote or underestimate their capabilities and intelligence. In many respects they are more intelligent than Man, for they are not limited by the power of love, as is Mankind.
Again either this man doesn't know how truly deep the mystery is, or he is afraid of scaring his pupils to death!

The operation of the Eighth Sphere is complex. Its denizens - those shadowy beings for whom it is home - wish to people their Sphere with humanity... Towards this end, it has erected what we might call terminals on the Earth: these terminals are soul-conduits, which will suck into the lower Sphere a certain form of materialized energy that is engendered on the Earth plane.
The teacher then goes on to say that the most usual place where this "vacuuming" of energy happens is among people engaging in spiritualist activities, particularly those having to do with communication with the lower etheric planes, i.e. talking to dead dudes.[/quote]

If interested, just click the link at the top of the quote to read the actual page. :)
Thanks for the information truth seeker and Bud :)

Bud, that must be it- Thanks for finding it for me!

I am wondering how much weight I should place on dreams/nightmares. I understand that many contain valuable lessons or hints of sorts, but is it all just a physiological phenomena that is entirely contained in my subconscious? Or is it possible that the entity I observed exists outside of my imagination? Is there any sort of consensus on dream experiences?

On a side note, some of the information in that link reminds me of when I used to live in a small, dark, studio apartment until recently for the past 2 years. Sometimes, especially when I was not concentrating on anything specific and just lounging on the couch, or trying to fall asleep, I would see shadows flit across my peripheral vision. And sometimes, even when my eyes were closed, I would see shadows of something passing over my field of vision at a high rate of speed. I would always experience a very uneasy feeling when this would happen, it made me extremely nervous, like someone was watching me and I had a sense that it wasn't friendly but I had no idea what their agenda was. I always just tried to brush it off as just something my eyes and brain were fabricating accidentally, a visual "trick" but I never really believed myself. I never got a good enough look to see any sort of firm shape, like a human, but instead "they" seemed to be mostly shapeless. It never ceases to amaze me at the extent to which humankind just has no idea as to what really exists all around us, whether we can scientifically measure it or not.

What do people here think these shadows are, based on your own experiences? It seems to be a fairly common occurrence if I'm not mistaken.
teeeg said:
I am wondering how much weight I should place on dreams/nightmares. I understand that many contain valuable lessons or hints of sorts, but is it all just a physiological phenomena that is entirely contained in my subconscious? Or is it possible that the entity I observed exists outside of my imagination? Is there any sort of consensus on dream experiences?

Perhaps you could just take them one at a time and if you feel like it, post all the details of a particular dream and ask for comments (like you've done). I've noticed that so many people have different experiences and interpretation abilities that someone could probably help with a particular one. Laura has recently identified "Dark Man" dreams for instance, so maybe others could help you too.

teeeg said:
On a side note, some of the information in that link reminds me of when I used to live in a small, dark, studio apartment until recently for the past 2 years. Sometimes, especially when I was not concentrating on anything specific and just lounging on the couch, or trying to fall asleep, I would see shadows flit across my peripheral vision. And sometimes, even when my eyes were closed, I would see shadows of something passing over my field of vision at a high rate of speed. I would always experience a very uneasy feeling when this would happen, it made me extremely nervous, like someone was watching me and I had a sense that it wasn't friendly but I had no idea what their agenda was. I always just tried to brush it off as just something my eyes and brain were fabricating accidentally, a visual "trick" but I never really believed myself. I never got a good enough look to see any sort of firm shape, like a human, but instead "they" seemed to be mostly shapeless. It never ceases to amaze me at the extent to which humankind just has no idea as to what really exists all around us, whether we can scientifically measure it or not.

What do people here think these shadows are, based on your own experiences? It seems to be a fairly common occurrence if I'm not mistaken.

I don't know if there is a consensus on exactly what they are in every case, but like you said, they seem to be fairly common. I notice them on infrequent occasions now, but more often when I was a pre-adolescent. Don't know if that is significant for me, or not.

If you haven't seen it yet, there is also a thread on Dream Work you could check out. :)
Bud said:
Perhaps you could just take them one at a time and if you feel like it, post all the details of a particular dream and ask for comments (like you've done). I've noticed that so many people have different experiences and interpretation abilities that someone could probably help with a particular one.

Thanks for the advice Bud. And I've noticed that too. One theory I have about dreams is that since they seem to be so highly individualized that perhaps it is meant only for the person experiencing them to figure out what it least in part. Some dreams seem to only have to do with insights/interpretations of personal experiences while dreams with common threads across a larger group of people might be trying to reveal something about our larger shared reality. It's difficult to tell where that line might end or begin though, if there even is a line, and especially with the extremely difficult-to-describe nature of dreams. But they sure make for fascinating experiences within (or not..?) our limited 3D view.

I don't know if there is a consensus on exactly what they are in every case, but like you said, they seem to be fairly common. I notice them on infrequent occasions now, but more often when I was a pre-adolescent. Don't know if that is significant for me, or not.

I am curious if there are any similarities in the environments you experienced them in as a pre-adolescent versus currently? Like lighting, or vibe, or "purpose" of the room/environment (i.e. an environment you relaxed in, or a room you studied in, etc) you experienced this in? In other words was your state of mind focused on a task or open and relaxed enough to experience "shadows" bleeding or entering into our reality? I ask this because I don't think I've ever seen these shadows in my parents' house, where I had lived for 18 years. Then I moved to a college dorm, and saw them very infrequently but only in my dimly-lit dorm room and only alone. Then after renting various rooms/houses/apartments I saw them occasionally but it seemed only if I was alone and in the right lighting. But when I lived in the studio I mentioned I experienced them so much it gave me significant anxiety and I started becoming consciously nervous about their presence and what it meant. This apartment happened to have a very "dark" and tense vibe to it, along with it feeling extremely isolated from everything outside of it even though it was part of a large complex of residences and was located in a very densely populated metropolitan area. I've had to move back with my parents for a few months to prepare for a new job and new residence and I haven't experienced them since. But that doesn't mean they aren't around...

If you haven't seen it yet, there is also a thread on Dream Work you could check out.

Unfortunately that link does not work for me...I think it might be off-limits?
teeeg said:
I don't know if there is a consensus on exactly what they are in every case, but like you said, they seem to be fairly common. I notice them on infrequent occasions now, but more often when I was a pre-adolescent. Don't know if that is significant for me, or not.

I am curious if there are any similarities in the environments you experienced them in as a pre-adolescent versus currently? Like lighting, or vibe, or "purpose" of the room/environment (i.e. an environment you relaxed in, or a room you studied in, etc) you experienced this in? In other words was your state of mind focused on a task or open and relaxed enough to experience "shadows" bleeding or entering into our reality? I ask this because I don't think I've ever seen these shadows in my parents' house, where I had lived for 18 years. Then I moved to a college dorm, and saw them very infrequently but only in my dimly-lit dorm room and only alone. Then after renting various rooms/houses/apartments I saw them occasionally but it seemed only if I was alone and in the right lighting. But when I lived in the studio I mentioned I experienced them so much it gave me significant anxiety and I started becoming consciously nervous about their presence and what it meant. This apartment happened to have a very "dark" and tense vibe to it, along with it feeling extremely isolated from everything outside of it even though it was part of a large complex of residences and was located in a very densely populated metropolitan area. I've had to move back with my parents for a few months to prepare for a new job and new residence and I haven't experienced them since. But that doesn't mean they aren't around...

As best I can recall, the younger I was, the more 'nervous' and 'fearful' I was. I was in a state of hyper alertness for some reason that, in retrospect, I feel is more related to being 'watched' at night which led to a fear of getting out of bed when I was 'supposed' to be asleep. Early evenings and nighttimes seemed to be the main times I saw fleeting shadows out of the corner of my eyes.

teeeg said:
If you haven't seen it yet, there is also a thread on Dream Work you could check out.

Unfortunately that link does not work for me...I think it might be off-limits?

My apologies, I didn't notice your number of posts at the time. As I understand it, the limits were recently increased due to reports of a possible predator on the board.

Here's some highlights:

Myrddin Awyr said:
Here's the following of the basic steps to "remember" dreams that may be helpful to this work:


Hildegarda said:
Right after writing the above, I go to my e-mail and see a Slate article on -- dream recall and dream-based problem-solving. I'll add it to the thread:


Psyche said:
I stumbled upon this, FWIW:

Problem Solving In A Dream


Laura said:
I would say that the main thing about dream work is not to get all worked up about systems, clocks, etc etc. but simply this from Psyche's post:

Work on the problem a lot. A period of intense mental work on a problem before sleep, "instructs" the subconscious mind that this is important, and it will continue to work on the problem during sleep.
Bud said:
... As I understand it, the limits were recently increased due to reports of a possible predator on the board.

I missed this information. Can you refer me to the thread were this is discussed?

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