The Living Force
I just woke up having had a dream which ended with a bit of narration, where a group existing in this dream was mentioned. What was said, though I initially misheard but the words were still echoing in my mind allowing me to pick it up some seconds later, was that this people has to suffer for their beliefs. Immediately after that was said I was suddenly hit by a massive, continuous force. I "woke up" but was still not really awake. At first completely paralyzed, I was eventually able to turn my head a bit, but not enough to see who/what it was located a bit away besides me directing this force against me. I remembered and began to recite the POTS to myself. As a I struggled on and had begun doing this, it suddenly ceased, and then I woke up for real.
Standard sleep paralysis or something more?
Standard sleep paralysis or something more?