Password Not Allowed....


FOTCM Member
hey guys , i wasn't sure where to post this , if i posted it on the wrong place i apologize , now , a couple of days at work something happened to me and it was the second time that it happened, in my job which will become obvious you are given a password when you're hired and every three months or so , you're asked to change it (the computer in which you long on will ask you to do so , otherwise you're not gonna be able to sign on) , so not too long ago i was asked to change it , and i tried to set it to "cassiopaea" , and instead of telling me that the password was wrong or something , or that it didn't match or that it was too similar to the old one , which are common security measures taken by programers , it prompted me that the password was not allowed...(?!?) , so i left it at that and got another one , it was curious but i kept on my mind that i might've entered the password wrong ,or wrote it wrong or something or on the verification i entered an extra letter or something like that...(human error) any way ,another while went by and i was asked again by the computer to change my password and it did the same thing , this password is not allowed , and now it got weird , i tried to set it a couple of times with not positive outcome meaning that i wasn't able to set it to "cassiopaea" ,so i gave up , and decided to enter a number at the end of the word just to make it go through and it seemed to be going through but the computer crashed , i took some pictures, take a look. ,
[pictures removed ]

so , it was weird , i still cant set that password and it is just odd , so if you guys have any opinions i would truly appreciate
Are you sure the password suited the password policy? At my old job, there was a password policy enforced on the network so you couldn't use only letters, or re-use the last 3 passwords etc. Or was the policy changed without you knowing about it, so that a password that might have worked previously, no longer would?

BTW: You might not want to post photos that can identify your place of work, or have details like your username visible, considering that this site has been targeted by hackers recently.
I think you're rigth I'm not aware of a password policy but I'll research it is a good idea , thanks a lot
May I ask a question of my own?

Who decides what titles to use for the posters; e.g. 'Jedi', 'Padawan Learner' etc?

What criteria are used to make these decisions?

Much obliged.
bedower said:
Who decides what titles to use for the posters; e.g. 'Jedi', 'Padawan Learner' etc?
The titles were decided a long time ago by a forum admin far, far away.

bedower said:
What criteria are used to make these decisions?
The title changes automatically based on your post count and it's just for fun :)
Thank you for that.

Does that mean if I bombard the SOTT forum with posts I'll end up a Jedi?

Or not?
bedower said:
Thank you for that.

Does that mean if I bombard the SOTT forum with posts I'll end up a Jedi?

Or not?
Not sure what you mean by 'bombard' - if you post a bunch of noise just to up your post number, then you'll have your posting privileges removed. If, on the other hand, you stick around and add to the discussion, then your post number will naturally move up and, yep.
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