hey guys , i wasn't sure where to post this , if i posted it on the wrong place i apologize , now , a couple of days at work something happened to me and it was the second time that it happened, in my job which will become obvious you are given a password when you're hired and every three months or so , you're asked to change it (the computer in which you long on will ask you to do so , otherwise you're not gonna be able to sign on) , so not too long ago i was asked to change it , and i tried to set it to "cassiopaea" , and instead of telling me that the password was wrong or something , or that it didn't match or that it was too similar to the old one , which are common security measures taken by programers , it prompted me that the password was not allowed...(?!?) , so i left it at that and got another one , it was curious but i kept on my mind that i might've entered the password wrong ,or wrote it wrong or something or on the verification i entered an extra letter or something like that...(human error) any way ,another while went by and i was asked again by the computer to change my password and it did the same thing , this password is not allowed , and now it got weird , i tried to set it a couple of times with not positive outcome meaning that i wasn't able to set it to "cassiopaea" ,so i gave up , and decided to enter a number at the end of the word just to make it go through and it seemed to be going through but the computer crashed , i took some pictures, take a look. ,
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so , it was weird , i still cant set that password and it is just odd , so if you guys have any opinions i would truly appreciate
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so , it was weird , i still cant set that password and it is just odd , so if you guys have any opinions i would truly appreciate