Past 2 Dreams After Prayer Of the Soul...


The Force is Strong With This One
Hey all I'm open to hearing any thoughts about what you may think these dreams are pointing 2, if anything indeed :)

I have been doing the EE for a long time. I was doing the Round Breathing as well everyday for months. No probs. But I stopped doing it for awhile, and fell asleep before doing the prayer of the soul, though I had been doing it for months. I would always have unusual dreams after it. Anyways, I did the Round breathing, for the past 2 days. As well as the prayer of the soul. I have read the normal cook book dream interp of what it may be... but curious what others may say.

After starting it here are the 2 dreams I had:

1. I was in my childhood home, and there was a large black bull running around. I don't really remember anyone else being there but myself. It would charge, then stop. I felt scared for a moment, then at ease, then scared. As scenes flickered of matador fights or people running from the bulls in Spain. In the dream I also kept thinking about it's horn piercing my solar plexus. Then fear, then ease as if it was a good bull. It would charge, and run around and the charge me, then stop right in front of me. ( also something I thought was interesting was as I was walking to the store later in that day ( in real life haha), a bumper sticker on the back of a car, had this cartoon Bull on it, I thought to myself hmm interesting.)

2. The second dream... I was in the middle of backwoods in what seemed to be a junk yard connected to a house. I was back there and I noticed a pool of blood. A large pull of blood, completely covering the ground, completely covering the ground, winding like a yellow brick road of blood and leading to a door connecting to the back of this shed, I cautiously approached it and I saw this person, who had the body of a man, but his hands were pig hoofs, and I believe he was slaughtering I believe a pig, or a person. He noticed me and I ran. I was freaked out. Now I don't know how, or when, next thing I know I'm on top of a roof overlooking the whole junkyard, I'm above the trees and I look down and see the height, and wonder to self how am I going to get out of this. I turn around - I notice a small room up on top, that is fenced and I can see in, I see all these children, maybe 12, 13 maybe a bit older. All their heads are shaved, dirty faces and bodies. Closer look- they seem to be half human half pig. They tell me to leave before they turn into pigs, and before I get turned into one. Then I wake.

Penny for your thoughts?
Davy27 said:
Hey all I'm open to hearing any thoughts about what you may think these dreams are pointing 2, if anything indeed :)

I have been doing the EE for a long time. I was doing the Round Breathing as well everyday for months. No probs. But I stopped doing it for awhile, and fell asleep before doing the prayer of the soul, though I had been doing it for months. I would always have unusual dreams after it. Anyways, I did the Round breathing, for the past 2 days. As well as the prayer of the soul. I have read the normal cook book dream interp of what it may be... but curious what others may say.

Yeah, doing EE before bedtime can bring up emotions from hidden realms, so to speak. So, here's my thoughts on your dreams.

Davy27 said:
1. I was in my childhood home, and there was a large black bull running around. I don't really remember anyone else being there but myself. It would charge, then stop. I felt scared for a moment, then at ease, then scared. As scenes flickered of matador fights or people running from the bulls in Spain. In the dream I also kept thinking about it's horn piercing my solar plexus. Then fear, then ease as if it was a good bull. It would charge, and run around and the charge me, then stop right in front of me. ( also something I thought was interesting was as I was walking to the store later in that day ( in real life haha), a bumper sticker on the back of a car, had this cartoon Bull on it, I thought to myself hmm interesting.)

The general idea on the "bull" is stubbornness. And, in regards to your constant "thinking" in this dream, the solar plexus has to do with emotions, so a bull's horn piercing your solar plexus could represent an emotional conflict and it is "stubborn."

Davy27 said:
2. The second dream... I was in the middle of backwoods in what seemed to be a junk yard connected to a house. I was back there and I noticed a pool of blood. A large pull of blood, completely covering the ground, completely covering the ground, winding like a yellow brick road of blood and leading to a door connecting to the back of this shed, I cautiously approached it and I saw this person, who had the body of a man, but his hands were pig hoofs, and I believe he was slaughtering I believe a pig, or a person. He noticed me and I ran. I was freaked out. Now I don't know how, or when, next thing I know I'm on top of a roof overlooking the whole junkyard, I'm above the trees and I look down and see the height, and wonder to self how am I going to get out of this. I turn around - I notice a small room up on top, that is fenced and I can see in, I see all these children, maybe 12, 13 maybe a bit older. All their heads are shaved, dirty faces and bodies. Closer look- they seem to be half human half pig. They tell me to leave before they turn into pigs, and before I get turned into one. Then I wake.

Hmm...the first impression relates to the imagery of "junkyards" that could be a place where you thrown/repressed all of your past emotions and that semi-pig-man figure could be a representation of all the repressed emotions, which are the ingredients for a "food." Kinda like an idea that "if you don't clean your junks, you will be turned into a pig and be eaten."

Hey thanks so much. I thought I posted a thank you for the response. :rolleyes:

So thanks. It was interesting after I posted this I was reading an article from the main site, I forgot which one, and it was mentioning pigs, and hooves, and Abraham, something about the ego, it was all quotes from the bible as well as Laura's writings. Bur argh I just searched and not sure which article it was anyway it was interesting in reference to the pig, and how after I posted, I just read that and got sort of like a light bulb moment.
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