Pat Robertson: God told me of 'mass killing' in 2007


FOTCM Member
Ladies and gentlemen! Behold a member of Christian Zionism, the most hip religion right now among the neocons and the white house, whose aim is to revive the God of the Old Testament so that he brings the end to this world, as he so promised all those years ago! And damn it he is late! but - relax! - he is here again and has direct line with not only Bush, but also Robertson!

cnn said:
POSTED: 9:51 p.m. EST, January 2, 2007

VIRGINIA BEACH, Virginia (AP) -- Evangelical broadcaster Pat Robertson said Tuesday that God has told him that a terrorist attack on the United States would cause a "mass killing" late in 2007.

"I'm not necessarily saying it's going to be nuclear," he said during his news-and-talk television show "The 700 Club" on the Christian Broadcasting Network.

"The Lord didn't say nuclear. But I do believe it will be something like that."

Robertson said God told him about the impending tragedy during a recent prayer retreat.

God also said, he claims, that major cities and possibly millions of people will be affected by the attack, which should take place sometime after September.

Robertson suggested in January 2006 that God punished then-Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon with a stroke for ceding Israeli-controlled land to the Palestinians.

The broadcaster predicted in January 2004 that President Bush would easily win re-election.

Bush won 51 percent of the vote that fall, beating Democratic Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts.

In 2005, Robertson predicted that Bush would have victory after victory in his second term. He said Social Security reform proposals would be approved and Bush would nominate conservative judges to federal courts.

Lawmakers confirmed Bush's 2005 nominations of John Roberts and Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. But the president's Social Security initiative was stalled.

"I have a relatively good track record," he said. "Sometimes I miss." [i: don't worry pops, it's not you, it's God's mistake]

In May, Robertson said God told him that storms and possibly a tsunami were to crash into America's coastline in 2006.

Even though the U.S. was not hit with a tsunami, Robertson on Tuesday cited last spring's heavy rains and flooding in New England as partly fulfilling the prediction.
Being nursed with neocon propaganda for all these years, i wonder whether most of the US people will laugh (as i did) with this one, or whether they will do the equation ("terrorrist attack" + "nuclear") x "God said" = Evil Iran. Definetely the ground is being prepared for something.
Perhaps Pat has been searching the internet and discovered all of the other predictions related to earth changes in 2007 and the very real possibility of a major earthquake in the Pacific Northwest and its resulting tsunami. Surely this would be something of "biblical" proportions...

<sarcasm> Since pat is a direct representative of god himself and he is predicting a terrorist attack next year, if that "attack" comes in the guise of a major natural disaster it puts pat in the uncomfortable position of finding out that it is god himself that is the terrorist in this case.

Or maybe it will just be god's punishment of the left coast for being rampantly homosexual... </sarcasm>

Makes me wonder which "god" Pat is praying to...
Irini said:
rs wrote:
Makes me wonder which "god" Pat is praying to...

(whispering): the one with the tail...?
:lol: Exactly what I was thinking Irini. And since Pat is hearing voices, it just might be the lizzies. Or, as rs suggests, while Pat was on retreat he was surfing the web and seeing what others were predicting.

And, it's sad, but I think that there are a lot of sheeple that take his hotline to god to be the truth. You know, if I told someone that I was talking to god, I'd be in a looney bin. But, I guess that these evangelists are all so special that it's quite ordinary for them to hear god. However, any god speaking to them, as Irini said, are most likely the tailed variety. How interesting it will be when they finally understand who's who. OSIT.
CNN seemed to emphasize that Pat has never been right about his predictions before. Don't know if they were telling the whole truth, but he's certainly been wrong a lot.
of course if something of the nature of a "mass killing" does occur in 2007, Roberston and the christian-zionist god squad can hope for many more converts. Was Robertson deliberately passed a little inside info perhaps?

Adpop said:
CNN seemed to emphasize that Pat has never been right about his predictions before. Don't know if they were telling the whole truth, but he's certainly been wrong a lot.
Joe said:
of course if something of the nature of a "mass killing" does occur in 2007, Roberston and the christian-zionist god squad can hope for many more converts. Was Robertson deliberately passed a little inside info perhaps?
Hmmm, you might even say that putting these two together does conjure up a nice little setup for the conversion ticket - CNN establishes the 'he's never right' - as they publicize the 'prophecy' and, then, when it happens, those so inclined turn toward Pat and his ilk for more 'truth' - ick.

Of course, that scenario would depend on both organized religion and the main stream media to be 'in on the same game' - why, that's just crazy talk!!

Maybe Robertson knows something we don't. His hints at nuclear but claims he's not sure. I was reminded of his prediction when I saw this headline. I don't know if stolen social security numbers are relevant for a possible nuclear strike that Robertson is not predicting. Did some Arabs named Atta and a few others lose passports or doocuments equivalent to SS previous to 911? The other breaches including the files on the computer in a worker's house is not a good sign

Nuclear Agency Head Dismissed for Lapses.

WASHINGTON - Energy Secretary
Samuel Bodman on Thursday dismissed the chief of the country's nuclear weapons program because of security breakdowns at the Los Alamos, N.M., laboratory and other facilities.

Linton Brooks said he would leave in two weeks to three weeks as head of the National Nuclear Security Administration, a post he held since May 2003.

Bodman said the nuclear agency under Brooks, a former ambassador and arms control negotiator, had not adequately fixed security problems. "I have decided it is time for new leadership at the NNSA," Bodman said.

Brooks told agency workers in a statement, "This is not a decision that I would have preferred ... (but) I accept the decision and you need to do likewise."

He characterized the demand for his resignation as "based on the principle of accountability that should govern all public service."

Brooks was reprimanded in June for failing to report to Bodman a security breach of computers at an agency facility in Albuquerque, N.M., that resulted in the theft of files containing
Social Security numbers and other personal data for 1,500 workers.

The theft did not become generally known, nor was Bodman made aware of it, for eight months.

Last fall, security at Los Alamos came into question anew. During a drug raid, authorities found classified nuclear-related documents at the home of a woman with top secret clearance who worked at the lab.

That security breach was especially troubling, the department's internal watchdog said, because tens of millions of dollars had been spent to upgrade computer security at Los Alamos. The lab is part of the nuclear weapons complex that Brooks' agency oversees.

"These management and security issues can have serious implications for the security of the United States," Bodman in a statement announcing Brooks' departure.

While the agency's management "has done its best to address these concerns, I do not believe that progress in correcting these issues has been adequate," Bodman said.

"Therefore, and after careful consideration, I have decided that it is time for new leadership at the NNSA," said Bodman

Bodman said an acting head of the agency will be named soon.

Brooks has more than 40 years of experience in national security and nuclear nonproliferation issues. He led the negotiating team that worked on the START arms reduction treaty signed with Russia in 1991.

Widely respected for his knowledge of nuclear weapons and nonproliferation issues, Brooks nevertheless has been a target of some members of Congress.

When it was learned that Brooks did not inform his superiors for eight months about the computer theft of data on 1,500 employees, Rep. Joe Barton (news, bio, voting record) last year sought Brooks' immediate dismissal.

"His departure is long overdue," Barton, R-Texas, said Thursday.

With Democrats now in charge of the House and Senate, there has been talk of hearings into the administration's response to security breaches at the labs.

"It will take more than a new boss to fix the problems, which are far more systemic and pervasive in nature," said Rep. Edward Markey (news, bio, voting record), D-Mass., a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which is considering hearings.

Some lawmakers have criticized Brooks' pursuit of a bunker-buster bomb, a project promoted by Brooks but abandoned last year because of congressional opposition. Others have questioned whether Brooks' agency made a clear enough argument on behalf of the weapon.

At the same time, Brooks' agency has come under criticism for not making enough progress in working out an agreement with Russia for the disposal of tons of weapons-grade plutonium.

Sen. Pete Domenici (news, bio, voting record), R-N.M., said he has been concerned "about the effectiveness" of the agency for some time and that Bodman now "has sent a clear message" that operations need to be improved.

In his message to employees, Brooks bemoaned the lack of progress in solving security problems at Los Alamos, saying the agency was formed "to prevent such management problems from occurring.

"We have not yet done so in over five years," he said.

The agency is responsible for managing the nuclear weapons complex that includes the Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore nuclear weapons research labs. The agency has more than 37,000 employees, most of them contractor personnel.

Congress created the agency within the Energy Department in response to the uproar over the
Wen Ho Lee security lapses at Los Alamos in the late 1990s. The belief was that security would improve by putting all nuclear weapons programs under a semiautonomous agency.

But since then, there have been repeated security problems — most of them at Los Alamos — from misplaced and lost computer disks containing classified information to alleged misuse of credit cards, and last October's discovery of classified documents in a drug raid.
Pardon me as I stumble over a concept that came to me while I was thinking about this (most of the day, heh takes me that long to have one :) )

Bush is now replacing some generals I just came across so here is a concept that I came up with.

We(the US)'re going to take the position of backing off after a couple months of an uneeded beef up game. With the US backing away some plot moving forward in some months things will seem like they are going to move to a relaxed position overall and as (in my perception) this scoundrel implied - something happens in the states(false flag). This then escalates of course to (us britain israel) us pursuing Iran.

I can imagine this playing out to be a good scenario in the mindset of the barbarians in my (our for some) nations capital. This could also be advantageous in the minds, obviously, of some Israeli (spelled:zionist) upper governmental management. The possibilities are mind boggling except I don't think it will play well at all in London. Is it possible those people can take back their country as they see the bloodshed that coule possibly ensue? I doubt the states could, it's like 199m 700k vs. 300k not good enough odds for American couch potato's who are professional shoppers (for themselves).

I'm curious if what could possibly follow would be a scenario where the US in it's possible folley and greed and lust and on and on.. being bankrupt entirely wouldn't just go for broke, cause once bankrupt the only export it/we have is blackpowder.. in terms of the mindsets of these pschopaths.

If I'm preeching to the choir I apologize. Just things coming together as I'm trying to really bare down and focus on this subject some. This is something I wrote in an about the situation on the ground (middle east). Of course I'm only wording together something that others have written or implied or I've found revealed indirectly through the works of others.

- Look at the Geographic’s of the situation. On the far left you have Israel , killing Palestinians while butchering Lebanon over summer 06. To the right you have Syria , slightly more right you have, ooh you know.. IRAQ 655,000 dead civilians, 3,005 Dead Americans.. If we move the globe further clockwise the land rotates further to the right and your smack dab in Iran , which the US and Israel have been salivating over.. poor Britain , didn't you know it would go like this? If you glance further right and up slightly you'll notice Afghanistan. -

I never thought I'd say this but -thanks Pat. I wonder if that's 'inside' information (Edit: seems I quoted Joe there). Obviously the future is open. This unless my wires are crossed somewhere, which I'm sure if they are will be apparent to someone, was not my usual emotional response to looking into the future, just some thoughts :) I think I thought I had.

nktulloch wrote: His hints at nuclear but claims he's not sure. -

Maybe it hasn't been decided?
noise said:
have Israel , killing Palestinians while butchering Lebanon over summer 06. To the right you have Syria , slightly more right you have, ooh you know.. IRAQ 655,000 dead civilians, 3,005 Dead Americans.. If we move the globe further clockwise the land rotates further to the right and your smack dab in Iran , which the US and Israel have been salivating over.. poor Britain , didn't you know it would go like this? If you glance further right and up slightly you'll notice Afghanistan. -
Maybe that's how they'll chose to do the 'set up', via Afghanistan? I'm not sure how they'd do it, just that they have to watch how they do anything at the moment, with all the attention being generated by the Litvinenko case.

Perhaps I'm just biased, but it does seem that people are becoming a little more cynical and questioning things more now. I'm not sure if others have observed the same thing in people, or if it is just a side effect of this forum. :)

noise said:
Bush is now replacing some generals I just came across … wh/us_iraq
Good example of that negative evolution that Laura was talking about?
Ruth said:
Good example of that negative evolution that Laura was talking about?
It's actually called Negative Selection: the process where psychopaths in power replace normal people in their group/government with others like themselves, people with psychological anomalies. And since they lack skills or intelligence, the outcome is soon ..............bioooooooooong Bang! Well, disastrous.

I still can't believe THAT man has such power.....
Noise said:
Look at the Geographic’s of the situation. On the far left you have Israel , killing Palestinians while butchering Lebanon over summer 06. To the right you have Syria , slightly more right you have, ooh you know.. IRAQ 655,000 dead civilians, 3,005 Dead Americans.. If we move the globe further clockwise the land rotates further to the right and your smack dab in Iran , which the US and Israel have been salivating over.. poor Britain , didn't you know it would go like this? If you glance further right and up slightly you'll notice Afghanistan
and here you have suddenly found in Syria wmd. Thanks, Keit!
Looks like “co-timing of taming
Oh well GREAT. This just keeps getting better and better. If Pat was given inside info, and he's been wrong so much before, then all the believers will see that god was really talking to him. And, if something does happen it will make it look like the republicans can protect the country better because since 9/11, nothing else has happened ('cause the republicans were on top of it) and it will show everyone how incompetant the democrats are in protecting the country.

If you go here, you can see that you have a big problem with certain countries coming to the conclusion that if Israel can have nuclear weapons to DEFEND themselves with, they should be doing the same. And in a roundabout way I can understand where they are coming from. BUT I can just see all of them pressing the button at the same time and then we are all are going to be hurtin' for certain in a real bad way. And don't get me wrong, I do not advocate nuclear weapons. It's all of this "we will keep the peace by force" issue going full circle and coming back to bite itself in the behind. OSIT.

Then you have ole goofy-in-the-head Bush wanting to dominate the whole show to show everybody that he is "The Man" and he doesn't care if he's the only one who thinks so. He's not listening to anybody it seems.


It ought to be a wonderful year.
I found the video footage of Pat telling the story of hearing the voice of many thunders (somehow without his head exploding) and telling the tale. I've uploaded it to google video to make it easier for those who don't have WMP.. here's the video link:
noise said:
I found the video footage of Pat telling the story of hearing the voice of many thunders (somehow without his head exploding)
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