Patent for storage of antimatter


Padawan Learner
Paying a visit to the US Patent website reveals advanced technology does exist and is being withheld from the public. I don't think anyone can get a patent for an idea. I believe it must be proven workable before a patent will be issued, yes? Take a look for yourself at the following link.

I haven't been able to locate any patents for antigravity yet. Perhaps I'm not searching for the correct terms. I'll keep digging.

Peace all.
Michael said:
I don't think anyone can get a patent for an idea. I believe it must be proven workable before a patent will be issued, yes?
Nope! You can patent anything that is "useful and non-obvious" where the definition of these two terms is very loose. There are lots of issued patents on "free energy" devices, all of which are simply bogus and can be shown to be bogus by "casual inspection". The US patent office has issued a patent on using a laser pointer as a cat exercise device.
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