Patrizio Paoletti

Divide by Zero

The Living Force

I have been contacted by a "fellow Gurdjeff follower" on facebook in the NYC area. He was happy to tell me about "master" Patrizio Paoletti, who started some kind of "system". From what I have read on his site ( _ ), and from what this guy has been saying, it seems like he is another new age teacher, with using G as a stamp of legitimacy. His website's testimonials even includes key Israeli business leaders, hmmm. He looks like an esoteric version of Anthony Robbins lol.

So, I would like to ask does anyone know about this "master"?
Hi Robnitro,

From the website, I don't even see the connection between that guy and Gurdjieff. Where is Gurdjieff mentioned in this website? It just seems like your regular, boring business seminars ('how to be a leader', 'Development and Communication' or vaguely new agey 'Make Your life Extraordinary', 'Create Your Destiny').

I don't see any reference to any 'system' he supposedly invented. Seems to me like he is using a very old system, the system of swindling people by teaching them B*S*.

More importantly, why would that 'fellow Gurdjieff follower' would tell you about that Paoletti? My first guess would be to find another recruit?

I may be paranoid, but I'm always highly suspicious about people contacting me out of the blue to 'point me in the right direction'.

Yep, that is my problem with it. The "master" doesn't even mention Gurdjieff in honor of his "great abilities". I just realized now that I should have posted this to the COINTELPRO part of the forum!
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