Paul Craig Roberts on Ponerology

Approaching Infinity

FOTCM Member
Red Pill Press regularly sends review copies of Political Ponerology to writers we feel will show an appreciation of the concepts, or who we feel could benefit from a new perspective. Earlier this year we sent a copy to Paul Craig Roberts. I recently followed up on our original correspondence to see if Roberts had received his copy. This was his response:

Paul Craig Roberts said:
From: [...]
Subject: Re: Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil
Date: July 13, 2007 6:59:08 PM GMT-06:00
To: [...]

yes, I did. I think it is a subject for specialists
and not one the
general public or editors can follow.

--- Harrison Koehli <...> wrote:

Hi Mr. Roberts,

Did you receive your copy of Ponerology?

Kind regards,

Harrison Koehli
Red Pill Press
Seems odd, i mean, in order to elaborate the principles of ponerology everyone in a given community has to be aware of it and able to understand it... to leave it to specialists renders it useless.

This seems to be the current situation and look what's happened, the specialists haven't said a peep as a group. You've only had a handful of psychologists step up to the plate and point out that the situation is dangerous, and even then they do so with threat of loosing their license to practice medicine.

My next question to him would be, did you read the book?
hkoehli said:
Red Pill Press regularly sends review copies of Political Ponerology to writers we feel will show an appreciation of the concepts, or who we feel could benefit from a new perspective. Earlier this year we sent a copy to Paul Craig Roberts. I recently followed up on our original correspondence to see if Roberts had received his copy. This was his response:

Paul Craig Roberts said:
From: [...]
Subject: Re: Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil
Date: July 13, 2007 6:59:08 PM GMT-06:00
To: [...]

yes, I did. I think it is a subject for specialists
and not one the
general public or editors can follow.

--- Harrison Koehli <...> wrote:

Hi Mr. Roberts,

Did you receive your copy of Ponerology?

Kind regards,

Harrison Koehli
Red Pill Press
From his reply, I gather that he didn't read the book.
I would ask him if he read the book.
It's possible that he is not seeing the big picture and needs it spelled out. (I know I have been there many times)
Maybe a link to one of the recent videos on the subject?
Sounds to me like the guy either needs "Ponerology for Dummies" or is part of the problem.

Keep in mind Roberts came out of government. His 'this topic is for experts' reeks of the arrogance of someone who really thinks the little people won't understand. It also suggests to me that Roberts' real interest in taking on the cape of the crusader is to go out and deflect any discussion so that it can be "handled" and used to just replace one of the entrenched groups with another.

And the whole "the pleebs won't understand" sounds like the schizoidal declaration in a new garb:

Lobaczewski said:
Carriers of this anomaly [schizoidia] are hypersensitive and distrustful, while, at the same time, pay little attention to the feelings of others. They tend to assume extreme positions, and are eager to retaliate for minor offenses. Sometimes they are eccentric and odd. Their poor sense of psychological situation and reality leads them to superimpose erroneous, pejorative interpretations upon other people’s intentions. They easily become involved in activities which are ostensibly moral, but which actually inflict damage upon themselves and others. Their impoverished psychological worldview makes them typically pessimistic regarding human nature. We frequently find expressions of their characteristic attitudes in their statements and writings: “Human nature is so bad that order in human society can only be maintained by a strong power created by highly qualified individuals in the name of some higher idea." Let us call this typical expression the “schizoid declaration" .

Human nature does in fact tend to be naughty, especially when the schizoids embitter other people’s lives. When they become wrapped up in situations of serious stress, however, the schizoid’s failings cause them to collapse easily. The capacity for thought is thereupon characteristically stifled, and frequently the schizoids fall into reactive psychotic states so similar in appearance to schizophrenia that they lead to misdiagnoses.


In spite of their typical deficits, or even an openly schizoidal declaration, their readers do not realize what the authors’ characters are really like. Ignorant of the true condition of the author, such uninformed readers thed to interpret such works in a manner corresponding to their own nature. The minds of normal people tend toward corrective interpretation due to the participation of their own richer, psychological world view. At the same time, many other readers critically reject such works with moral disgust but without being aware of the specific cause.

Schizoid characters aim to impose their own conceptual world upon other people or social groups, using relatively controlled pathological egotism and the exceptional tenacity derived from their persistent nature. They are thus eventually able to overpower another individual’s personality, which causes the latter’s behavior to turn desperately illogical. They may also exert a similar influence upon the group of people they have joined. They are psychological loners who then begin to feel better in some human organization, wherein they become zealots for some ideology, religious bigots, materialists, or adherents of an ideology with satanic features. If their activities consist of direct contact on a small social scale, their acquaintances generally just consider them to be eccentric, which limits their ponerogenic role. However, if they manage to hide their own personality behind the written word, their influence may poison the minds of society on a wide scale and for a long time.
From his one-liner reply i have a guess that he did read a book, or at least got a clear idea what's about. Henry whote that Roberts comes from the govt, so he likely is the insider. Could it be that PP activated the fear factor in him
for his so unique and priceless life? and he makes 'finta' to be deaf, mute and blind when forced to come face to face with the problem. I may be a way off though.
That is very interesting. I think Henry's take on it may be spot on:

Henry said:
Keep in mind Roberts came out of government. His 'this topic is for experts' reeks of the arrogance of someone who really thinks the little people won't understand. It also suggests to me that Roberts' real interest in taking on the cape of the crusader is to go out and deflect any discussion so that it can be "handled" and used to just replace one of the entrenched groups with another.
And, it seems to be a major clue to who/what Paul Craig Roberts really is. If he had read the book, and still said this - he is afraid of the content for one reason or another. Most normal people who read the book say, 'wow, that was a really tough read, it took me a long time and I had to concentrate, but it all fits together so perfectly with what is going on now'. He says it's for the experts?

The articles he writes would indicate that he is not intellectually challenged, so I think he either 'has' to downplay this material, or he is threatened by it, or both.
Cyre2067 said:
Seems odd, i mean, in order to elaborate the principles of ponerology everyone in a given community has to be aware of it and able to understand it... to leave it to specialists renders it useless.

This seems to be the current situation and look what's happened, the specialists haven't said a peep as a group. You've only had a handful of psychologists step up to the plate and point out that the situation is dangerous, and even then they do so with threat of loosing their license to practice medicine.
Exactly. It is only with a broadening and deepening of the knowledge of the average person that the specialists will have the support needed to be able to do their job. Much research is needed, but it isn't getting funded or supported because of political controls generally expressed exactly as Paul Craig Roberts has expressed them. I included a discussion of this problem in my pedia entry on the subject as follows:

Based on first hand observations of the phenomenon in question, Lobaczewski states that the repression of knowledge is undertaken in the typical manner of the psychopath: covertly and behind a "Mask of Sanity." In order to be able to control the psychological sciences, one must know or be able to sense what is going on and which fragments of psychopathology are most dangerous. A pathological political regime locates those individuals in the field who are psychopaths, (usually very mediocre scientists), facilitates their academic studies and degrees and the obtaining of key positions with supervisory capacity over scientific and cultural organizations. They are then in position to knock down more talented persons, governed both by self-interest and that typical jealousy which characterizes a psychopath's attitude toward normal people. They are the ones monitoring scientific papers for their “proper ideology" and attempting to ensure that a good specialist will be denied the scientific literature he needs. Lobaczewski writes about the problem as follows:

Scientific papers published under such governments or imported from abroad are monitored, research funds are denied to those who undertake research in certain directions. Specialists with superior talent can become the objects of blackmail and malicious, covert control. This of course causes the science of psychology to become inferior with reference to psychopathology. The entire operation must of course be managed in such a way as to avoid attracting the attention of public opinion. Often, scientists doing investigative work in this area are destroyed without a sound and suspicious persons are forced abroad to become the objects of organized harassment campaigns there. Written and unwritten lists are compiled for subjects that may not be taught, and corresponding directives are issued to appropriately distort related subjects. The list is so vast in the area of psychology that little remains of this science except a skeleton picked bare of anything that might be subtle or penetrating.

A psychiatrist’s required curriculum contains neither the minimal knowledge from the areas of general, developmental, and clinical psychology, nor the basic skills in psychotherapy. Thanks to such a state of affairs, the most mediocre of physicians can become a psychiatrist after the barest minimum of course work. This opens the door of psychiatric careers to individuals who are by nature inclined to serving a pathological regime, and it has fateful repercussions upon the level of knowledge. It later permits psychiatry to be abused for purposes for which it should never be used.[...]

The essence of psychopathy may of course not be researched or elucidated. Appropriate darkness is cast upon this matter by means of an intentionally devised definition of psychopathy which includes various kinds of character disorders, together with those caused by completely different and known causes.

One might admire how the above mentioned definition of psychopathy effectively blocks the ability to comprehend phenomena covered therein. ... The “ideological" battle is thus waged on a territory completely unperceived by most people, including scientists and researchers in the field in question.

In the meantime, however, the necessary scientific data and papers must be obtained somehow, taking difficulties and other people’s lack of understanding into account. Students and beginning specialists not yet aware of what was removed from the educational curricula attempt to gain access to the scientific data stolen from them. Science starts to be degraded at a worrisome rate once such awareness is missing.

We need to understand the nature of the macrosocial phenomenon as well as that basic relationship and controversy between the pathological system and those areas of science which describe psychological and psychopathological phenomena. Otherwise, we cannot become fully conscious of the reasons for such actions. [...]

A normal person’s actions and reactions, his ideas and moral criteria, all too often strike abnormal individuals as abnormal. For if a [psychopath] considers himself normal, which is of course significantly easier if he possesses authority, then he would consider a normal person different and therefore abnormal... That explains why a [pathological] government shall always have the tendency to treat any dissidents as “mentally abnormal" .

Operations such as driving a normal person into psychological illness and the use of psychiatric institutions for this purpose take place in many countries where [psychopaths achieve political power]. Contemporary legislation ... is not based upon an adequate understanding of the psychology of such behavior, and thus does not constitute a sufficient preventive measure against it. [...]

A normal person strikes a psychopath as a naive, smart-alecky believer in barely comprehensible theories; calling him “crazy" is not all that far away.

Therefore, when we set up a sufficient number of examples of this kind or collect sufficient experience in this area, another more essential motivational level for such behavior becomes apparent. What happens as a rule is that the idea of driving someone into mental illness issues from minds with various aberrations and psychological defects. ...Well–thought out legislation should therefore require testing of individuals whose suggestions that someone else is psychologically abnormal are too insistent or too doubtfully founded.

On the other hand, any system in which the abuse of psychiatry for allegedly political reasons has become a common phenomenon should be examined in the light of similar psychological criteria extrapolated onto the macro-social scale. Any person rebelling internally against a governmental system, which strikes him as foreign and immoral, and who is unable to hide this well enough, can easily be designated by the representatives of said government as “mentally abnormal" , someone who has a "personality disorder" and should submit to psychiatric treatment. A scientifically and morally degenerate psychiatrist becomes a tool easily used for this purpose. This becomes a method of terror and human torture...

The abuse of psychiatry ... thus derives from the very nature of a government with psychopaths in power. After all, that very area of knowledge and treatment must first be degraded to prevent it from jeopardizing the system itself by pronouncing a diagnosis, and must then be used as an expedient tool in the hands of the authorities. ...

The psychopaths in power feel increasingly threatened whenever the medical and psychological sciences make significant progress. After all, not only can these sciences knock the weapon of psychological conquest right out of their hands; they can even strike at the very nature of such a government, and from inside the empire, at that. A specific perception of these matters therefore bids the psychopaths in power to be “ideationally alert� regarding psychology. This also explains why anyone who is both too knowledgeable in this area and too far outside the immediate reach of such authorities must be accused of anything that can be trumped up, including psychological abnormality.

The fact is that, over the past 50 years, the concept of psychopathy has been narrowed sharply and now refers to a specific personality disorder though there have been attempts to do away with the classification entirely, switching to "Antisocial Personality Disorder" which can embrace a wide variety of behaviors without necessarily requiring the clinical diagnosis of psychopathy.
It would be easy to typify Paul Craig Robert's attitude toward Ponerology and the crucial necessity for this information to be put into the hands of the public as simply a "fossilized" point of view of the "older generation." Even if that is the case, it is dangerous. It might be useful to begin a review of his writings with this added data point in mind to search for any other clues. He actually makes me think of what Lobaczewski refers to as the Asthenic psychopath:

Lobaczewski said:
Other psychopathies: The cases of essential psychopathy seem similar enough to each other to permit them to be classified as qualitatively homogenous. However, we can also include within psychopathic categories a somewhat indeterminate number of anomalies with a hereditary substratum, whose symptoms are approximate to this most typical phenomenon. We also meet difficult individuals with a tendency to behave in a manner hurtful to other people, for whom tests do not indicate existing damage to brain tissue and anamnesis does not indicate very abnormal childrearing practices which could explain the state. The fact that such cases are repeated within families would suggest a hereditary substratum, but we must also take into account the possibility that harmful factors participated in the fetal stage. This is an area of medicine and psychology warranting more study, as there is more to learn than we already know concretely.

Such people also attempt to mask their different world of experience and to play a role of normal people to varying degrees, although this is no longer the characteristic “Cleckley mask" . Some are colored by demonstrations of their strangeness. These people participate in the genesis of evil in very different ways, whether taking part openly or, to a lesser extent, when they have managed to adapt to proper ways of living. These psychopathic and related phenomena may, quantitatively speaking, be summarily estimated at two or three times the number of cases of essential psychopathy, i.e. at less than two per cent of the population.

This type of person finds it easier to adjust to social life. The lesser cases in particular adapt to the demands of the society of normal people, taking advantage of its understanding for the arts and other areas with similar traditions. Their literary creativity is often disturbing if conceived in ideational categories alone; they insinuate to their readers that their world of concepts and experiences is self-evident; also it actually contains characteristic deformities.

The most frequently indicated and long-known of these is the asthenic psychopathy, which appears in every conceivable intensity, from barely perceptible to an obvious pathologic deficiency.

These people, asthenic and hypersensitive, do not indicate the same glaring deficit in moral feeling and ability to sense a psychological situation as do essential psychopaths.

They are somewhat idealistic and tend to have superficial pangs of conscience as a result of their faulty behavior.

On the average, they are also less intelligent than normal people, and their mind avoids consistency and accuracy in reasoning. Their psychological world-view is clearly falsified, so their options about people can never be trusted.

A kind of mask cloaks the world of their personal aspirations, which is at variance with the official ones demanded by a situation.

Their behavior towards people who do not notice their faults is urbane, even friendly; however, the same people manifest a preemptive hostility and aggression against persons with a talent for psychology or proper knowledge in this area.

They are relatively less vital sexually and are therefore amenable to accepting celibacy; that is why some Catholic monks and priests often represent lesser or minor cases of this anomaly. They are the chief factor which inspired the anti-psychological attitude traditional in Church thinking.
Lobaczewski then points out that one of the more severe cases of this type manifested in Felix Dzerzhinsky, famous as the founder of the Bolshevik secret police, the Cheka.


Like I said, maybe it's time for a review of the writings of Paul Craig Roberts with a view toward teasing out any pathology.
PCR said:
yes, I did. I think it is a subject for specialists
and not one the
general public or editors can follow.
What's also interesting is that he includes 'editors' as not being able to follow the material. What editors? Perhaps he's trying to slyly say that the editors of Political Ponerology, Laura and Henry, do not understand the work. Really, who else could he be talking about? Editors of the news organizations he works for? Not likely. Well, if geared toward Laura and Henry, such a comment would certainly fall under the category of, "a preemptive hostility and aggression against persons with a talent for psychology or proper knowledge in this area."
Shane said:
PCR said:
yes, I did. I think it is a subject for specialists
and not one the
general public or editors can follow.
What's also interesting is that he includes 'editors' as not being able to follow the material. What editors? Perhaps he's trying to slyly say that the editors of Political Ponerology, Laura and Henry, do not understand the work. Really, who else could he be talking about? Editors of the news organizations he works for? Not likely. Well, if geared toward Laura and Henry, such a comment would certainly fall under the category of, "a preemptive hostility and aggression against persons with a talent for psychology or proper knowledge in this area."
Good catch, Shane!

Yes indeed, methinks that Ponerology has made Mr. P.C. Roberts rather nervous. Ya'll get out there and read all his past material and see what you can "see" with the working hypothesis that he, himself, is an agent.
This seems to be a new piece on dated 13 July 2007:

A Reform to Restore the People's Power
by Paul Craig Roberts

The American political system has failed. The fabled checks and balances of American politics were no match for a neoconservative administration with a secret agenda. The American people were deceived and tricked into supporting two invasions that are war crimes under the Nuremberg standard.

US aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq and the indiscriminate slaughter of civilians have radicalized Muslims throughout the world and swelled the ranks of insurgents. Despite the "surge" and an additional 30,000 US troops in Baghdad, the US is unable to protect its own embassy. On July 10, the fortified Green Zone, which contains the US and British embassies and the puppet Iraqi government, came under intense mortar and rocket attack. Within the protected Green Zone, 18 people were wounded and 3 were killed.

The US military commander in Iraq, General David Petraeus said that the US is a decade away from victory in Iraq. Gen. Petraeus could have added another truth and acknowledged that the US military lacks sufficient fresh troops to remain in the conflict. Last year Colin Powell said the US Army is "about broken." The US military is exhausted by the insurgencies and will be driven out if not withdrawn.

Gen. Petraeus assumed command in January. Six months later, Petraeus says "the question is how can we gradually reduce our forces so we reduce the strain on the army."

In the US Senate, Republican support for Bush's wars is fading as senators face a hostile public that has had enough of Bush's pointless and lost wars based on lies and deception. The invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq never had any valid reason. The US occupations of these countries have failed, and no purpose has been achieved except the enrichment of the military-security complex and the swelling of al-Qaeda's ranks and credibility.

One trillion dollars has been totally squandered. Moreover, Bush's wars have had to be financed by borrowing abroad. The result has been a reduction in the dollar's value and an erosion of the dollar's status as the world's reserve currency. The dollar has fallen to a new low against the Euro and has reached a 26-year low against the British pound.

The latest comprehensive worldwide Pew poll reveals the complete collapse of America's standing in the world.

This is a huge price to pay for Bush's childish ego, for the enrichment of Cheney's cronies at Halliburton and merchants of death, and for Congress' appeasement of AIPAC.

Bush's and Cheney's lies and assaults on the US Constitution and American civil liberty, their plans to attack Iran, and the war crimes for which they are responsible provide an open and shut case for their impeachments. The latest polls show that 54% of Americans support impeachment of Vice President Cheney, with only 40% opposed. Bush hangs on by a hair with 45% favoring his impeachment and 46% opposed. But Democrats, like Republicans, have failed the electorate and refuse to do their duty. Congress is a creature of special interests and no longer represents the American people.

Obviously, some new method is needed for removing incompetent or dictatorial presidents and vice presidents.

Constitutional reform might be next to impossible, but before dismissing the possibility consider that according to British news reports, Britain's new prime minister, Gordon Brown, intends a wide-ranging program of constitutional reform, including giving up the prime minister's power to declare war.

The London Telegraph says: "The measures are intended to restore trust in politics after the by-passing of Parliament and the Cabinet, as well as the culture of spin and media manipulation, that characterized the Blair decade."

If America is to remain a democracy, the people need refurbished powers to hold "government of the people, by the people, for the people" accountable. One way of doing this would be a vote of confidence by the people. The question can be put to a national referendum: "Shall the president remain in office?" "Shall the vice president remain in office?"

The state of Florida does this for judges, including Florida's Supreme Court, so there is precedent for allowing the people to decide whether officials may remain in office.

As the American people can no longer rely on elected officials to respond to public opinion, the people must do what they can to gather power back into their hands before they become the subjects of tyrants.
Sounds pretty reasonable, doesn't it? However, did Roberts forget that the voting system in the U.S. is completely compromised and there is no possibility of any fair vote on any matter whatsoever?

Maybe I'm being paranoid here, but is he pushing for the people to vote and the result will be Bush as absolute dictator?
Here's another older piece:

Who Will Save America?
My Epiphany


A number of readers have asked me when did I undergo my epiphany, abandon right-wing Reaganism and become an apostle of truth and justice.

I appreciate the friendly sentiment, but there is a great deal of misconception in the question.

When I saw that the neoconservative response to 9/11 was to turn a war against stateless terrorism into military attacks on Muslim states, I realized that the Bush administration was committing a strategic blunder with open-ended disastrous consequences for the US that, in the end, would destroy Bush, the Republican Party, and the conservative movement.

My warning was not prompted by an effort to save Bush's bacon. I have never been any party's political or ideological servant. I used my positions in the congressional staff and the Reagan administration to change the economic policy of the United States. In my efforts, I found more allies among influential Democrats, such as Senate Finance Committee Chairman Russell Long, Joint Economic Committee Chairman Lloyd Bentsen and my Georgia Tech fraternity brother Sam Nunn, than I did among traditional Republicans who were only concerned about the budget deficit.

My goals were to reverse the Keynesian policy mix that caused worsening "Phillips curve" trade-offs between employment and inflation and to cure the stagflation that destroyed Jimmy Carter's presidency. No one has seen a "Phillips curve" trade-off or experienced stagflation since the supply-side policy was implemented. (These gains are now being eroded by the labor arbitrage that is replacing American workers with foreign ones. In January 2004 I teamed up with Democratic Senator Charles Schumer in the New York Times and at a Brookings Institution conference in a joint effort to call attention to the erosion of the US economy and Americans' job prospects by outsourcing.)

The supply-side policy used reductions in the marginal rate of taxation on additional income to create incentives to expand production so that consumer demand would result in increased real output instead of higher prices. No doubt, the rich benefitted, but ordinary people were no longer faced simultaneously with rising inflation and lost jobs. Employment expanded for the remainder of the century without having to pay for it with high and rising rates of inflation. Don't ever forget that Reagan was elected and re-elected by blue collar Democrats.

The left-wing's demonization of Ronald Reagan owes much to the Republican Establishment. The Republican Establishment regarded Reagan as a threat to its hegemony over the party. They saw Jack Kemp the same way. Kemp, a professional football star quarterback, represented an essentially Democratic district. Kemp was aggressive in challenging Republican orthodoxy. Both Reagan and Kemp spoke to ordinary people. As a high official in the Reagan administration, I was battered by the Republican Establishment, which wanted enough Reagan success so as not to jeopardize the party's "lock on the presidency" but enough failure so as to block the succession to another outsider. Anyone who reads my book, The Supply-Side Revolution (Harvard University Press, 1984) will see what the real issues were.

If I had time to research my writings over the past 30 years, I could find examples of partisan articles in behalf of Republicans and against Democrats. However, political partisanship is not the corpus of my writings. I had a 16-year stint as Business Week's first outside columnist, despite hostility within the magazine and from the editor's New York social set, because the editor regarded me as the most trenchant critic of the George H.W. Bush administration in the business. The White House felt the same way and lobbied to have me removed from the William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Earlier when I resigned from the Reagan administration to accept appointment to the new chair, CSIS was part of Georgetown University. The University's liberal president, Timothy Healy, objected to having anyone from the Reagan administration in a chair affiliated with Georgetown University. CSIS had to defuse the situation by appointing a distinguished panel of scholars from outside universities, including Harvard, to ratify my appointment.

I can truly say that at one time or the other both sides have tried to shut me down. I have experienced the same from "free thinking" libertarians, who are free thinking only inside their own box.

In Reagan's time we did not recognize that neoconservatives had a Jacobin frame of mind. Perhaps we were not paying close enough attention. We saw neoconservatives as former left-wingers who had realized that the Soviet Union might be a threat after all. We regarded them as allies against Henry Kissinger's inclination to reach an unfavorable accommodation with the Soviet Union. Kissinger thought, or was believed to think, that Americans had no stomach for a drawn-out contest and that he needed to strike a deal before the Soviets staked the future on a lack of American resolution.

Reagan was certainly no neoconservative. He went along with some of their schemes, but when neoconservatives went too far, he fired them. George W. Bush promotes them. The left-wing might object that the offending neocons in the Reagan administration were later pardoned, but there was sincere objection to criminalizing what was seen, rightly or wrongly, as stalwartness in standing up to communism.

Neoconservatives were disappointed with Reagan. Reagan's goal was to END the cold war, not to WIN it. He made common purpose with Gorbachev and ENDED the cold war. It is the new Jacobins, the neoconservatives, who have exploited this victory by taking military bases to Russian borders.

I have always objected to injustice. My writings about prosecutorial abuse have put me at odds with "law and order conservatives." I have written extensively about wrongful convictions, both of the rich and famous and the poor and unknown. My thirty-odd columns on the frame-up of 26 innocent people in the Wenatchee, Washington, child sex abuse witch hunt played a role in the eventual overturning of the wrongful convictions.

My book, with Lawrence Stratton, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, details the erosion of the legal rights that make law a shield of the innocent instead of a weapon in the hands of government. Without the protection of law, rich and poor alike are at the mercy of government. In their hatred of "the rich," the left-wing overlooks that in the 20th century the rich were the class most persecuted by government. The class genocide of the 20th century is the greatest genocide in history.

Americans have forgotten what it takes to remain free. Instead, every ideology, every group is determined to use government to advance its agenda. As the government's power grows, the people are eclipsed.

We have reached a point where the Bush administration is determined to totally eclipse the people. Bewitched by neoconservatives and lustful for power, the Bush administration and the Republican Party are aligning themselves firmly against the American people. Their first victims, of course, were the true conservatives. Having eliminated internal opposition, the Bush administration is now using blackmail obtained through illegal spying on American citizens to silence the media and the opposition party.

Before flinching at my assertion of blackmail, ask yourself why President Bush refuses to obey the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The purpose of the FISA court is to ensure that administrations do not spy for partisan political reasons. The warrant requirement is to ensure that a panel of independent federal judges hears a legitimate reason for the spying, thus protecting a president from the temptation to abuse the powers of government. The only reason for the Bush administration to evade the court is that the Bush administration had no legitimate reasons for its spying. This should be obvious even to a naif.

The United States is undergoing a coup against the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, civil liberties, and democracy itself. The "liberal press" has been co-opted. As everyone must know by now, the New York Times has totally failed its First Amendment obligations, allowing Judith Miller to make war propaganda for the Bush administration, suppressing for an entire year the news that the Bush administration was illegally spying on American citizens, and denying coverage to Al Gore's speech that challenged the criminal deeds of the Bush administration.

The TV networks mimic Fox News' faux patriotism. Anyone who depends on print, TV, or right-wing talk radio media is totally misinformed. The Bush administration has achieved a de facto Ministry of Propaganda.

The years of illegal spying have given the Bush administration power over the media and the opposition. Journalists and Democratic politicians don't want to have their adulterous affairs broadcast over television or to see their favorite online porn sites revealed in headlines in the local press with their names attached. Only people willing to risk such disclosures can stand up for the country.

Homeland Security and the Patriot Act are not our protectors. They undermine our protection by trashing the Constitution and the civil liberties it guarantees. Those with a tyrannical turn of mind have always used fear and hysteria to overcome obstacles to their power and to gain new means of silencing opposition.

Consider the no-fly list. This list has no purpose whatsoever but to harass and disrupt the livelihoods of Bush's critics. If a known terrorist were to show up at check-in, he would be arrested and taken into custody, not told that he could not fly. What sense does it make to tell someone who is not subject to arrest and who has cleared screening that he or she cannot fly? How is this person any more dangerous than any other passenger?

If Senator Ted Kennedy, a famous senator with two martyred brothers, can be put on a no-fly list, as he was for several weeks, anyone can be put on the list. The list has no accountability. People on the list cannot even find out why they are on the list. There is no recourse, no procedure for correcting mistakes.

I am certain that there are more Bush critics on the list than there are terrorists. According to reports, the list now comprises 80,000 names! This number must greatly dwarf the total number of terrorists in the world and certainly the number of known terrorists.

How long before members of the opposition party, should there be one, find that they cannot return to Washington for important votes, because they have been placed on the no-fly list? What oversight does Congress or a panel of federal judges exercise over the list to make sure there are valid reasons for placing people on the list?

If the government can have a no-fly list, it can have a no-drive list. The Iraqi resistance has demonstrated the destructive potential of car bombs. If we are to believe the government's story about the Murrah Federal Office Building in Oklahoma City, Timothy McVeigh showed that a rental truck bomb could destroy a large office building. Indeed, what is to prevent the government from having a list of people who are not allowed to leave their homes? If the Bush administration can continue its policy of picking up people anywhere in the world and detaining them indefinitely without having to show any evidence for their detention, it can do whatever it wishes.

Many readers have told me, some gleefully, that I will be placed on the no-fly list along with all other outspoken critics of the growth in unaccountable executive power and war based on lies and deception. It is just a matter of time. Unchecked, unaccountable power grows more audacious by the day. As one reader recently wrote, "when the president of the United States can openly brag about being a felon, without fear of the consequences, the game is all but over."

Congress and the media have no fight in them, and neither, apparently, do the American people. Considering the feebleness of the opposition, perhaps the best strategy is for the opposition to shut up, not merely for our own safety but, more importantly, to remove any impediments to Bush administration self-destruction. The sooner the Bush administration realizes its goals of attacking Iran, Syria, and the Shia militias in Lebanon, the more likely the administration will collapse in the maelstrom before it achieves a viable police state. Hamas' victory in the recent Palestinian elections indicates that Muslim outrage over further US aggression in the Middle East has the potential to produce uprisings in Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. Not even Karl Rove and Fox "News" could spin Bush out of the catastrophe.

Perhaps we should go further and join the neocon chorus, urging on invasions of Iran and Syria and sending in the Marines to disarm Hizbullah in Lebanon. Not even plots of the German High Command could get rid of Hitler, but when Hitler marched German armies into Russia he destroyed himself. If Iraq hasn't beat the hubris out of what Gordon Prather aptly terms the "neo-crazies," US military adventures against Iran and Hizbullah will teach humility to the neo-crazies.

Many patriotic readers have written to me expressing their frustration that fact and common sense cannot gain a toehold in a debate guided by hysteria and disinformation. Other readers write that 9/11 shields Bush from accountability, They challenge me to explain why three World Trade Center buildings on one day collapsed into their own footprints at free fall speed, an event outside the laws of physics except under conditions of controlled demolition. They insist that there is no stopping war and a police state as long as the government's story on 9/11 remains unchallenged.

They could be right. There are not many editors eager for writers to explore the glaring defects of the 9/11 Commission Report. One would think that if the report could stand analysis, there would not be a taboo against calling attention to the inadequacy of its explanations. We know the government lied about Iraqi WMD, but we believe the government told the truth about 9/11.

Debate is dead in America for two reasons: One is that the media concentration permitted in the 1990s has put news and opinion in the hands of a few corporate executives who do not dare risk their broadcasting licenses by getting on the wrong side of government, or their advertising revenues by becoming "controversial." The media follows a safe line and purveys only politically correct information. The other reason is that Americans today are no longer enthralled by debate. They just want to hear what they want to hear. The right-wing, left-wing, and libertarians alike preach to the faithful. Democracy cannot succeed when there is no debate.

Americans need to understand that many interests are using the "war on terror" to achieve their agendas. The Federalist Society is using the "war on terror" to achieve its agenda of concentrating power in the executive and packing the Supreme Court to this effect. The neocons are using the war to achieve their agenda of Israeli hegemony in the Middle East. Police agencies are using the war to remove constraints on their powers and to make themselves less accountable. Republicans are using the war to achieve one-party rule--theirs. The Bush administration is using the war to avoid accountability and evade constraints on executive powers. Arms industries, or what President Eisenhower called the "military-industrial complex," are using the war to fatten profits. Terrorism experts are using the war to gain visibility. Security firms are using it to gain customers. Readers can add to this list at will. The lack of debate gives carte blanche to these agendas.

One certainty prevails. Bush is committing America to a path of violence and coercion, and he is getting away with it.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review. He is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.He can be reached at:
Except for his economic comments, about which I know very little, I can't really criticize anything he has written above. It reflects our own view.

Notice this: The neocons are using the war to achieve their agenda of Israeli hegemony in the Middle East.

So, what is up with his resistance to ponerology?

I think that he thinks that putting this information into the hands of "non-experts" might lead to a witch-hunt.

Well, he may be right. He may also be right that trying to wake people up to what is going on, the real source of the misery, could be a waste of time. He may be so disgusted with the masses that he has retreated into the safety of "they all need caretakers" mentality.

But if he were fully aware of the long years of programming and manipulation of the public, he would understand that this can be undone IF the proper approach is taken and the knowledge is networked carefully.

Bottom line is, I think it's our only chance and it seems that Robert's thinks there is NO chance at all.
Going back a bit further, we find this interesting piece written after the election the neocons stole and before 911 and everything that has come down since. Boy, was he wrong on this one!!! He didn't have a CLUE!

November 23, 2000

The Democratic Nazi Party

by Paul Craig Roberts

Two weeks after Americans chose a new President on November 7, the Democratic Party is still trying to change the vote count. Responding to this unusual situation, the Wall Street Journal called on Republicans not to allow Democrats to steal the election and with it the Constitution.

The editorial, "The Squeamish GOP," indicates that the Journal does not think the Republicans have what it takes to defend their president elect and the American Constitution. Obviously, the Democrats think likewise, or they would not so brazenly steal an election in broad daylight with the connivance of the media and the Democratic Florida Supreme Court.

The Florida Supreme Court did not hesitate to show that it is not a court but a partisan arm of the Democratic Party. The court has no power or authority to stop the Florida Secretary of State, Katherine Harris, from exercising the legal powers of her office according to Florida law. Yet, without even hearing cause or petition, the court issued an injunction to the Secretary of State forbidding her from exercising her responsibility under law.

This is clearly an overreach of judicial authority and a violation of the separation of powers. The court’s only reason for its overreach is to help Al Gore steal the election. If the U.S. media actually constituted a media instead of the Propaganda Ministry of the Democratic Party, the Florida court would not dare to be so brazen.

The Democrats are stealing the election by re-voting ballots that have already been recounted two or three times. The ballots are being re-voted by the Democrats conducting the "recounts." Any and every excuse is being used to interpret ballots that were not cast for Gore as votes that voters meant to cast for Gore.

When one set of "recount" rules doesn’t produce enough new Gore votes, the rules are changed. Soon Democrats will be saying that the people who voted for Bush really meant to vote for Gore.

There are a number of Democrats – I know several myself – who will vote a Democratic ticket but refuse to vote for Gore. They won’t vote for a Republican either, so they leave the presidential choice unmarked. They support their party as far as they can, but no farther. These ballots are being re-voted for Gore, the argument being that someone who voted a Democratic ticket meant to vote it all the way.

Squeamish Republicans are cooperating in this fraud. They pretend that the Florida Supreme Court is a real court instead of a political arm of the Democratic Party, and they pretend that a recount, not a re-vote, is under way. Republicans only dispute the validity of the "handcount."

This is an amazingly weak position for Republicans to take. It is a strategic mistake for Republicans to go along with the pretense that the issue is a proper vote count. Disputing the "handcount" is a technical complaint that, to many Americans, seems petty. It has given the Democrats and their media allies two weeks to hide a stolen election behind "the intention of the voter" and "the will of the people." The media suggests that it is the wicked GOP that wants to steal the election by frustrating the will of the people.

Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris has been demonized by the Democratic Party’s Propaganda Ministry (the TV networks and CNN). Adolf Hitler best described the tactic that Democrats are using against Harris. Success, Hitler says, comes from unleashing "a veritable barrage of lies and slanders against whatever adversary seems most dangerous, until the nerves of the attacked person break down." This tactic, Hitler says, is most successful against "the bourgeoisie [Republicans], which is neither morally nor mentally equal to such attacks."

If Republicans allow the election to be stolen, they will forever be discredited. There is no excuse for a party that controls both executive and legislative power in Florida to stand aside while thieves steal the election. Every member of the Florida Supreme Court should be arrested, indicted, and immediately put on trial for aiding and abetting vote fraud. The Democrats, who are re-voting already recounted ballots, must also be arrested, indicted, and tried for perpetrating vote fraud.

The media that threw the West Coast to Gore by falsely announcing Gore’s victory before the polls closed, together with the media that is cloaking Florida vote fraud as a recount, must also be indicted for their participation in vote fraud.

Once Bush assumes the office to which he has been elected, Republicans must turn their attention to dismantling the Democratic Party’s Propaganda Ministry that masquerades as a news media. The most obvious solution is nationalization. Give the corrupt media the socialism it wants, and run the organizations as strict news outlets with all editorializing and opinion banned.

Once Americans can get the facts, they will realize that a Nazi Party (a k a the Democratic Party) has grown up in their midst.
This is the subject that was exercising Roberts just shortly after 911:

Criminalizing Masculinity

By Paul Craig Roberts

If you are a heterosexual male of any race, tear yourself away from the war on terrorism and let Howard S. Schwartz inform you of your real enemy. His book, The Revolt of the Primitive: An Inquiry into the Roots of Political Correctness, has just been released by Praeger Publishers in Westport, Ct. The book is a bombshell.

Schwartz, a professor of organizational behavior, shows that feminism has metamorphosed from demands for gender equality into gender warfare against masculinity. The feminists’ holy war against “toxic manᾠ is as ferocious in its way as the Muslim holy war against the West.

The virulent form of feminism attacks male sexuality and has succeeded in criminalizing masculinity itself. Feminism criminalized masculinity by inventing attitudinal crimes and conflating them with behavioral crimes.

Schwartz shows that the routine destruction of male military careers and the disproportionate response to the Tailhook “scandalᾠ have everything to do with feminist perception of masculine attitudes and nothing to do with concrete acts of sexual abuse, harassment or discrimination.

Do you remember the female marine who complained of sexual harassment because she experienced the three-mile morning run as “demeaning to womenᾠ? If a male had made such a complaint, it would have been regarded as frivolous, and he would have been asked if he had chosen the right service. The female’s complaint, however, was taken seriously. The top brass stopped the exercise while the charge was investigated.

This recent news event underlines Schwartz’s point that feminists have defined masculine performance and attitudes, such as a protective role toward women and children, as sexist and anti-woman and have lumped expressions of masculinity together with actual acts of harassment and abuse.

Consider the case of Col. James Hallums who was removed in 1997 as chairman of the Dept of Behavioral Sciences at West Point. Hallums, a “soldier of the old school,ᾠ was brought to West Point because of concerns over the school’s deteriorating military and disciplinary standards.

Hallums’ unabashed manliness, however, was out of step with a feminized military. Female faculty members charged him with sexual harassment and “creating an intimidating environment.ᾠ One of his offenses was that, returning from exercise, he walked through the department in a sleeveless shirt and exercise shorts. His confidence in, and display of, his masculinity was considered by female faculty members to be an offensive act.

Consider, also, the case of Admiral Stanley Arthur, vice chief of Naval Operations, veteran of 500 combat missions in Vietnam, winner of eleven Distinguished Flying Crosses, and commanding officer of U.S. Air Forces in the Gulf War who was in line for appointment by President Clinton as commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific.

When a female lieutenant washed out of helicopter school, she blamed it on sexual harassment and enlisted Senator David Durenberger in her cause. The Navy refused to capitulate but agreed to have Admiral Arthur review the record.

Unlike Durenberger, Arthur was unaware of, or unwilling to pander to, the new sexual politics. When documented performance inadequacies prevented Adm. Arthur from overturning the Navy’s decision to wash out the lieutenant, he became caught up in the “scandal.ᾠ

Feminists saw his decision as proof that Arthur was guilty of keeping women barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen and out of combat. Durenberger put a hold on his appointment, and the Navy sacrificed its hero on the alter of political correctness.

All Adm. Arthur did was his duty, but feminists had defined military duty as a masculine agenda. Thus, Arthur was guilty of “sexism.ᾠ

What makes it possible for extreme irrationality to run roughshod over fact, not only in academic zoos but also in society’s most disciplined institution, the military? Schwartz answers that the subjective and the emotive have been elevated over the objective and reason. What counts is not what men do but what women feel.

Women have been taught to feel victimized by men to such an extent that all expressions of masculinity are offensive to feminists. Men who have caught on to this dynamic minimize their vulnerability to charges and destruction of career by becoming effete and showing that they are “in touch with their feelingsᾠ and “share your pain .ᾠ

Now that masculinity is criminalized, men who are not allied with, and protected by, feminists cannot succeed. Any doubts about this can be expelled by examining how one woman, Lt. Paula Coughlin, was able to destroy so many male naval careers with Tailhook.

It is ironic that American males, demonized and second-class citizens in their own society, are at work liberating Afghan women from Bin Laden and the Taliban. Perhaps the American male should reconquer his home front before he shows his prowess abroad.

Paul Craig Roberts is the author (with Lawrence M. Stratton) of The New Color Line : How Quotas and Privilege Destroy Democracy

Well, I've been looking at various pieces here:

and what occurs to me is that Roberts was just all wrapped up in his theories while the fox was robbing the henhouse. And now, all of a sudden, he woke up to the fact that the henhouse has been robbed, that the fox probably did it, but he is basically blaming the hens for being eaten.

Something is really wrong with this picture. Ya'll dig on it some now and see what you think. This one is really slick.
Well, what strikes me about Roberts' approach for constitutional reform is that it doesn't change any of the people in power. He just wants to give 'em new rules.

We know they don't follow the old ones, so why should we think they would follow the new ones? Knowing what we know about pathological types, we know they won't.

So the whole thing is a charade. Make a few cosmetic changes that pass as a deep reform of government while the same old names and faces continue doing what they do. And if one or the other individual needs to be sacrificed to perpetuate the fraud, so what? They'll be taken care of in the same way Libby was.
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