Paying your credit card makes you a terrorist.


Dagobah Resident
From the "you just can't make this crap up" department:

Clay Thompson "Valley 101" said:
Do I appear to be threat to U.S. security?

May. 23, 2006 12:00 AM

Now I freely admit that I am not the sharpest blade in the knife drawer when it comes to matters of money. Actually, I am not the sharpest blade in the knife drawer when it comes to a lot of things, but the subject for the moment is money.

So the other day I tried to use my credit card to buy something, and it was denied even though I knew perfectly well my credit card was just fine.

So I called my credit-card company to find out what was up with all this, and it turned out I had made the unpardonable mistake of making two payments on my card in the same billing period. So they froze my card, according to the person I spoke to, because Homeland Security rules say if you pay twice in one period they will lock up your account for 10 days. Apparently paying twice in the same period is the sort of thing terrorists do in some effort to undermine our American way of life.

Now does this make sense to you?

All I did was make two rather trifling payments to clear my bill, and the government put a freeze on my card for 10 days. This is a great mystery to me.

Ya know, them thar sneeky terr'rists gonna attack our banks and prepay! Dang sneeky terr'rists.
Reminds me of the story of the guy who's account was frozen and his name turned over for investigation to the Gestapo (homeland security) because he paid TOO MUCH on his credit card in one payment. (read here on SOtT)

Along a similar line. I take Claratin D 24 hour which contains pseudoephedrine. The Patriot Act (latest version) says that no more than a 30 day supply can be purchased w/in 30 days, drivers license must be submitted to purchase, data recorded in database available to govt. and retailers MUST REPORT any SUSPICIOUS behavior/activity by those purchasing same--you know-- like daring to complain about the bogus law. Getting a doctor's prescription is not an option. So now the drugstore clerks are required, along with bank tellers, credit card data input clerks, etc. to be government agents. Reputable retailers don't even want to sell it with requirements like that. Zieg Heil.
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