Pentagon Strike Alleged Witness: Thomas D. Trapasso


FOTCM Member
The link from Rivero's site:

brings up a page error.

Rivero quotes on his page

Thomas D. Trapasso, a political appointee in the Clinton Administration who is now looking for work, was making telephone calls from his deck in Arlington Village, about 1 mi. south of the Pentagon and just west of the Interstate 395 (I-395) highway. He was startled by the large American Airlines aircraft flying about 300 ft. overhead. "The engines were just screaming, and the wheels were up," Trapasso said. "It disappeared over the trees, and I heard a boom. I knew something awful had happened--that an airplane had crashed somewhere in Washington, D.C.
Hi Laura,
No luck yet, the magazine archives do not seem to go back that far, also we are not subscribers. Below are at least a bit more about him in B) whereas A) is the same as you found. But I am wondering if they are really from the same article. Or if one was like an editors preface and the other is the journalist. In any cases he is not close to the crime scene.
A) (link has more witnesses):
Thomas J. Trapasso, on the deck of his house about 1 mile away from the Pentagon and just west of I-395:
"The engines were just screaming, and the wheels were up," Trapasso said. "It disappeared over the trees, and I heard a boom. I knew something awful had happened--that an airplane had crashed somewhere in Washington, D.C." (Aviation Week - September 17, 2001)
B) (link has more witnesses):
Tom Trapasso, 41, lives in Arlington Village, less than a mile from the Pentagon, thus accustomed to helicopters and commuter planes flying overhead but he knew this was no fly-by.
''I was out on my deck talking to my mom when I saw the plane. 'There were no wheels down. It was screaming loud and going very fast. I said 'Oh my god,' and ran into the house to take cover and heard the loud explosion and felt the ground shaking. I told my mom: 'We're under attack here.'''
"It disappeared over the trees, and I heard a boom". (link is dead) (link brings up: "You have reached this page in error. Please log in."

The statement of Thomas De Trapasso is included in the whole article from Aviation Now which was found and posted by Anders under the title of another witness who appeared in the same publication. See Pentagon Strike Alleged Witness: Charles H. Krohn on

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