Persecution and Surveillance


A Disturbance in the Force
-I can't say that there isn't a possibility of symbolism in this dream, but, well, here goes...

Saturday night I dreamt for what seemed like hours. I started out as 'someone', but not really the me that I know, in fact, I believe I was a man, but "I" don't know what my name and identity is other than how the other people in the dream are reacting to me. The most vivid part of the dream is the feelings of this man in response to his circumstances. I don't know if the language being spoken is English, I just get the gist of the feelings being expressed.

So, this setting could be pre-war Nazi Germany or maybe somewhere behind the Iron Curtain in the 60's. I don't know why, but I am fired from my job in an office at a plant, but I suspect it is because I don't agree with the management take over. I am not a supporter of a new management, or I have an opposing philosophy that I refuse to keep quiet.

A lot of time seems to be elapsing, weeks or months and because I lost my job in this manner, no one else will hire me. I am having trouble keeping my apartment. I know there is an old Jewish man that I was associated with in the past somehow, but was ashamed of our association, either through business or just being neighbors. He is also underemployed and living alone. Now I feel sympathy for him because I am being treated as a pariah--isolated and scared--I try to seek his company. He is suspicious of my approach and tells me so. I'm not so sure of myself, maybe I am being surveilled, as if I got fired just to identify him.

We both worry about 'bugs' in the apartment he lives in, then, I realize I am not alone, many of my family live in the same apartment building, with apartments right next to mine. I realize I can live with them until I figure this out. When I visit them, they are sad or anxious, because they heard about me and my situation. They aren't so welcoming, they censor their conversations around me. I feel guilty, mistrusted, scared and lonely. They blame me for losing my apartment. I have brought shame and suspicion upon the whole family, as if we are all, as a 'tribe' persecuted as the proverbial Eastern European 'Wandering Jew.'

We are all fearing for our very lives, not just our livelihood or living space. We try to discuss survival strategies, but are concerned that we are being watched or listened to.

I return to the old man's apartment and we make plans to 'run away together' to escape this horror. The dream ended without resolution, because I woke up to the morning sun, like the 'curtain went up.'
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