Phillip K. Dick Video

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PKD foresaw what is happening today, i.e., the loss of soul in humanity, more so than any Sci-Fi writer to date IMHO. It was painful to watch this but it is an excellent venue into the mind of this genius:
Another Phillip K. Dick video named '' Did Philip K. Dick disclose the real Matrix in 1977? ''
Improvise said:
Another Phillip K. Dick video named '' Did Philip K. Dick disclose the real Matrix in 1977? ''

Just so forum readers know, this is a video where PKD states his contention that we live in a "computer-programmed reality" and that one clue we have is deja vu, when some part of the program has been changed, causing a new timeline to branch off from the old one. (Improvise, for future reference, if you are posting youtube links, please provide a short description of what the video says for forum members.)
A quote from his wife that stood out for me was :
"Well to some extend I think Phill embellished his experience (high strangeness), he wanted to get more and when it didn't come he would make it up."

Edit: spelling
Sure ApproachingInfinity :D
Pashalis,maybe he did,but it's probably true that he had real 'high strangeness' expiriences.
He did talk about 'matrix' reality back then,and understood deja vu phenomenom quite well.
And those sightings of 'aliens' ,and being contacted by some of them,are in my opinion true cause I can see why they would have interest in him.His books had great impact on society and 'global mind'.
It is even possible that they channeled information to him or more probably programmed him to write it, he,idd wrote some books amazingly fast.
In his book 'Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said' he writes about dark future where USA is police state.
In first video I posted he says he was contacted by that strange woman that told him some of his books are real truth,he mentioned 'Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said' by name.

Dick explored sociological, political and metaphysical themes in novels dominated by monopolistic corporations, authoritarian governments and altered states.

P.S. I'm going to read his books,maybe I find valuable clues inside,or atleast some fun :)
Improvise said:
And those sightings of 'aliens' ,and being contacted by some of them,are in my opinion true cause I can see why they would have interest in him.

Aliens are always interested in their food.
Improvise said:
P.S. I'm going to read his books,maybe I find valuable clues inside,or atleast some fun :)

I think you will find a writer who was able to introduce interesting philosophical ideas into mainstream science fiction. He was repulsed by fascism, and the fascist takeover of America was a common theme in his books, particularly in Radio Free Albemuth. Here's a brief intro to the book from Wikipedia:

Wikipedia said:
In this alternate history the corrupt US President Ferris F. Fremont (FFF for 666, ‘F’ being the 6th letter in the alphabet, see Number of the Beast) becomes Chief Executive in the late Nineteen-Sixties following Lyndon Johnson's administration. The character is best described as an amalgam of Joseph McCarthy and Richard Nixon, who abrogates civil liberties and human rights through positing a conspiracy theory centered around a (presumably) fictitious subversive organization known as "Aramchek". In addition to this, he is associated with a right-wing populist movement called "Friends of the American People" (Fappers).

Ironically enough, the President's paranoia and opportunism lead to the establishment of a real resistance movement that is organized through narrow-beam radio transmissions from a mysterious alien near-Earth satellite, by a superintelligent, extraterrestrial, but less than omnipotent being (or network) named VALIS.

In Radio Free Albemuth, Dick describes a visit to his home by a couple of young fappers – authoritarian follower types. I found this passage to be one of the most disturbing things; it is so banal, yet laden with threat.

All that said, however, you would be better off reading for example something like The Fourth Reich by Jim Marrs, OSIT. After all, the works of P K Dick, for all their prescience and philosophy, are still works of fiction. Marrs and others – Laura being a prime example! – deal with facts.
Thanks for advice,you're probably right.
P.K. Dick is popular movement and we know that there is a lot desinfo and programming in everything that is popular.
After all,''Powers that be'' wouldn't let him get that popular if they didn't have fingers in his work.
So,if nothing else, I just think he was very important to them and their agenda. Peace :)
Very good interview with Phillip K. Dick.
He is talking that he felt this reality isn't objective reality but only our perception,and also about robotic people.
He even describes the event when he was student.He was wathcing his geomaetry teacher speaking and had sudden impression that she isn't really human being but robotic person.
Some say PKD was nuts or not normal,and that is true in terms of not being hypnotised sheep like great majority of people of his time.
He had astonishing inner undestanding of true nature of our reality and knew about things that cassiopaeans helped us to find out many years after his time.
Some might want to read this speech by PKD. It's amazing how similar his thoughts and understandings of matters we work on here was,back then in 1977.
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