I found a link here (_http://www.mentalhealth.com/dis/p20-pe01.html) to a powerpoint presentation by Dr. Phillip Long called "World Leaders Gone Bad" (_http://www.mentalhealth.com/World%20Leaders%20Gone%20Bad.pps). While he doesn't talk about psychopath per se he very simply states that all tyrants show the essential traits of paranoid/narcissistic/antisocial personality disorders and gives examples. He is obviously critical of the US Bush regime, so his analysis isn't just anti-communist propaganda.
Individuals with Paranoid Personality Disorder become trapped in a vicious cycle:
Feeling victimized by an “enemy” leads to …
Wanting revenge against the “enemy” which leads to …
A preemptive attack against the “enemy” which leads to …
A defensive counter-attack from the “enemy” which leads to …
Feeling more victimized (which further escalates this vicious cycle)
World leaders with severe Personality Disorders are incapable of maintaining a world of mutual trust and respect. Instead, they create a world of fear and hate.
These leaders are:
Paranoid: they tell us that we are the victims of a global menace; hence must go to war to fight on the side of God/good vs. Satan/evil
Narcissistic: they tell us that our way of life is far superior to our enemies, and that we should occupy their land
Antisocial: they tell us that war, even preemptive war, is unavoidable and necessary/