But the point is to produce hydrogen so far away that you don't know, don't care; polluting like hell there, but only "sub-human savages" live there anyway. You then make money by bringing it here, which then justifies higher energy costs (being green isn't free you know), then congratulate yourself because now, you are using pollution free cars! Look, only water gets out! Isn't it a proof for you! A nice example of how technology improves your everyday life!
After that, if you feel like it when some green hyppie talks again about pollution, you may point as responsible and impose sanctions to the country producing the hydrogen because it pollutes too much. Those savages (or terrorists, call them as you please) never respect our nice little earth and the environment...
(salespitch tone) As you can see, everybody wins from using pollution-free hydrogen!
Anyway, as for the picture, it shows that in politics, it's PR all the way. RS, you're right, there's another layer of deception there, hydrogen in itself is a bs solution, but it shuts up some naive groups.