Picture of a Reptilian

Picture of a real reptilian. I don't know if true, anyway looks real.

ps: Sorry if published before on this site

Where did you get this image? And why does it look so trashy? This is what happens when Laura’s group deprives you of all your loosh income so you became a trailer park slumlord to make ends meet. Can we open a shoes and belts business in 4D cuz I just thought of a way to clean up the Lizzie slums.
Where did you get this image? And why does it look so trashy? This is what happens when Laura’s group deprives you of all your loosh income so you became a trailer park slumlord to make ends meet. Can we open a shoes and belts business in 4D cuz I just thought of a way to clean up the Lizzie slums.
Here you have it in good times so that you can appreciate it better, I put a red circle around it like in the other image that youtube friends made in case someone does not find it.
This is the closest physical depiction or manifestation of the Lizzie’s I’ve been able to come up with or comprehend:


Probably the only functioning part of many politician and billionaire brains.
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