Please pray for.


Jedi Council Member
Please pray for my daughter who is experiencing the death of her friend. She is very emotional.
I also ask for prayers for her friend Klaudia who committed suicide by hanging, that she may have a peaceful transition. It is not known why. It's a terrible thing.
I am very sorry and even more sad for this tragedy.

It takes a lot of time and patience, and often this is not enough to find an answer to the reason for the suicide, as a teenager I also lost a friend in this way, and despite the incomprehension and suffering, it was a turning point in my teenage life.

My condolences to Klaudia's family, my thoughts and prayers for your daughter, ziutek.
Praying for a peaceful transition for Klaudia and for your daughter for this is very hard to understand. Best I can say is to stay close to her, not judge her opinions about this horrible tragedy and just be by her side. Prayers up and will keep her in my thoughts through this very troubling time. Bless both of you, keep strong with your daughter, this is very hard at such a young age, she needs your help and love.
Klaudia will be in my prayers.May perpetual Light shine upon her.

How deep your daughter's grief must be! Yes, prayers for her and you in loving strength and support.

“I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one shall take from you” (John 16:22).
Quel est le prénom de votre fille ?...
Elle est dans mes prières et son amie Klaudia aussi...
Qu'elles puissent trouver la paix toutes les deux et que le Divin Esprit Cosmique étende sa main protectrice sur votre fille et qu'Il accorde une transition douce, rapide et lumineuse à Klaudia... Merci... Amen

What is your daughter's name?
She is in my prayers and so is her friend Klaudia...
May they both find peace and may the Divine Cosmic Spirit extend its protective hand over your daughter and grant a smooth, quick and bright transition to Klaudia... Thank you... Amen
Maybe Klaudia has joined the guides who want to help other souls transition to 5D in the coming difficult times?
My daughter fortunately understands this possibility.
That's really good that she understands this possibility.
Maybe she can actively help her friend by sending her this knowledge in gentle guidance.

As far as I understand people who commit suicide often end up in shadowland or stick around in 3D and/or attach themselves to the living.
There seems to be special help though for adolescents as reports from the afterlife tell us.
Surely Klaudia needs all the help and love.
Quel est le prénom de votre fille ?...
Elle est dans mes prières et son amie Klaudia aussi...
Qu'elles puissent trouver la paix toutes les deux et que le Divin Esprit Cosmique étende sa main protectrice sur votre fille et qu'Il accorde une transition douce, rapide et lumineuse à Klaudia... Merci... Amen

What is your daughter's name?
She is in my prayers and so is her friend Klaudia...
May they both find peace and may the Divine Cosmic Spirit extend its protective hand over your daughter and grant a smooth, quick and bright transition to Klaudia... Thank you... Amen
My daughter's name is Emilia.
Thank you.
I add my prayers for Klaudia, Emilia and also for you, ziutek, at this time of extreme sadness. As parents, we want to shield our children from this kind of pain...we want to protect ALL the children. May Klaudia, and all in her circle of loved ones be comforted and protected in the Love and Light of Divine Cosmic Mind.
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