Pleiadian Military Defenders of Earth -- videos


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Series of video interviews of the Anthony boys by Dixie Caris.
What do you think of them? And her?

Hi Adpop
Well wasnt that just informative and interesting.The son has mastered the robot voice alien voice fairly well :)

What i want to know is,if they are ambassadors ,i would assume they would be in other countries china for example rather than just the states.It just sounds gobbledee gook to me,nonesensicle.
I'm curious to know if you think they are telling the truth. I'm not at all convinced that they aren't just making it up, although there are few new twists in the information they gave. Neither of them is very articulate, unfortunately. I thought it was strange that the son seemed to have so very little to say, short answers, not keen on expounding at all. Not that I'd know what to expect of a "lightworker" with Pleiadian past lives, but aren't these folks supposed to be "getting the word out?" Thought they'd jump at the chance. Also, the father deferring to the son's wider knowledge of the Pleiadian military, when, again, there seemed to be so little to say. Thus, the "Pleiadian Military" video, for me, was the most bizarre. And Dixie Caris sounds just like one or two New Age radio hosts I've heard, who seem to take absolutely every word uncritically, without any attempt at probing or cross-examination. Not only was she quite timid, but the son was even more timid -- she basically led him to answers and he simply agreed with her about everything. Very, very odd to me.
OK, how about a short one for you all, under two minutes. There are lots of trance channeling videos. Here's Summer Bacon doing Dr. Peebles (which I've read and is pretty much standard gibberish, though the video description says "one of the clearest and most authentic trance mediums of our time").

He's a commander (the son) but claims to not know a thing about how it runs. Gee, don't have to learn engineering to drive a ship where they come from.

I think that the father believes some of what he says and fills in the rest.. Perhaps read a few sites on the web, it sounds so familiar. The son, the Indigo Child, relates memories... Hmmm.

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