Poems to Convey the Wonder of Creation



Today the snowdrops, the perseverant harbingers of spring, sway proudly in the dappled sunshine.

The honey bees resisting the insidious, yet invisible force of the machine.

Yielding not yet to the will of the blackness, perhaps not even aware.

I watch and feel the quenching of their thirst and the sating of their hunger by that most magnificent substance.

Marveling at the beauty of their easy, casual relationship.

I stand by the ancient oak, cracked and broken, yet standing guard.

A group of long-tailed tits dance at the riverside, wheezing whistles declaring their intent and their joy.

Theirs is a family, bonded by rearing offspring and food gathering, always together, always happy.

I feel at peace here, as I always have, at the riverside.

Swollen, cleansing and I know that one day it will cleanse that force from me, joining but not yielding, only growing.

River Trent, Nottinghamshire, England 23rd February 2012

Heaven is on Earth, it is in conscious awareness. One may seek it and it may be found. The baby bunny hop, the butterfly's virgin flight, the leaping fish, the scent of the unbound rose, the sparkling stream and the unfurling leaf.

Cuckoo Dyke, Nottinghamshire, England 20th August 2012
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