

Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
I have read some lovely contributions to this forum =) And also seen some inspiring art.

At first I thought I would try and select a couple of more ... erm ... pleasing? poems that I have written. But as I read through others posts I realised that it may be a misrepresentation.

All of these have been written within the past 9 years, rereading some of them is uncomfortable. I can see myself as a bit of an 'angsty' youth! I know I am not yet ready to understand - but perhaps they are revealing parts of me that I don't like to think of, maybe that's why they feel uncomfortable?

This is one of my more recent poems - I wrote it a short time before one of my Uncles died. It was not related to his passing, as I did not know how ill he was at the time. However when I learned he was in hospital I asked if my Aunt would read it to him, I think I wanted him to know I was thinking of him, and how I wanted to share something personal that I had created with him to maybe bring a measure of my love to him whilst he was suffering. He passed away about 2-3 years ago now, and I never asked my Aunt if she had read the poem to him.

The stars do weep,
A mournful tune.
Their tears pool deep,
Upon the moon.
The gentle patter,
Of crystal pearls,
As droplets scatter,
Their sadness unfurls.
Hush now pale face,
Your sweet symphony,
Now can embrace,

I find it difficult to title my poems. I only came up with a couple of titles when I 'had' to - when I submitted a couple to the former 'poetry.com', which they published in a couple of their books, asking for me to buy one of course! =D I understand that's one way for them to make their money I guess.

I named this one 'Shades of Grey'... I think! My poems are a jumbled mess in a notepad file.

Lost within this deep unending,
Torn apart our hearts are rending,
Love to those we keep on sending,
Black and white we see are blending.

So many lives lost in confusion,
Cause chaos still and disillusion,
Preoccupied with Civilisation,
Amongst this blind coagulation.

Materialism seen in 'Art',
Profit insanity all are part.
Nooks and crannies, to darkness dart,
Have you revealed your black of heart.

The carefree youth watched turned to dust,
The green of hope burnt down to rust.
Bodies abused, through twisted lust,
So where do we turn, who do we trust?

hmm just thought to put these in 'quote's =) hopefully it will make them easier to read. I think the next one was the first poem I wrote. I have never quite 'finished' the last line - I can't decide 'what' is waiting.

An Angelic presence of perfection,
Demonic thoughts of pure deception.
One with such a twisted guise,
To bring to others their demise.
Deceived itself to so convince,
Beings now without defence.
Lurking always on thoughts preying,
Dreaming minds in wait allaying.

I read through some of these old thoughts and wonder if they are even worth sharing =s But I feel if anywhere - here is somewhere I can feel safe sharing them.

This lonely breath I take,
Whilst gazing upon my mind,
That part always awake,
Which others rarely find.

A soft tear shed,
A droplet bled,
humanity alike.
But distance can cause so much pain,
Just as through life we hike.

Emotions but reactions,
Within these cells and brain.
Yet they bring abrasions,
As storm clouds can bring rain.

This is one of my favourites! It is sort of a riddle =D A very easy one though :-[

With leaves so thin and light,
Dark veins inspire thoughts so bright,
Another world created within,
The spine of an Earth to which akin.

That human lie, but to what end?
Another’s heart to which distend.
Forgiveness unsought life correct,
With self to search and so direct.

Hatred bound eternal night,
Such weakness dealt to therefore fight.
Your Universe in only one mind,
Oceans tears to never find.

Vindictive thoughts cause end to pain?
Momentary effects to ease not gain.
Honesty itself does so define,
Trust to which side should align?

You took, we bled and so lost faith,
Became as one naught but a mere wraith.
Not of this world, suppressed our being,
Emotion blind, but ever seeing.

Perceiving more than is decreed,
Hid what shown, but not mislead.
Fearful of such truth inspired,
when proof of actions is acquired.

With thoughts so many and indistinct,
Clarification sought so were they inked,
Shared one beloved to help unwind,
This string pulled taut sought to unbind.

I feel afloat, buoyant on air,
And, it seems, without a care.
To simply curl within oneself,
To leave all thought upon a shelf.
Pleasurable ecstatic emptiness.
It seems finally my tiredness,
Has taken over, erased all doubt,
Now I know my life means nought,
I could just leave and no one would miss,
Me leaving on his sleeping lips a kiss
Of wondrous adoration, yet how do you know
When you should stay, or when to go?
Disappearing seems such sweet relief,
But how can you trust your own belief,
When tricks of light and lies abound,
Evil lives and you it’ll hound.
Welcome the taint within your heart,
And feel its darkness tear you apart.

Amongst these empty husks I weep,
For one lost soul a truth to keep.
The steel and fire of red-hot lust,
Desire for life now caused to rust.

Above the heads of human kind,
They dare not look, at risk to find
An honest reflection of what they hide.
Lives they sought, through gain they died.

Deep below the surface thoughts,
Your mind can’t grasp and so distorts
The wants and needs we think are right,
Our blackness devours all hope of light.

Our demons chase and comfort still,
The spirits seek to break our will,
Angels defy and search the weak,
To destroy us all ethereal they seek.

I am a thought,
Of a moment once lost.
I am a dream,
Though I know not whose.
If I don't know,
Is there someone that does?
If I come undone,
Should I understand?
How do you know,
If you need help?
Should you take what is offered,
Or find strength inside,
The husk that I am,
Of empty emotion,
An echo of thought.
A welcome tide,
On which I should float,
Away and alone,
Until I find Home.

Take me sweet oblivion
I long for depths of silent bliss
My mind can take these crowds of thoughts no more
pain and hate I dream of this.

Drown me velvet night
I crave your warm and soft embrace
These screams and tears echo loudly still
please banish this haunted face.

Hold me gentle arms
I need the comfort of your love
tormenting touches crawl ghostly light
save me hold me far above

Leave me hateful memories
I can't abide you anymore
I loathe your twisted sickness and heartbreak
Vivid welts of burning you claw

My heart it burns for you,
Although it's torn in two.
Not such a precious prize I know,
But it could bring demise and flow,
The blood, its liquid emotion,
But fractured like an arctic ocean.
Surely I can't be so cold.
Maybe I should be so bold,
As to pick up all the pieces,
And see what it releases.

I hope amongst these silly rhymes and thoughts, that someone can find some enjoyment =) Thank you again for welcoming me into your community.
These poems were nice for me to read, Soluna. Thank you for sharing them here! I think the first one about the stars is my personal favorite, because of the imagery it created in my mind. It made me think of stars differently. I can also relate to the others in many ways, because they remind me of things I've been through in life.
You have a beautiful gift Soluna. My ability to rhyme comes and goes, mostly the latter. You have a really nice style as well.
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