Polarity between Angela Merkel and Shinzo Abe


Jedi Council Member
I'll tell two dreams that two week intervals. Separately, they are not very interesting, but together they give me the impression of the same event.
The first dream is past it two weeks ago:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel prepares to speak before an audience. His speech was followed before the television world. As she starts talking, she urinates on it. Although Angela Merkel is hidden behind his desk, a big puddle of piss (urine) overflows before the panel. The public and the televisions of the world watches it live. Merkel shame, and she fled the stage. I feel sorry for her, and I wonder how she will go on stage in the future. Will it the strength to return to politics someday, or is this the end?

The second dream occurred that night:

I'm in a gigantic Olympic stadium, filled with people. I'm not in the stands, but close to the slopes. There are also many people near the tracks. But it seems I have a privileged spot. I'm with one of my brothers. The Japanese delegation enters the stadium. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is in front with his wife beside him. Then he takes some distance with his wife and delegation. People do not understand why Shinzo Abe no longer walk with his delegation and his wife. As if he wanted to break something. Then he starts running. He runs faster and faster around the track. I am exited to attend an event. Then I begin to applaud. I am the only one to applaud, but I keep hoping that people will follow (clap). Then people start to applaud, and finally all the people applaud. And Japanese Prime Minister goes faster and faster on the Olympic track. Once he finished his lap and a half. He was interrogated by television. It's become a hero, everyone tries to approach him. With my brother we approach. It is with a very nice (STO) Japanese woman, she is a journalist and teacher. My brother and I, we know this woman, we are amazed to see her with the Japanese Prime Minister. We are also aware that we are witnessing a historic event, and regret that our loved ones are not here.

Here are the two dreams. The correlation is quite striking. In the words of "The Kybalion" (The principle of polarity): "... Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has extremes; like and unlike are the same meaning ..." opposites "are in fact that the two extremes of the same object which are sandwiched between the different degrees. "

Also it seems to me that between the shame of Angela Merkel and honors of Shinzo Abe, that result from a single event to come.
How about the more 'real world' aspects of what the two PMs are doing for the NWO as it pertains to their country? Merkel assisting in our EU project for regional consolidation and Abe attempting to bring fascism back to Japan in a more active manner, taking his victory lap without applause as most people are against it in his country...same with Merkel, but like the USA, most people really don't have a voice and aren't active in their support or protest.. they just 'go with the flow'... I found your clapping for Abe, in an attempt to get others to applaud him as well, much more interesting... not knowing your position on the manner of course... Why were you supporting his run? Why did you feel sorry for Merkel's urination on her own performance, one she wasn't proud of like Abe seemed to be... both seem reflective of what's going on in their respective countries.

Are you tied in with those countries racially or somehow? Do you often utilize public figures in your dreams in this manner of self-expression?.. I only ask because those two are active public figures in their regional NWO setup, unlike most public figures/national political leaders.

PS... given Abe's attempt at national media control (same in China which makes one think of racial angles as well as the usual control issues of any dictator/single party state etc) makes this more interesting.
gdpetti said:
How about the more 'real world' aspects of what the two PMs are doing for the NWO as it pertains to their country? Merkel assisting in our EU project for regional consolidation and Abe attempting to bring fascism back to Japan in a more active manner, taking his victory lap without applause as most people are against it in his country...same with Merkel, but like the USA, most people really don't have a voice and aren't active in their support or protest.. they just 'go with the flow'... I found your clapping for Abe, in an attempt to get others to applaud him as well, much more interesting... not knowing your position on the manner of course... Why were you supporting his run? Why did you feel sorry for Merkel's urination on her own performance, one she wasn't proud of like Abe seemed to be... both seem reflective of what's going on in their respective countries.

Are you tied in with those countries racially or somehow? Do you often utilize public figures in your dreams in this manner of self-expression?.. I only ask because those two are active public figures in their regional NWO setup, unlike most public figures/national political leaders.

PS... given Abe's attempt at national media control (same in China which makes one think of racial angles as well as the usual control issues of any dictator/single party state etc) makes this more interesting.

hi gdpetti, In "real life," I do not support the policies of Merkel and Abe. But if I was sorry to Merkel, it was only compassion. As for Abe, if I argued in the dream that he had decided to break away from the "STS" policy of his country. Running meant overtaking, and the tear with his family and his country. Perhaps the victory in the Olympic stadium, indicates that it will be approved by the Gods. In my dream, my applause matched the perfermance that Abe had to radically change course.
This may look like the parable of the prodigal son in the Gospel. Luke, chapter 15, verses 11-32:

He said, A certain man had two son. The younger one said to his father: Father, give me the portion of goods that falls to me. And the father divided the property. A few days later, the younger son gathered all together, went to a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living. When he had spent everything, a severe famine in that country, and he began to be in need. He went to serve a citizen of that country, who sent him into his fields to feed swine. He would gladly be fed with the pods that the pigs ate, but no one gave him anything. Having returned to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough, and I'm dying of hunger! I will arise and go to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you, I am no longer worthy to be called your son; Make me as one of thy hired servants. And he arose, and went to his father. As he was still far off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck and kissed him. The son said to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you, I am no longer worthy to be called your son. But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on; Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Eat and rejoice; For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found. And they began to celebrate. Now his elder son was in the field. As he came near the house, he heard music and dancing. He called one of the servants and asked what it was. He said to him: Your brother is back, and because he found him in good health, your father has killed the fatted calf. He was angry and would not go. His father came out and entreated him. But he answered his father: behold, there is so many years do I serve thee, neither transgressed thy commandment: and yet you never gave me even a young goat so that I might celebrate with my friends. And when thy son was come, which hath devoured thy living with harlots, for him you killed the fattened calf! My son, 'the father said, you are always with me, and everything I have is yours; but he had to celebrate and rejoice, because your brother was dead, and is alive again, was lost and is found.
Kisito said:
I'll tell two dreams that two week intervals. Separately, they are not very interesting, but together they give me the impression of the same event.
The first dream is past it two weeks ago:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel prepares to speak before an audience. His speech was followed before the television world. As she starts talking, she urinates on it. Although Angela Merkel is hidden behind his desk, a big puddle of piss (urine) overflows before the panel. The public and the televisions of the world watches it live. Merkel shame, and she fled the stage. I feel sorry for her, and I wonder how she will go on stage in the future. Will it the strength to return to politics someday, or is this the end?

The second dream occurred that night:

I'm in a gigantic Olympic stadium, filled with people. I'm not in the stands, but close to the slopes. There are also many people near the tracks. But it seems I have a privileged spot. I'm with one of my brothers. The Japanese delegation enters the stadium. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is in front with his wife beside him. Then he takes some distance with his wife and delegation. People do not understand why Shinzo Abe no longer walk with his delegation and his wife. As if he wanted to break something. Then he starts running. He runs faster and faster around the track. I am exited to attend an event. Then I begin to applaud. I am the only one to applaud, but I keep hoping that people will follow (clap). Then people start to applaud, and finally all the people applaud. And Japanese Prime Minister goes faster and faster on the Olympic track. Once he finished his lap and a half. He was interrogated by television. It's become a hero, everyone tries to approach him. With my brother we approach. It is with a very nice (STO) Japanese woman, she is a journalist and teacher. My brother and I, we know this woman, we are amazed to see her with the Japanese Prime Minister. We are also aware that we are witnessing a historic event, and regret that our loved ones are not here.

Here are the two dreams. The correlation is quite striking. In the words of "The Kybalion" (The principle of polarity): "... Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has extremes; like and unlike are the same meaning ..." opposites "are in fact that the two extremes of the same object which are sandwiched between the different degrees. "

Also it seems to me that between the shame of Angela Merkel and honors of Shinzo Abe, that result from a single event to come.
The day after the Japanese delegation for the Olympic Games, the Japanese emperor abdicates, whereas this is prohibited in the Japanese constitution. Shinzo Abe, appears to antagonize the basis of his political party and the family of the emperor.
Also, this may to some extent be closer to my dream, where the Japanese delegation parades in the stadium olymique and where we acclaim Shinzo Abe, because he was alienated from his people and his family (perhaps be it emphasized, political family). To be continued

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