Police Dog


FOTCM Member
Police dog left in hot SUV outrages marina staff


The RCMP on Vancouver Island are facing criticism for leaving a police dog in a hot SUV in a marina parking lot for several hours while the off-duty officer was out fishing.

Hessel Oerlemans said the dog was locked in the police SUV in front of the Goldstream Boathouse in Langford on Wednesday as temperatures soared on one of the hottest days of the year.

The off-duty officer left the windows of the SUV partially open, but Oerlemans said that was not enough to keep the vehicle cool.

"You could feel the heat coming out of the window. It was like a furnace," he said.

Boathouse owner Lita Seymonsbergen says the dog was hot and in obvious distress.

"You couldn't get near him because he was totally panicking," said Seymonsbergen.

Eventually marina staff erected a portable canopy over the vehicle and sprayed it with water to try to cool it down, before calling 911.

Police say dog okay in vehicle

Two hours later, while the off duty RCMP dog handler was still out on the water, police arrived and left with the dog.

Const. Mitch Fiddick said it was okay to keep the dog in the vehicle in the parked in the sun on a hot day because it had special training. [ :nuts: ]

"We work our dogs all the time in these kinds of temperatures — 25 degrees in the summertime. We work the dogs in 35 degrees," said Fiddick.

"There's a nice breeze blowing," he said. [ :curse: ]

But marina staff who saw the incident say, of all people, the RCMP should know better.

One of the response comment posts read said something like, as the dog is technically a police officer, the dog should charge his handler with assaulting a police officer. :v:
One of the response comment posts read said something like, as the dog is technically a police officer, the dog should charge his handler with assaulting a police officer.

The police officer is a dog.
Why in the world did he just not take his partner with him fishing?? I thought police officers were really close to their canine cops - at least that's the way they portray every cop/dog partnership in the media.

So sad.

I'm really glad the dog was ok.
Dawn said:
Why in the world did he just not take his partner with him fishing??

That exactly what I was thinking! Police Dogs are considering "Working Dogs" and can be taken anywhere legally. I've seen a Deputy in a neighboring county take his dog into the Huddle Huddle house with him quite a few times. She lays under the table while he eats, he's got a portable bowl he fills with water and sits down beside her....they take their break together.
It really makes no sense to me. I hope the dude gets fired. Cracking a window for air on a hot day does NOT mean the dog was 'feeling a nice breeze.' (Enter many curse words here.)


Suddenly it remindes me of Pepper.

Guardian said:
Dawn said:
Why in the world did he just not take his partner with him fishing??

That exactly what I was thinking! Police Dogs are considering "Working Dogs" and can be taken anywhere legally. I've seen a Deputy in a neighboring county take his dog into the Huddle Huddle house with him quite a few times. She lays under the table while he eats, he's got a portable bowl he fills with water and sits down beside her....they take their break together.
Here is a follow-up response by the SPCA


SPCA spokeswoman Marcy Moriarty called the situation, "unacceptable" and said her agency will keep an eye on the internal police investigation.

"It is of great concern. Last time I checked police dogs weren't different than any other dogs in terms of heat stroke," said Moriarty.

Police launch investigation

"The RCMP has high expectations of the level of care provided to our police dogs. Leaving the dog in these circumstances does not appear to meet these expectations," said Lagan.

Dawn said:
Why in the world did he just not take his partner with him fishing??

No kidding.

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