Police Drag Protestors From Melbourne CBD


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
Not sure if this has been reported already but I haven't seen anything on the SOTT.net website.

Police drag protestors from Melbourne CBD
Article: _http://au.news.yahoo.com/vic/latest/a/-/article/10665332/police-and-protesters-clash-in-melbourne/

Video: _http://au.news.yahoo.com/video/vic/-/watch/27024043/dozens-hurt-and-arrested-in-protest/

Perth CHOGM protest organisers have their homes raided:

Police use Facebook to monitor protestors (no surprise there):

And this is just absurd. Eight FA/18 Hornet jet fighters have been deployed in Perth for security measures: _http://www.skynews.com.au/local/article.aspx?id=675690&vId=

And CHOGM seemed to be a good excuse to install this high-tech 24 hour monitoring station which will remain after the event. To spy on grocery shoppers and grandmas walking their dogs I suppose....

Stop and search laws now in place in Perth:
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