Political poetry


Jedi Master
This poem was written 4 year ago, when I still had some unspent poetic gift in me. I wish, I had something left now to write about Trump's win :(
That event would worth commemorating.


Political circus of two thousand twelfth
Business as usual, the show of wealth
A race to grab the president's seat
God save America from the defeat

Defeated, not yet, but it was badly damaged
Was pillaged and plundered and it was mismanaged
By those who claimed that they know best
Just let them rule and they do the rest

You're fools to believe that Barack Obama
Is better than Romney, the snake charmer
Yes, he is a juggler and a master of speech
But we need a visionary, not another leech

That is owned by the bankers and global elite
Who has sold his soul to Wall street
From all the candidates I could recall
I would cast my vote for Ron Paul!

August 7th, 2012

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