Politics, Priests, Pedophilia and The Lisbon Treaty


The Living Force
In Guardian's Introductory thread, a reference was made to a couple of articles. I had seen a reference to them before, but lost them, somehow, so thanks, Laura. Since the links in question reappeared in this context, I wanted to comment on them without hijacking Guardian's thread, so I thought I'd post this here instead.

If anyone has anything to add to this, or whatever, feedback is invited.

Laura said:

On the other hand, I shouldn't be surprised. Someone sent me this recently:

German Government Publication Promotes Incestuous Pedophilia as Healthy Sex Ed

The Lisbon Treaty permits paedophilia -- the end of the EU?

On the subject of acceptance of pedophilia, lifesitenews describes this as "licentiousness as the new morality". The Lisbon Treaty article explains it as "they want to placate the Arab muslims."

To me, this is strongly suggestive of a society-level schizoid alter personality/negative introject operating in the political environment. There are still many older people in politics, religion and other fields that well remember, or otherwise pine for the "old days" and don't seem to like seeing individuals/states in contemporary culture, trying to individuate more and more from the established authority, or even from "their shameful past".
These stories bring to mind what Margaret Mahler terms “separation and individuation anxiety.”1

What are "the old days?"
Consider that during the Weimer Republic in Germany, kind words were rare in German homes. There were all kinds of “obedience rituals” in German families that were designed to make the child “always good.”
Priests used children for sex then too.2 Both boys and girls regularly were raped in schools, by teachers and older students, and there were even special schools espousing “pedagogical Eros”—the benefits of teachers using students for sex “to help learning.”3

Children were given away and even sometimes sold 4 to relatives, neighbors, courts, priests, foundling homes, schools, friends, strangers, "traveling scholars" (to be used as beggars) - anyone who would take them - so that for much of history only a minority of German children lived their entire childhoods under their family roof.

This is in no way restricted to Germany, Austria or even Europe though. No country or state or period in history has been immune from child-hating and abusing practices - especially pedophilia.
Parents are known to have handed over their children to the brothels, bath-houses and temples that could be found in any city of antiquity.4 Physicians advocated the rape of children as a way to overcome depression and as a cure for venereal disease.5 Most political leaders kept children to rape, like Nero, who roamed about daily, raping boys who he found in the streets and in brothels.6

Priests also commonly used confessions to solicit sex with boys, but early Christian penitentials assessed penances only for the boys, since they were blamed for their own rape. Peter Damian said in the eleventh century that sex with boys in monasteries "rages like a bloodthirsty beast in the midst of the sheepfold of Christ with bold freedom" and suggested both the man and boy be punished as accomplices for a "sin against nature."8

Further, A common practice in the Church that dates back to the 800s and was probably known but disapproved of by St. Peter Damian, is that of removing clerics found guilty of criminal acts, including sodomy, on the basis of whether or not their offenses were publicly known, or carried out and confessed in secret.

In cases that had become "notorious," the offending cleric was defrocked and/or handed over to the secular authorities for punishment. If his crime was known only to a few persons such as his confessor or religious superior, the offending cleric was privately reprimanded, served a penance, and then was permitted to continue at his post, or transferred to a similar post in a different diocese. 9 This practice has been somewhat modified today by using so-called "treatment centers" or homosexual/pederast-friendly dioceses to squirrel away offending clergy until the heat is off. However, as Bernard Cardinal Law and many of his fellow bishops have discovered to their everlasting regret, today's instant mass communication, electronic tracking systems and access to public and private records of all kinds, is making it much more difficult to hide offending clergy or conceal criminal sexual abuse committed either by hierarchy or by priests and religious under their jurisdiction.

So, in the light of the knowledge of history, it seems obvious that it is neither a 'new morality', nor a 'concession to Arab Muslims', but rather little more than reaching for any excuse possible to keep the "old ways" in the NWO. OSIT

Margaret Mahler, et al, The Psychological Birth of the Human Infant. New York: Basic Books, 1975; also see Eli Sagan, At the Dawn of Tyranny: The Origins of Individualism, Political Oppression, and the State. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1985, p. 358
Hans-Georg Behr, Almost a Childhood: Growing Up Among the Nazis. London: Granta Books, 2005, pp. 262-3.
Lloyd deMause, The Emotional Life of Nations, p. 199.
Aurel Ende, "Battering and Neglect," p. 252
Edward Brongersma, Loving Boys, p. 79-82; Craig A. Williams, Roman Homosexuality: Ideologies of Masculinity in Classical Antiquity. New York: Oxford, University Press, 1999; Susan Brownmiller, Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1975, p. 19.
Lloyd deMause, “The History of Child Abuse.” The Journal of Psychohistory 25(1998): 224.
Sander J. Breiner, Slaughter of the Innocents, p. 122.
Peter Damian, Book of Gomorrah. Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier University Press, 1982, pp. 27, 42.

Pierre J. Payer, Book of Gomorrah - An Eleventh-Century Treatise Against Clerical Homosexual Practices, Wilfrid Laurier, University Press, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 1982, p. 17
Thanks for posting this. It's interesting to see a part of the history of this laid out although I unfortunately can't say that I'm shocked. I don't believe this is a new morality at all but rather as you say, just a way to keep the old ways alive and further hidden. As pedophilia became better known in the general public, predators had to construct new ways of continuing their behaviors without being as easily seen.
truth seeker said:
As pedophilia became better known in the general public, predators had to construct new ways of continuing their behaviors without being as easily seen.

That's what I was thinking. And what better way than to hide in plain sight? To me, "new ways" sounded something like this:

Guardian said:
..."brand new event (EROS: Earth Religions, Occultism & Sexuality Conference)

I can imagine that from the 4D STS view, these practices not only need to continue, but preferably involve trauma and as early in the development cycle as possible - or, at least in a way that involves the child understanding that it's all his/her fault.

What better way to ensure a sizable herd of controllable human adult cattle every generation, than to ensure that, as near as possible, everyone is controllable through their fears, insecurities and abberant behavioral impulses? And add all that to trauma induced in the 1st and 2nd imprint phase, and you probably have the curriculum for "Basic 3D Emotional Programming 101" for 4D STS.

Edit: added later:
Changed 'good crop' to 'sizable herd' due to mixing metaphors :rolleyes:
I encourage ya'll to read "Saharasia" for some history on female and child abuse/hatred. Not for the solution he offers (he goes off into Reich) but just for the documented history, the studies, charts, maps etc.
Laura said:
I encourage ya'll to read "Saharasia" for some history on female and child abuse/hatred. Not for the solution he offers (he goes off into Reich) but just for the documented history, the studies, charts, maps etc.

Thank you!
truth seeker said:
Thanks for posting this. It's interesting to see a part of the history of this laid out although I unfortunately can't say that I'm shocked. I don't believe this is a new morality at all but rather as you say, just a way to keep the old ways alive and further hidden. As pedophilia became better known in the general public, predators had to construct new ways of continuing their behaviors without being as easily seen.

I agree, it is a method to perpetuate a behaviour.

The Lisbon Treaty permits paedophilia -- the end of the EU?

No wonder it has been permitted in Lisbon. In around 2002/03, there was a massive scandal in Portugal involving a good number of prominent political figures and celebrities with paedophilia. For 30 years (and god knows if not for much, much longer) these people had been using the "services" of Casa Pia, a well known state-run orphanage which provided the kids.
The country was shocked when this came to light. As years passed, the whole process has gradually and conveniently been faded into obscurity. And if I'm not mistaken, the initial judge has, in the meantime, been substituted. Today, no one really knows what's happening with the process. For more, you can read about it here:


I have to admit I was shocked when reading Buddy's post, so this is how they decided to handle it? :shock:
Buddy said:
So, in the light of the knowledge of history, it seems obvious that it is neither a 'new morality', nor a 'concession to Arab Muslims',

Or to the Jewish orthodox community :
http://www.nydailynews.com/opinions/2008/11/21/2008-11-21_expose_child_sex_abuse_in_the_orthodox_j.html ("Expose child sex abuse in the Orthodox Jewish community")
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/14/nyregion/14abuse.html (yeshiva teachers, rabbis, camp counselors, merchants and relatives of children).

Paedophilia is a rather traditional custom among Asian peoples, not to mention Africans.
suumcuique said:
Paedophilia is a rather traditional custom among Asian peoples, not to mention Africans.

That is a racist and rather ridiculous statement, because pedophilia is present across all cultures on this planet.
anart said:
suumcuique said:
Paedophilia is a rather traditional custom among Asian peoples, not to mention Africans.

That is a racist and rather ridiculous statement, because pedophilia is present across all cultures on this planet.

In terms of cultures, one should discriminate between what is peculiar and intrinsic to a culture and the elements it contains that result from alien influences. It is well known that pederasty existed in the Greek world, and, to a lesser extent, in the Roman world, but not in pristine Greece, nor in early Rome. Pederasty started to become fashionable in ancient Greece and in ancient Rome with the ever-increasing use of slaves imported from Africa and from Asia to Rome and Greek cities. Pederasty was virtually unknown in the early Scandinavian world, and, when a case occurred, the culprit was immediately banned from the community.
suumcuique said:
anart said:
suumcuique said:
Paedophilia is a rather traditional custom among Asian peoples, not to mention Africans.

That is a racist and rather ridiculous statement, because pedophilia is present across all cultures on this planet.

In terms of cultures, one should discriminate between what is peculiar and intrinsic to a culture and the elements it contains that result from alien influences. It is well known that pederasty existed in the Greek world, and, to a lesser extent, in the Roman world, but not in pristine Greece, nor in early Rome. Pederasty started to become fashionable in ancient Greece and in ancient Rome with the ever-increasing use of slaves imported from Africa and from Asia to Rome and Greek cities. Pederasty was virtually unknown in the early Scandinavian world, and, when a case occurred, the culprit was immediately banned from the community.

This doesn't qualify your initial statement above, so I'm not sure what relevance there is in what you've written here. It would also be helpful if you provided hard data for such pronouncements, since without data, they have little value.
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