Background: My Daughter is a practicing homeopath in a pioneering way by treating life traumas with homeopathic remedies. I have been working with her since reading Political Ponerology as to the practical application in treating psychopathic effects on peoples lives. As part of a school of homepaths she forwarded this link to the school email list.
This may seem random but I feel I have to send this link to people I know after I started reading this book called Political Ponerology. The website features a description of the book and a short video. Please investigate if you feel so inclined.
The response she recieved back from her instructor was simply this:
And now, for a dose of reality:
Topic Recommendation: The link above is for a video on youtube about Palistine (widely now known as Pallywood). This was my first exposure to this video. Where did it originate and what was the purpose? It is being broadcast widely as proof that Palistine is just faking the effects of occupation. Has anyone else seen this and what are your thoughts?
This may seem random but I feel I have to send this link to people I know after I started reading this book called Political Ponerology. The website features a description of the book and a short video. Please investigate if you feel so inclined.
The response she recieved back from her instructor was simply this:
And now, for a dose of reality:
Topic Recommendation: The link above is for a video on youtube about Palistine (widely now known as Pallywood). This was my first exposure to this video. Where did it originate and what was the purpose? It is being broadcast widely as proof that Palistine is just faking the effects of occupation. Has anyone else seen this and what are your thoughts?