Possible astral projection/lucid dream

Last night I experienced something very unusual. I think I may have astral projected?

During my sleep, I remember my mind woke up but my body stayed asleep and relaxed (not sleep paralysis). Then I felt my “astral body” start to float and turn around mid air to face up (I sleep belly side down). This is not too unusual for me. But then I heard a weird voice or sound and it spooked me a bit. I decided to ignore it and continued to relax. This is where it got very weird.

I felt as though my body shot upwards. Everything was black up until this point, only feeling the sensations. But then I see that I’m actually traveling through the solar system.

All of a sudden I’m entering some sort of atmosphere. It looked pretty rough but it didn’t feel like anything. I can see I’m going through some clouds. It’s daytime. And I’m in this place that is relatively empty or plain but green. Think a grassy field with some hills in the background and a river where I “landed”. There was also a “ship wreck” on the grass. It looked old and weathered.

Obviously at this point this feels like a lucid dream. I know I’m very happy just flying around this area and even “water bending” for fun. The weird part is that at one point I’m not sure if I’m dreaming or if it’s real. And I remember standing atop the ship looking down at the grass thinking “well I guess there’s only one way to find out” before jumping off and flying and thinking “ok yeah it’s a dream, good”.

Anyway I was too excited, my breathing became manual and it woke me up.

The only reason I’m sharing this is because this dream has been in my mind all day. I remember the positions of the planet in my path pretty clearly. So I looked them up.


This is taken from theplanetstoday.com This is exactly what I saw — the path between Earth and Uranus. I remember thinking it was weird that I’m seeing the Sun. For some reason I always expected to travel away from it like our man made space probes do.

Anyway, pretty cool experience all in all. The water bending was silly lol. I did it on purpose just to see if I could.
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