Possible coup d'état in Bolivia


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Arce denounces irregular mobilizations of Bolivian military in La Paz
Army personnel surrounded Plaza Murillo in the capital.

The president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, denounced on Wednesday "irregular mobilizations of some units of the Bolivian Army".

In a brief message published in social networks, the president added: "Democracy must be respected".

From the Organization of American States (OAS), the head of the Organization Luis Almagro expressed the "most energetic condemnation of the events in Bolivia".

"The Army must submit to the legitimately elected civilian power. We send our solidarity to Bolivian President Luis Arce Catacora, his government and all the Bolivian people. The international community, the OAS and the General Secretariat will not tolerate any breach of the legitimate constitutional order in Bolivia or anywhere else," he added.

For his part, former Bolivian President Evo Morales, said in his X account: "A coup d'état is in the making".

In another interaction, Morales called for a "national mobilization to defend democracy against the coup d'état that is being carried out at the head" of General Juan José Zúñiga, who the day before was relieved of his position as former Army commander.

"We declare an indefinite general strike and road blockade. We will not allow the Armed Forces to violate democracy and intimidate the people", said Morales.

I have the impression that they may be the typical and common culprit at northern continental interests.

Bolivia sees joining BRICS as path towards prosperity
"BRICS is a space where huge opportunities are opening up, in trade, access to financial resources and speeding up our economic and social development, taking us to new frontiers," the Bolivian leader was quoted as saying by TASS.

"It is extremely important to continue on the path toward a sovereign, anti-hegemonic and multipolar world," he added.

Bolivia has "certain difficulties with availability of the dollar," which is why it is necessary to get out from under "US hegemony" as much as possible, Arce said.

"We have done a lot with Russia and China, for example, on the issue of lithium, we are also moving towards Bolivia's joining BRICS, demonstrating the advantages of multipolar world order over unipolarity. <…> This will open up a variety of possibilities for trade and access to economic resources," he said.

Since its inception in 2006, BRICS has experienced two phases of expansion. In 2011, South Africa joined the original group, which included Brazil, Russia, India, and China. On January 1, 2024, five new members officially entered BRICS, namely Egypt, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Ethiopia. In July 2023, Arce announced his country’s wish to join BRICS.
I look about how rich is Bolivia, although he is the second poor country in South-America.
From Wikipedia:

Modern Bolivia is a charter member of the UN, IMF, NAM,[20] OAS, ACTO, Bank of the South, ALBA, and USAN. Bolivia remains a developing country, and the second-poorest in South America, though it has slashed poverty rates and now has one of the fastest-growing economies on the continent (in terms of GDP). Its main economic resources include agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining, and goods such as textiles and clothing, refined metals, and refined petroleum. Bolivia is very geologically rich, with mines producing tin, silver, lithium, and copper. The country is also known for its production of coca plants and refined cocaine. In 2021, estimated coca cultivation and cocaine production was 39,700 hectares and 317 metric tons, respectively.[21]
It is good to know that - at least for the time being - the crisis has been overcome.

President Luis Arce speakead to his people, earlier the president changed the Bolivian Military High Command amidst the seizure of Murillo square. Arce sworn in the new military chiefs amid shouts of "the coup plotters will not pass".

Live report from Bolivia, it is said that the military personnel and tanks at Plaza Murillo are retreating, following the new supreme commander order. It is mentioned that there were no other incidents of violence by the military in other regions of the country. It only occurred in the city of La Paz.
It is not known where Gen. Zuñiga is, who was the orchestrator of the coup d'etat.


What is known about the attempted coup in Bolivia:

- General Juan José Zúñiga leads the coup. The day before, he was dismissed after he announced his readiness to arrest former Bolivian President Evo Morales. But the general refused to leave his post;

— Zúñiga said that the army is “angry at the government” and plans to “take back the homeland” and that a new government will be created, and Arce remains president “for now”;

— the general’s troops filled Murillo Square in the capital of La Paz. The government and the official residence of the president are located there. The rebels broke into the territory of the presidential palace in an armored personnel carrier;

— the current President of Bolivia, Luis Arce, was at his residence. Surrounded by ministers, he addressed the nation, calling what was happening in La Paz an attempted coup;

- The Bolivian government ordered all military personnel to remain in their barracks and not join the general's troops. And also called on the international community to support the legitimate government of the country;

- General Zúñiga met with President Arce, local media write, and the military has allegedly already left the government building after the conversation with Arce; with Arce; 1719437080785.png

The Bolivian Foreign Ministry accused the US Embassy of interfering in the country’s internal affairs. In mid-June, Bolivian Economy Minister Marcelo Montenegro, amid protests over fuel supply problems in the country, said that the US Embassy and a number of other diplomatic missions were preparing a “soft coup” against the government of President Luis Arce.

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Zúñiga, come down and demobilize! The shout of the Minister of Government to the Army commander in the Murillo square.
The Minister of Government, Eduardo Del Castillo, arrived at the Murillo square before the unusual mobilization faced by a group of armed soldiers under the command of the Army General Commander, Juan José Zúñiga.

Once he knew where the Army general was stationed, the authority went to the place and knocked on the doors of the tank to ask him with a commanding voice to get down from the motorized vehicle

"General Zúñiga, get out and demobilize", exclaimed the Minister of Government. 1719437432772.pngEduardo del Castillo knocks on the door of the tank where General Juan Josè Zuñiga was
In the social networks there is talk that what really happened in Bolivia was a self-coup d'état with the aim of legitimizing Luis Arce's presidency.

When General Zuñiga is arrested, he declares:

"I am going to talk in detail, on Sunday at Colegio La Salle I met with the President and the President told me that the situation was very screwed up this week, that it was going to be critical and that it was necessary to do something to raise his popularity. He gave me orders to take out the armored vehicles and on Sunday night they start to come down..."

Some reporters or people interrupt him and start exclaiming "it's self-coup d'état!" And others ask "General, is it self-coup d'état?"

But the General does not answer and boards his vehicle.
During his arrest, former general Juan José Zuñiga accused President Arce of having orchestrated the self-coup...
- "The President asked me to do something to raise his popularity..."​

The newly elected president arrived at the presidency of Bolivia with a divided country and with serious consequences after the demonstrations that took place after Evo Morales went into exile, after being criticized for his reelection in elections that did not have the approval of all the internal blocs and international organizations.​
It is always interesting to see how our usual western suspects react to such happenings. Most often it can reveal significant clues on what is really going on and what is behind it. Also taking into consideration the speed with which they react is a telling sign:

This morning in german mainstream radio we were told that Ursula von der Leyen and other “first class“ people in the west strongly condemned what happened and said they stand behind the current government against such aggressions.

Right there we should take notice and critically analyze the situation!
This was the event after the President of the State, Luis Arce Catacora, and General Juan José Zúñiga Macías, recently removed from his post as Army Commander, had a heated argument over the military takeover of the Murillo square in La Paz, after violating the door of the Palacio Quemado.

There were about 40 armed soldiers who entered with Zúñiga to the Palace where Arce was waiting for him with some of his ministers:

- Arce: When did you warn us about this (armed takeover)?
- Zúñiga: All the time. Always, always.

- Arce: You have never informed me.
- Zúñiga: The Armed Forces are upset.

- Arce: We are upset.
- Zúñiga: So are we. Here is the commander of the Air Force (Marcelo Zegarra) and the commander of the Navy (Juan Arnez Salvador).

- Arce: Here is your captain: Return to your orders and take all the Military Police to their barracks! Right now!
- Zúñiga: It can't be that, it can't be this contempt for so much loyalty.

- Arce: Watch out, they are carrying out a coup d'état against the Bolivian people! I will not allow it! If you respect yourselves as military men, withdraw all your forces, it is a general order!
- Zúñiga: (Remains silent)

- Arce: Are you not going to listen to me?
- Zuñiga: No

- Arce: You are going to pay attention to me (to the naval commander, he answers no).

- Arce: You will listen to me (the FAB commander says yes).

It doesn't seem like a great deep dialogue or prepared at all to think it was a self-assault, if you ask me, it seems more like a good bad B-movie dialogue...
Here is a brief background on the situation:
Juan José Zúñiga Macías, now former general and former Army commander, will be known and accused of being the material and intellectual author of an alleged failed coup attempt. Those who know him assure that Zúñiga Macías was ratified by Luis Arce as Army commander in January of this year and was close to the social movements related to the Government. Before becoming commander, he was chief of staff, held these positions and was accused of embezzling more than 2.7 million Bolivianos (US$400,000). He has been accused of being part of the group known as "Pachajchos", a power group within the Bolivian Army of military intelligence that fights smuggling (drug and arms trafficking) operating on the border since the administration of former President Morales, who in turn has accused him of being an infiltrator:
"We have to watch out for the Pachajcho group, organized from the Army General Staff (Zúñiga)". Military that are behind Evo and the leaders in permanent persecution. "At any moment this Pachajcho group of the Army is going to put up evidence, I want to warn the people," said the "cocalero" leader in mid-October of last year.
Agents are running covert influence operations in Bolivia?

I believe that what is perceived is to generate economic and social instability (fear, panic and terror) due to the "economic and conflict perspectives of the country:
In the last few months three multinationals have sold their assets: the multinational Alicorp of the Romero Group announced that it was in negotiations for the sale of its milling business in Bolivia (soybean and sunflower production and fine oil factory), although it will continue with its mass consumer products division (food and toiletries). Two days later, Bisa Seguros y Reaseguros revealed the purchase of the shares of BUPA Global in Bolivia in the insurance market. And the last announcement was made by Kimberly-Clark which sold its assets to Empacar. Then also the private operators and service companies of Hydrocarbons and Energy (CBHE), warned of the absence of new projects that do not allow to glimpse discoveries and developments in the medium term in the country, sowing the distrust that there is and there will be a "shortage" of fuels and gas.

Well, it's probably the Russians' fault, since the US and its acronyms are not amused to see a potentially rich country with a 90% indigenous (Semitic) population flirting with the Brics and have made them feel it, a warning to jump through hoops.

It doesn't seem like a great deep dialogue or prepared at all to think it was a self-assault, if you ask me, it seems more like a good bad B-movie dialogue...
President Arce had a heated argument, the general on the other hand... Looks quite calm... Is he shewing??... And the other general looks like he's about to laugh... Nervous laughter?

That dialogue is... bizarre... Of course, I may be influenced by other rather violent coups at the movies.

Without subtitles, but see their bodies expressions.
A new video of the meeting between President Luis Arce and military chiefs in the Palacio Quemado is circulating. It shows how the President rebukes them and shows the baton of command and the retirement of Juan José Zúñiga. Video: Álvaro Ruiz
🤔 JUST SAYING: This was just two weeks ago - coincidence?

Bolivia has 21mn tons of lithium reserve - the largest on the planet.

Bolivia also cut off all relations with Israel in condemnation of the genocide in Gaza.

Did the world just witness the second CIA-backed coup plot against the Bolivian state in under 5 years?

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