Predator drones to be used by law enforcement?

F.A.A has plans to license domestic drone planes to local law enforcement around the country, all in the name of public safety.

If that's not the biggest bunch of bologna I've ever heard, don't know what is. Of course the newscaster on Fox News(unfair and biased) tries to make it sound like the media is concerned with the issue of the government turning into Big Brother. When the government is already Big Brother and the media further elicits the blackops government agenda. They mentioned a story about a man in North Dakota where law enforcement tested the legalities of the drone planes. I'm for certain that as the NWO advances their agenda, they will give law enforcement more and more power and technology, and deceive the public into believing that this all for their safety. Most Americans along with other countries average citizens will gladly give a little or all their sovereignty for security. The NWO will not even have to take people's rights, the average ignorant person will just hand them over. It's sad but true, that so many have and will be fooled. 9/11 being the prime example of the ultimate deception. If most knew the truth, they would be up in arms about the amount of surveillance our government should be allowed.

It's little pieces of news like this that make me realize that we have passed a point of no return as a free and dissenting society. :zzz: "Go back to sleep America!!!!!" Bill Hicks (Greatest Political Comedian Ever)​
Here is a related article that may be appropriate for SOTT:

May 1, 2012
An Alabama Police Department Has No Idea Why It Owns Two Drones

Surprise! The Gadsden, Ala. Police Department recently discovered that it has two drones, and no one, including Chief John Crane, knows why.

Looks like a case for... well, probably not this department, where everyone seems to be scratching their heads. Crane, who was named chief in February, didn't stumble on the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) until about two weeks ago. He doesn't know where they came from, but they've had them since 2010. The duo of UAV Wasps cost $150,000, and they were covered by a federal grant.

Seriously, how do you just have a pair of drones and not know it? And Gadsden even has the official go-ahead to fly them. It was included on a list of organizations with FAA authorization released last week.

Gadsden hasn't used the drones-which can fly at a maximum altitude of 500 feet-yet, which is probably fine. A town of 37,000 people probably doesn't have much need for aerial surveillance. [Gadsden Times via AP]
Re: Predator drones to kill undesirable poeple by PTB or terrorists

It seems drones are more and more advanced and combined with AI they can become a real problem in our Orwellian world. See this video for instance, about possible and probably current development of these devices:

This just the tip of the iceberg. Didn't the Cass say that hidden technology is in fact thousands of years compared to known mainstream tech ? This makes one wonder !
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