

I recall a few years ago that there was a communication from the Cs that included the statement that "the secret is in the primes" - meaning the prime numbers. I puzzled over this for some time but could not make much headway - and it seemed that nobody else in the Cass group could either.

Last night out of the blue an idea came to me. It may be useless, but it has piqued my curiosity.

Back story: In recent years I have come to conceptualize the universe - or multiverse - whatever, as being made up of patterns of vibrations in a universal substrate - call it a 'field' or 'aether' or whatever...the concept is not new I know.

However, in thinking about vibrations - they have frequency as a basic characteristic, and one of the things that vibrations do is that they resonate with things that correspond to them by having a natural frequency that is a fraction of the vibration.

Except in the case of vibrations that oscillate with a frequency that is a prime number - as primes have no factors that are integers. Now if we extrapolate - there may be patterns of vibrations in the universal substrate that vibrate with the frequency of a prime, and therefore are isolated from resonance with all of the other patterns that are continually resonating with each other and interacting.

How this may be useful I am not sure, but something is telling me that it might be a key to understanding the C's cryptic remarks in this area.

The problem with your idea is that the frequency (or wave length) is a real number (thus continuous) , not a natural number (discrete). Real numbers are always divisible. Therefore, as the first step, we would need a model of the universe that is mixed: some things are discrete (lattice) and some are continuous (waves within the lattice). Such a model is imaginable, though, as far as I know, no one tried it. Thanks for your tip. :)
pstott said:
I recall a few years ago that there was a communication from the Cs that included the statement that "the secret is in the primes" - meaning the prime numbers. I puzzled over this for some time but could not make much headway - and it seemed that nobody else in the Cass group could either.

Last night out of the blue an idea came to me. It may be useless, but it has piqued my curiosity.

Back story: In recent years I have come to conceptualize the universe - or multiverse - whatever, as being made up of patterns of vibrations in a universal substrate - call it a 'field' or 'aether' or whatever...the concept is not new I know.

However, in thinking about vibrations - they have frequency as a basic characteristic, and one of the things that vibrations do is that they resonate with things that correspond to them by having a natural frequency that is a fraction of the vibration.
I am not quite following you.
Now a vibration can be broken down into a (sometimes infinite) sum of one or more sine waves (see Fourier analysis). Is the natural frequency you are referring to the lowest frequency that is part of the overal vibration?

Except in the case of vibrations that oscillate with a frequency that is a prime number - as primes have no factors that are integers. Now if we extrapolate - there may be patterns of vibrations in the universal substrate that vibrate with the frequency of a prime, and therefore are isolated from resonance with all of the other patterns that are continually resonating with each other and interacting.
The thing is though that 1, 2 and 3 are prime numbers and form the basis for anything higher (that is integer).

I am aware that was I have to say is extremely stupid and I don't know why write it (especially with the possibility that a physicist will read it). Let's imagine a closed surface like a balloon or whatever. It sounds like an infinite and closed universe or super-universe. Having stable particles with fixed finite properties like mass, charge and momentum may lead one to think that if the physical reality is a manifestation of a vibrational stuff, some frequencies are selected in an analogue way to those in a resonant cavity. If I'm wrong don't loose time to read the rest please and forget me for my post. This surface can undergo infinite waves in all directions with all frequencies and phases. Only few will interfere with themselves and produce standing waves. Some others will have little differences in frequency and will interfere in a different manner to produce slow travelling modulated waves. Now having access to one reality can be imagined as having access to an interval of frequencies or group velocities or other properties of this interference patterns. This is a very imaginative hypothesis I know. Well if for example we have access to a certain domain of group velocities, which could mean for example that we are seeing only the standing waves and those waves who are very slow. Their frequencies must be close to be in a discrete distribution (quasi-harmonic??). I mean that all frequencies are not necessarily accessible and that only few participate to our reality. The other point is that if we access to a wave which have a certain frequency (say a modulation frequency) it could be as if this wave is in interaction with a higher frequency (reality? Thing? Though? I really don't know) and may be related to interactions between dimensions, realities or whatever. Have I to see a psychiatric? It just to say that we can imagine different scenarios to what could justify that the frequencies of whatever constitutes our accessible universe may be not continuous. I've tried to make it clear even if my English is very weak.
Ark has suggested a model of the universe that is both discrete and continuous - a framework within which prime resonance occurs. I have hypothesized just such a model of standing waves which I call Magnetic Resonance. It is synchronous with Ark's octagonal quantum fractal, and can explain the unified functioning of the world's pyramids and megalithic sites via nonlinear acoustic resonance transduced from the hum of the planet (Schumann Resonance). Chemist Peter Plichta has also shown its correlation with the 6-cycle structure of prime numbers:


When modelled to the sphere, this fractal pattern reveals a nonlinear array of multi-frequency acoustic focal points that have been measured by Doppler radar in a slew of 'anomalous' events (visit


The golden ratio or phi is precisely expressed in the global circumference distances between Giza, Angkor and Nazca. Because of this perfect ratio any three consecutive numbers of the F series can be used to precisely describe their proportionate distances, the unit of measure itself depending on which Fibonacci triplet is chosen. The Fibonacci triplet beginning with prime F#137 accurately expresses the Sine Wave circumference distances as a percent of the whole circumference. The Fibonacci triplet beginning with the next prime in the Fseries, #359, accurately expresses the Sine Wave circumference distances in miles. This profound underlying relationship informs the application of the Mandelbrot set, which has been suspected by many as being a fundamental construct of the universe. The high degree of accuracy of these alignments forces the conclusion that ancient humanity's capacity for aerial surveillance far exceeds that achieved today. In addition, the application of 75 digit prime numbers that coincide with the Fibonacci series clearly demonstrates the advanced state of consciousness of ancient society.

The Earth's circumference distance from Giza to each resonant ancient site is precisely coincident with two separate nine-digit sequences from the F series, presented in their entirety in Appendix II with GPS data and for 127 sites. The resonant megalithic and earthwork sites accurately reflect the Fibonacci sequence #131-139 x 10(-27) in percent circumference distances. This set of phi relationships between the sites is also reflected by Fibonacci sequence #353-361 x 10(-71) in miles accurately to five digits. These two sequences are linked by a triad of consecutive prime Fibonacci numbers 131, 137 and 359. This triplet is at prime placement within the order of the F series (131, 137 and 359 are prime), but their values are prime numbers as well:

1066340417491710595814572169, 19134702400093278081449423917 and


This interesting relationship of Fibonacci sequence primes is presented in Appendix I, including a listing of the first 16 such numbers in the Fseries. Since the ancient origin of the mile is unknown, these newly recognized precision nonlinear alignments strongly suggest that the mile is a unit of measurement inherited from the pyramid builders themselves. This ancient application of the Fibonacci nonlinear progression of phi (1.618) to calculate infrasound resonance locations is made possible by the self-similar nature of the F series, dictating that all consecutive samplings of the sequence express identical ratios regardless of their magnitude. For this reason, any nine-digit sequence from the Fseries would accurately reflect the megalithic site distances from Giza. Apparently the mile is a unit of measurement specifically calibrated for convenient calculation of global resonance patterns through the application of Fibonacci number sequences! The mathematical constructs now attributed to Fibonacci and Mandelbrot are indeed rediscoveries of the sacred geometry, literally used to unify the consciousness of humanity in ancient times.

Below is an exhaustive list of the world's ancient sacred sites and their Fibonacci relationships by distance to Giza. For a holistic explanation of these ancient concepts, please visit my website

Is there any relationship between sound and numbers? I didn't know that numbers had a frequency. Facinating.

Has there been any further development on this curious part of the Cs session? I don't suppose that VB was ever meant to 'get' what was being said, though.

Q: (L) Okay, we had a hypnosis session today. Did we do all that was necessary to blow off the locks?
A: Close.
Q: (V) Did we do what was necessary for now?
A: Close.
Q: (A) What percentage of what was necessary to do did we accomplish?
A: 49 percent.
Q: (V) Was 49 the right number?
A: Yes. Laura has open window in more keys. ["keys" as in sound?]
Q: (L) Did we utilize the clues from last night properly?
A: Yes. Now must look us up to talk to us.
Q: (L) Look us up as in the phone book? (V) Look them up in the mirror. (L) Is there...
A: Key FI 3 ["phi" 3?]
Q: (V) Key "phi 3?" You jokers! (L) What is phi 3? (V) Phi to the 3rd power? (L) A phi circle with 3
A: Route.
Q: (V) Is this phi 3 a path or something?
A: Open your.
Q: (V) Open "your" phi 3? (A) Now route is French for road, and "F" could be for France; and "I-3" could
be a number of a road in France.
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