Propaganda Alert! "Five people charged with terrorism offences"

Don Genaro

Jedi Council Member

A friend of mine just posted the following on Facebook:
This is bizarre. More of the pre-olympic terror hype. One of the men going away is a sad ginger man that featured in a documentary called 'My Brother The Islamist' a while ago on BBC3. The document he is being jailed for possessing has been posted on imagur, b3ta and all over the net, freely available via google etc. Basically if anybody has anything on their harddrive like the Anarchist Cookbook and the cops want to make a press-friendly imprisonment they can put you away now.
The saddest thing is that they are being charged with possession of "al-qaeda" magazine "Inspire", which is very probably the work of the CIA/Mossad. Talk about entrapment!
Yeah and probably some agent made friends with them and then offered them the magazines and said "here, check these out!" And they probably accepted "not to be rude." That's usually how it works isn't it?
Don Genaro said:
Yeah and probably some agent made friends with them and then offered them the magazines and said "here, check these out!" And they probably accepted "not to be rude." That's usually how it works isn't it?

Was this found to be true in some of the cases, or is it speculation? :shock:
Don Genaro said:
Yeah and probably some agent made friends with them and then offered them the magazines and said "here, check these out!" And they probably accepted "not to be rude." That's usually how it works isn't it?

That's how it's worked pretty much every time so far!

Whitecoast, it is speculation based on the standard MO of 'intelligence' agencies. Although in this case they don't necessarily need to hand the magazines out (it's in electronic format anyway) they just need to make it available and promote it on the web to susceptible individuals.

See this Sott Report for the details of previous entrapment episodes.
Thanks for that Perceval. I was going to say that I was thinking of an article I read sometime last year on SOTT about the C.I.A. grooming "terrrrists" but I couldn't remember which case it was!

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