Urbansurvival.com is continuing to push October 7th as a world changing event date (and October 14th as a 'military' event to a lesser extent) and they recently linked to an article by the Northeast Intelligence Network that smacks of psyop propaganda and is worth posting as a propaganda warning preparing people to expect a grand attack on the near future.
A couple of comments. It goes without saying that this is disinformation in order to prepare people's minds to think "Arabs and Muslims" will be behind these (possibly nuclear) attacks, and that way no evidence will need to be provided after they occur, thanks to propaganda like this not to mention decades of similar tripe like this coming before. Mentioning Washington as a target while congress is away is a great way to decapitate the head of the government and permit the COG-styled Fascist coup that's been planned and prepared for decades, especially this one (plus I get the impression that Sollog mentioned Washington would get nuked but I can't find his exact quote for that).
It is interesting to note that they mention the date as after Ramadan; why not mention that it is just the day before Yom Kippur? Another fascinating angle is the whole "targetting of sea lanes." Now that the US is economically DOA what point would their be in shutting down the World sealanes around Asia, which basically is where China and Europe (i.e. US's strategic competitors) get their energy? How does that "hurt" and not benefit the US? This strikes me as more of a way of shutting down the whole world economy as a cover for the US's own collapse. Instead of just limiting it to the United States they decide to take the whole world with them via "Muslim terrorists" shutting down Asia's sealanes. This would also explain urbansurvival's claim that the event on the 7th would be economic in nature as well.
Northeast Intelligence Network said:Directives for Islamic terrorist attack in U.S. appear on the Internet
SPECIAL REPORT: "Commandments Before The Strike"
ALERT: Instructions for actions Muslims are to take before, during & after an attack in the U.S. posted;
Message suggests activation of worldwide jihad following U.S. attack;
Message indicates large-scale attack within the U.S., perhaps early October;
Text, posting under analysis by U.S. Intelligence officials
Analysis by Douglas J. Hagmann, Director & By Randy Taylor, Independent Analyst
Intelligence provided by "Archangel"
24 September 2008: A posting uncovered in an Arabic language Internet forum is currently raising a few eyebrows in the intelligence community. The single posting, which is presently being scrutinized by intelligence officials, appears to provide detailed instructions for Muslims living within the United States, giving them specific actions to take before, during and after an upcoming attack in the U.S. The communication was discovered by "Archangel," a well-known independent intelligence analyst active within the intelligence community.
The post was initially published on August 2, 2008 under the title “Commandments [Directives] Before the Strike,” and appears to be a sort of a conflict management guide, or instructions on what Muslims should do prior to the attack, actions that should be undertaken concurrent with the attack, and well as additional instructions following the attack.
The text addressing the nature, location and timing of the planned attack, although specific to the U.S., appears otherwise ambiguous. For instance, the timing appears to focus on the Tuesday following the end of Ramadan, which would be October 7, 2008. The nature of the attack is less clear. Although the author appears to talk about a strike greater in magnitude than the 9/11 attacks and makes reference to the possibility of it being nuclear in nature, the text references to the nuclear aspect of the attack appear somewhat muddled.
In terms of the location of the attack, it is clear that the author identifies both New York, as the financial capital of the U.S., and Washington, DC, as the nation’s capital, as being both desirable and affected. It is interesting that under analysis, the details of “the attack” referenced by the author are nestled within the text of instructions, rather than being prominently placed to serve as an overt warning as seen in the past. The relative subtlety in which the targets and type of attack was referenced is most interesting from a historical and analytical perspective.
The author who wrote the posting appears to be well established and respected by the community of terrorists and their supporters who frequent such forums. Research of the various membership profiles within that community indicates the author could be a sheik or other Muslim with leadership status. To be clear, research indicates the author has a level of credibility within the forum community. Accordingly, it would be completely consistent for the author to be able to issue a set of instructions that could be expected to be followed by the readers of the forum.
An investigation of the post, in terms of placement, links and replies, also provides significant insight with regard to its weight and credibility. Looking at a specific patterns of posting on Arabic language forums over the last seven years, investigation and research takes into account the number, type and authorship of follow-up postings or replies, for example to the original communication.
What makes this post particularly interesting is the limited number of replies to date – a total of three- despite the length of time it has been posted. Further, the replies in this case are general blessings, such as “May Allah Bless You” and general wishes of support for the operation. Based on extensive research of historical posting patterns over the last seven years suggest that this posting could be classified, recognized and acted upon as an order, as opposed to being a point for further discussion.
The commandments or directives are written as a set of instructions to an audience the author has divided into six groups as follows, most if not all having some presence in the United States:
1. Muslim scholars, students, followers of Islam;
2. Various Islamic movements.
3. Islamic peoples not belonging to any specific movement.
4. “Dubai Islamic Emirate of the Caucasus” the Islamic State of Iraq and other jihadist movements;
5. Sleeper cells and potential recruits;
6. The general command of al Qaeda.
Various directives are issued to each of the groups referenced above, providing direction to each group on activities that need to be conducted before and after “the” attack. For example, members of “sleeper cells” should immediately seek out those who are already activated – known by some Islamic scholars and religious leaders – for further tactical advancement.
Specific instructions were also given to the Muslim people to move Muslim children to the safety of training camps at a time that would correspond to the Tuesday after Ramadan – a date that was established as the potential attack date within this posting.
In addition to the varied instructions within this post, there is an additional directive that appears to serve as a worldwide activation order for Islamic terrorists to carryout maritime missions subsequent to the attack, with the obvious intent on disrupting all major maritime supply routes.
Instructions were given to jihadists in the following areas for such operations:
"[T]he Philippines - Indonesia - Maldives - the coast of Yemen - the coast of Somalia - the coast of Chinguetti - and perhaps the coast of Algeria;"
"The skyline of the Islamic many important straits and sea lanes that have articulated by the march of trade and military forces of infidelity:"
"The Strait of Malacca between Malaysia and Sumatra, one of the most important corridors of the world trade."
"[The] Torres Strait, which lies between New Guinea and northern Australia..."
Perhaps the most disconcerting aspect of this posting might not be the message itself, but the message when viewed through the prism of historical patterns exhibited subsequent to the 2001 terrorist attacks. While the contents of the message are revealing, they become even more relevant when analyzed in tandem with the threat of worldwide jihad in advance of the bombings in Yemen and Pakistan.
We are seeing a resurgence of Islamic jihad previously before unseen, with few notable exceptions. Those exceptions, however, are indeed notable: the time periods before the London & Madrid bombings, both described as each country's own 9/11.
Additional information and further analysis will be published as developed
A couple of comments. It goes without saying that this is disinformation in order to prepare people's minds to think "Arabs and Muslims" will be behind these (possibly nuclear) attacks, and that way no evidence will need to be provided after they occur, thanks to propaganda like this not to mention decades of similar tripe like this coming before. Mentioning Washington as a target while congress is away is a great way to decapitate the head of the government and permit the COG-styled Fascist coup that's been planned and prepared for decades, especially this one (plus I get the impression that Sollog mentioned Washington would get nuked but I can't find his exact quote for that).
It is interesting to note that they mention the date as after Ramadan; why not mention that it is just the day before Yom Kippur? Another fascinating angle is the whole "targetting of sea lanes." Now that the US is economically DOA what point would their be in shutting down the World sealanes around Asia, which basically is where China and Europe (i.e. US's strategic competitors) get their energy? How does that "hurt" and not benefit the US? This strikes me as more of a way of shutting down the whole world economy as a cover for the US's own collapse. Instead of just limiting it to the United States they decide to take the whole world with them via "Muslim terrorists" shutting down Asia's sealanes. This would also explain urbansurvival's claim that the event on the 7th would be economic in nature as well.