Prophetic Dream? - Maybe


The Living Force
Hi all,

"I" woke up about 30 minutes ago, having had a dream that was quite interesting. "I" feel that posting it right now when it is still fresh in my memory would be the best thing for me to do.

Okay, last night before going to sleep i read this thread,25410.0.html by obyvatel.

In the dream i had last night the first scene i can remember, even though i feel that there were more before that was of this guy kissing this woman in a boardwalk type of place. "I" was in an observer perpective, that is seeing this through only the mind, i had no body there. He was talking to someone about his experience and he said that when he was kisssing her, her father showed up, and it was strange because her father was dead. When i was observing this scene, i could see this girls father. The man saw him too, but the daughter could not. The father came, and then walked down the stairs to meet up with other apparitions which were waiting for him right by the house, and then they all walked away and dissapeared.

The next scene was of a person talking to his ancestors in a rural area, close to the forest. Then came my ancestors, and we started talking as well, they were many more of my ancestors, and their demographic was quite varied, from ethnically African to ethnically Asian peoples, both men and women. An African male ancestor took the lead, came towards me from the group and said "their attack begins tomorrow," now i was still in the observer mode at this point. They started to head back towards the forest, but i still had questions, when i was about to ask my questions concerning what he had just told me, a very clear feeling that i was being watched suddenly came over me, and a voice i think of the person who was talking to his ancestors in the second image said "wait, you can't trust the spirits." Almost as if knowing my intentions, the ancestor of mine who spoke those words to me looked back, and then dissappeared into the trees.

Now there are a couple of possibilities concerning this dream:
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[*]It is an accurate forecast of what lies ahead, in this case all we can do is wait and see.
[*]It is good ol disinformation courtesy of our friends at HAARP, and their Hyperdimensional masters.
[*]Dream symbolism that i am not yet able to see, analyze, and understand at this time (hoping that you guys and girls can help me out if this is the case.
[*]Probably many others which i can not see.

Some other dreams i have had seem very relevant to this topic, but first, i awoke today to find the thickest fog i have ever seen in this area, and i have been living in this particular locale for 4 years.

The most recent dream i had, was that i was walking out the front door of my house, the door was open, and there are two doors an inner and an outer, the outer one has glass on it, so i was able to see the outside. There was outgassing from the top of a manhole cover, that i have confirmed is located just where i saw it in my dreams. The time period in my dream i sensed was close to halloween.

This particular dream happened about a year ago. "I" was in the observer mode, and i was at the front of my house, but my physical body was also there. By the look on my face i could tell my mood, and it was somber, there were no cars at all in the neighbourhood, and there was a distinct feeling of loneliness, and an overarching knowingness of this is how it happens and was meant to be. My body looked up at the sky, and i followed in my observer perspective, there was a great event happening in the sky, with awesome colored lights and lightning.

So, what do you guys and gals think? any constructive input will be appreciated.
Forgot to mention that in the dream of the great event in the sky. My hair was significantly shorter than it was at the time i was dreaming it. "I" thought to myself, "this must be wrong," but, now that i have combed out my dreads, my hair has gotten way shorter than it had been previously (predestination anyone).
Hello Bngenoh

As I understand it, sometimes "place" in dreams points "time" in your real life. In other words "tomorrow scenario" may start running from the moment you arrive to place similar from your dream.

I was thinking for a while on both scenes from your dream - "guy kissing woman" and "ancestors spot". In both cases there were ancestors and one of them came in front of the rest and approached his descendant and afterwards they went a way. But in first case daughter was distracted/not prepared and could not see nor hear her father and he could not - maybe - warned her. Fortunately it was possible in your case.
If so, than this "voice" telling you not to trust spirits was instance of external influence.

Curies, that when you spoke to your ancestors - you recognize them/source of knowledge as reliable (introduced as ancestors) and when you had your doubts/knowledge desire which gave you your 'questions', you make space in yourself for 'external influence'.
It may be connected to your Work on "I", I think.
Very interesting and unique interpretation Simon, thanks for your input. Probably wouldn't have been able to look at it objectively since i am so close to it.
Simon said:
Hello Bngenoh

As I understand it, sometimes "place" in dreams points "time" in your real life. In other words "tomorrow scenario" may start running from the moment you arrive to place similar from your dream.

I was thinking for a while on both scenes from your dream - "guy kissing woman" and "ancestors spot". In both cases there were ancestors and one of them came in front of the rest and approached his descendant and afterwards they went a way. But in first case daughter was distracted/not prepared and could not see nor hear her father and he could not - maybe - warned her. Fortunately it was possible in your case.
If so, than this "voice" telling you not to trust spirits was instance of external influence.

Curies, that when you spoke to your ancestors - you recognize them/source of knowledge as reliable (introduced as ancestors) and when you had your doubts/knowledge desire which gave you your 'questions', you make space in yourself for 'external influence'.
It may be connected to your Work on "I", I think.
Let me just tell you that you are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT, and if you do not mind, "I" would definitely like to tell you why.

First, "I" would like to tell you that it is definitely connected to "The Work." What you said about locations in dreams poinitng to "time" in my real life was literally true. What you said about the daughter being distracted/not prepared so she couldn't be warned was also true, fortunately, "I" was.

My ancestors were definitely a reliable and stuningly accurate in what they told me. But my level of BEING; which is a function of knowledge transformed into understanding through lessons learned, was not able to truly understand what they meant by "their attack begins tomorrow." It was prophetic indeed, but they were telling me about a situation in my life that would come the next day, and it literally did. It was the most fierce battle "I" had ever fought in this life, and it dragged on for 3 days. "I" was defeated numerous times, and was reduced to a ball in my bed. The only help "I" recieved was a voice telling me "you know what you have to do, and you have all that you need to do it," then there was silence, "I" could percieve an audience all throughout this time, and it seemed like they were holding their breath waiting for the outcome. The battle was between me or rather the construct that myself interfaces with this realm, and various programs and shadow portions of myself, which as the battle dragged on, merged into one force. "I" tell you, "I" felt so insignificant compared to them, David and Goliath comes to mind, but "I" felt even smaller than David and they were bigger than Goliath.

But "I" fought, because there was something in me that wouldn't let me give up, even when "I" was a ball on my bed. Eventually, and "I" don't know how the hell "I" did it (definitely had help from realms unseen), "I" vanquished them. It was definitely a testing of my will.

"I" realize now that all the dreams above were warning me about the period in my life "I" just went through. Even though my level of BEING was not sufficiently advanced to understand it.

The one about the great event in the sky was symbolic of light being drawn/coming to me, and since as the pleadians say "It is an awesome taks to carry light" one who CHOOSES to carry light will be tested in their lives in a way that is specific to them.

The one about the outgassing from the man hole was also symbolic. It was symbolic of matter which is underground/hidden, erupting forth, and "I" had no control over it.

All these symbols, and warnings my Consciousness sent me, but "I" was too stupid to figure them out. "I" was still loking outward, thinking that all these events were going to take place outside of me. Nope they were put by my Consciousness in a way that my conscious mind would be able to recieve it, and hopefully understand it, but alas "I" am not that smart yet :D.

But now, after going through all that "I" have gone through with sheer will, commitment, and dedication. "I" have transmuted all the energies that were produced during that conflict, to catapult me into a higher level of BEING than "I" was previously. It is rather incredible really, "I" can understand so much more, and "I" also discovered a key which is allowing me to progress at an outstanding rate in my evolution. "I" am literally learning and discovering new things about myself and creation purely through exploring myself. Truly this marvel that is creation is AMAZING. "I" couldn't think of anyother place "I" would rather be, than right here, right now DOING what "I" am doing.

Anyways, hope "I" didn't bore anyone with my ramblings :D

"I" couldn't have reached this point in my evolution without all those who have come before me, and labored intensively to leave behind the clues, which Laura and friends have discovered and translated into terms "I" can understand.

Thank you Laura, Pleadians/Cassiopaeans, Barbra Marciniak, Universe, and all else who have aided me on this journey up to this point, where "I" can now discover by myself the wonders of creation. Thank you.
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