Prophetic Dream - or so it seemed


Jedi Master
Hey Everyone,

Had an interesting dream the other night I've been wanting to post so here we go.

The dream began in one of the earliest houses that I grew up in - my Grandmother's house. My Grandmother, Aunt, and Myself were researching the "El Chupacabra" (which I found funny because I had made a post regarding that topic on the forum) looking at various pictures of the portrayed creature on the World-Wide Web. We went through the various pictures but there were specific ones that I had wanted to show my Aunt, but wasn't able to because our focus was on one picture we had found and there were time constraints. My Aunt ended up having to leave before we were able to finish, so my Grandmother and I walked here out to her Car, said our good-bye's and my attention was immediately brought to the Sky. I looked up and noticed that it looked "cloudy" yet it didn't seem to have much significance just a cloudy day.

Afterwards we went back inside and I went into my old bedroom. I don't remember exactly what I was doing in this room but shortly after entering 3 friends that I have recently cut ties with entered the room. I could feel a sense of disappointment in their moods towards myself. We carried on with pleasantries when I noticed a distinct "humming" noise or maybe even a vibration that seemed to linger around the area. I figured it was something happening outside but when the humming didn't stop I walked outside to see what was happening.

When I got outside I noticed the sky had gone from grey, to a slight red hue increasing in tone. I instantly thought to myself "holy crap - what's going on?" I walked further down the driveway to get a better look when I noticed many small discs in the sky. When I saw this I was stunned at what I was witnessing because I knew exactly what they were and they were getting closer. When I realized their presence one of them started to communicate with me. They introduced themselves as "The Grays". That they were the "good-guys" here to help Humanity from what was currently happening in the world. But I didn't buy what they were telling me and basically rejected their proposal. I promptly backed up from them and found myself standing next to Master Yoda. I asked Yoda if what was happening was for real. And I remember him saying something very Yoda-ish, along the lines of "Yes my young Padawan very real this is." Once I got that confirmation I realized that I was in for a ride.

After my encounter with Master Yoda my attention was brought back to this Humming sound. So I looked further out into the distance and I saw two huge objects appear. One was a U.S. space-shuttle and the other was a giant Serpent. Both kind of hovering in the air doing battle with each other - the Space shuttle was shooting rockets at the Serpent and the Serpent snapping and biting at the shuttle. This automatically scared my friends but the experience was just a huge confirmation that everything that I had read, and everything that I had learned was somehow coming together and I was just in awe.

Eventually the space-shuttle kills this giant serpent. And once the serpent was killed I have a flash of revelation, a moment that seemed to last for eternity. One of the things I saw was an infinite number of round metallic spheres breaking free of its metallic mold releasing an Earth beneath it. I instantly put two and two together and took it as basically all of the various dimensions that exist being freed from their imprisonment. Once that happened something changed. For that moment in "time" everything was alright, everything was one, everything was at peace. I remember intending to fly and doing so very gracefully because that was no longer a restriction - simply the will of the imagination.

After the "moment" was over with my environment was the same yet different. I found myself back inside the room I was in prior to going outside and the house, the small house that it was was now very large inside. The material nature of everything, furniture, tv's things like that were no longer. There were white walls and many corridors yet it was still the same house. I ran in search of my Mom and Dad who were asleep during the whole experience and remember calling out to them to "wake-up". My Mom in a "half-asleep" state had very casually stated to my Dad " The anti-christ has been overthrown all is well" then falling back asleep. My Dad awoke in an instant yet failed to recognize the environmental changes around him. I instantly felt something was off and made haste for the front door yet when I got outside we were no longer in the same geographical area, somewhere completely different.

I immediately thought to myself that a battle was still occurring due to loud noises being heard from a distance. And immediately thought the event I had witnessed was not the "main event" so to speak and was some sort of symbolic event of what was to come.

I woke up afterwards and came to realize the humming I had heard during my dream, was coming from a fan in my room. I found that rather funny but that Humming triggered the things that happened in my dream which I thought interesting.

Now what has me puzzled about the dream was a U.S. space shuttle fighting a giant snake. . .why would two allies be fighting each other, other than for the event itself to have been rigged?

Perhaps it was just a dream and nothing more...none the less in my experience was very interesting...
Interesting...the house, darkening sky and 'lights' in the sky was my re-occuring nightmare for years when I was small.

I don't know if there was anything of use to you in the dream, but I spotted a few potential things. I hope you don't find this too critical.
I do realise though its almost impossible to be objective in a dream, so perhaps look at what it shows you about yourself and ask if its correct?

Firstly, I came to realise that the house (especially ones from childhood) represent the 'self', and I'm coming to think more specifically what was formed as a child. i.e. mental 'structures' from childhood (buffers, 'personality', programs)...the familuar and the safe!

I won't pick out everything, but maybe this may give some context to the other symbols.

You didn't 'buy' the grays, yet a more friendly 'alien' appeared next to you and you baught it? Ok so I know its hard in a dream, but you may want to consider that although alien, the packaging was all that took you to 'buy' it. Who's to say yoda wasn't actually 'gray'?

Interesting show, with alot of assumption and 'confirmation'.....finding yourself back in the house....perhaps if the house is your programs, your perception of it has altered enough to see it more clearly...
Perhaps you never where actually outside the house.

Andrew said:
I ran in search of my Mom and Dad who were asleep during the whole experience and remember calling out to them to "wake-up". My Mom in a "half-asleep" state had very casually stated to my Dad " The anti-christ has been overthrown all is well" then falling back asleep. My Dad awoke in an instant yet failed to recognize the environmental changes around him. I instantly felt something was off and made haste for the front door yet when I got outside we were no longer in the same geographical area, somewhere completely different.

This bit was definatly interesting! When I come to try and work out my own dreams I always start with the assumption that everyone in the dream (and sometimes everything) represents part of myself. Your 'mom' (feeling/intuative side?) waking up and stating (my interpretation) 'the gratest danger has passed, go back to sleep' seems like a flash of realisation followed by self calming. You dad (objective side?) not objectively seeing what the environment actually was, the truth in that situation?

The battle then, is perhaps in yourself. The struggle to wake up.

The symbols....the grays vs yoda, the space shuttle vs the serpent.......'good' vs 'evil' ....what if both the shuttle and the serpent are 'evil'?
What if yoda was a grey in disguise?

Hope these observations are of some use. Its actually made me see some of my own dreams more clearly.
Hey Redfox thanks for your reply.
RedFox said:
You didn't 'buy' the grays, yet a more friendly 'alien' appeared next to you and you baught it? Ok so I know its hard in a dream, but you may want to consider that although alien, the packaging was all that took you to 'buy' it. Who's to say yoda wasn't actually 'gray'?
This was one of the key parts that took my interest, mainly because it was Yoda. Since childhood, around the ages of 4 or 5 Star Wars has always been a big part of my life. I grew up with it and have been a Star Wars buff ever since. So my understanding of Yoda has always been that of the "good guy". Once I discovered Cassiopaea and learned a few things about the S.T.O. polarity Yoda and his ways seemed to fit the bill. So I wonder if there might be a relation in that sense? But it is an interesting point that you bring up - what if he was a Gray in disguise? Perhaps my discernment wasn't as sharp as I may have thought? Definitely worth contemplation.

[quote author=RedFox ]
The symbols....the grays vs yoda, the space shuttle vs the serpent.......'good' vs 'evil' ....what if both the shuttle and the serpent are 'evil'?
What if yoda was a grey in disguise?[/quote]
What's interesting is during the end of the dream I had made this consideration - it didn't make sense why a U.S. shuttle would be fighting a serpent, it seemed "staged" when I really thought about it and at the end made the conclusion that it "wasn't over" yet because it was staged. U.S. and Serpent are relatively both of the same source in my mind. Or perhaps the Serpent didn't represent negative aliens at all (that was the assumption) but wisdom of some sort? And by it being defeated by the U.S. (The Enemy) shows the affect the Western World is having on me - in other words the "bad guys" are winning?

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