Protecting the psycho?


Dagobah Resident
Hi, I'm trying to clarify something happening in my country (Venezuela), it´s about things I've seen before and I think those events are correlated with we are experienced now.

Currently there is a dispute between the government and the new opposition mayors who were elected about 4 months ago. The dispute began on the day following who were elected when the government said that the mayors wanted eliminate social missions (currently still running) which was disproved. One of the outgoing chavist mayors called Juan Barreto was replaced by one opposition mayor in the metropolitan mayoralty of Caracas. This mayor had had an inept management and became known for his extravagance and its bellicose tendency . I met by chance details about the life of this character, which I will tell at continuation:

1) My aunt told me that a friend years ago when the mayor had nothing to do with politics was in a party in which he was too, where there was a quarrel, he took out a gun and shot at the back to a person who died.

2) Through the state's intelligence and without coming to public light (by threats not to go) seized a school called APUNE, which
means in spanish "a new partnership for education", led by a Scottish lady. Now the owner of the school is another person who we does not know, but the scottish lady continues like principal, but she was threatened to say nothing, I know that because my brother worked there as technical support of computers and he is friend of the sub- principal. He told my brother that it was orders from the mayor. This was two and half years ago. The school is next to bankruptcy and I think the reason is to sell the land. In fact my brother´s phone was tapped, and we could note this because we could hear them! (here we still have low tech).

3) a friend of mine and my brother (I have only one brother) has a famous salsa dance discotheque in a nightlife area, he was interested in selling it and he had plans to build a little inn on Margarita Island with this money.
Can you guess who bought it? It was the same mayor who bought it by mean a figurehead in a cash transaction two years ago. The disco was sold in almost one million US dollars.

And as these stories are heard more, but these are what the destiny put at my scope and I am sure that they are true, because comes from people who I know and I can trust in their testimony.

Let us see what appeared in the press and the Internet

Irregularities in the management of former Mayor Juan Barreto adds up 320,497,127 BsF (152 million dollars)

El Nacional

Prosecution will be given to alleged irregularities committed by ex-mayor

Eduardo Roche Lander, former comptroller of the republic and member of the committee,
stated that the expenses approved of inconclusive or unjustified use during the mandate of Barreto added 320497127 BsF.

"With that money could rehabilitate or build hospitals and schools thousands of
houses for many people living at risk, "said the former comptroller.

Lander said to have documents to substantiate the allegations, as well
specify the specific amount that the former mayor used to a little more
dozen crimes, including: fraud (Bs.F. 979,000,000),
embezzlement (Bs.F. 119,000,000), overpriced (Bs.F. 4,958,000),
ground in the cemetery (Bs.F. 10,500,000), transfer of property (Bs.F.
13,033,000), acquisitions unregistered (Bs.F. 15,000,000), irregular recruitment (Bs.F. 32,375,000), and non-paid performed work (Bs.F. 39,189,000),
donations not justified (Bs.F. 84,608,000).

Said that in view of finding this type of crime and a
very large sum, it was designed a team of auditors, lawyers and
technical staff, who continue to research exact performance of Barreto in the Mayor.

"They do not want people to know how this money was misused. We have to
find a way to recover those lost resources, "he stressed Roche Lander.


Truth Commission of mayoralty have eight substantiated cases against the former Mayor Juan Barreto

The former comptroller of the Republic, Eduardo Roche Lander, announced that the
Truth Commission has 8 cases substantiated against
Juan Barretoand and the next week he will bring the allegations at the General Attorney of the Republic.

Roche said that the cases submitted to the Public Ministry
mount the quantity of of 152 million of bolivares, but clarified that the commission conducts an
investigation by an amount of 320.487 million bolivares.

He said that the amount could have been used to
build 50 thousand housing units for Caracas, paying 80 thousand policemen or
build 500 schools.

Roche also claimed that the capture of the place where files of payments and contracts are located is to prevent that the people know in that the resources of the mayoralty were used during his administration.

Well, what have happened recently?, The Governors of the states
Táchira, Carabobo, and metropolitan mayoralty (all chavist) not wanted
deliver the government, the new autorithies had to fight for the position to which they were
elected. The Metropolitan Mayoralty through a change in the law by the
national assembly will remove almost all his functions and will put over him
another "supra governor" appointed by the president, all
this fact by means of the manipulation of the law. Each of the governors have
made allegations concerning cases of corruption by previous mayors
of chavism.

Now how to interpret this? is The government keeping the rotten pot
of big corruption from be discovered? and it is only that?

Actually are this measures against these new governors in favor of
people, by virtue of being people of opposition?

I think the government's message is "you do not know whom to choose, so
we will protect you of your own choice. " And that do not like me anything ...

By the way we don´t know anything about the whereabouts of Barreto
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