David B
Hi All
I just wanted to share with anyone that might be interested, an original piece of music that I've recently written & recorded.
The music itself could probably be described as Progressive Rock & there is a definite Pink Floyd feel to it, but this is also a protest song & I've ended up focussing on some of the following issues:
1). Government indifference to widespread population inequality
2). Growing power of the Military Industrial Complex
3). Government involvement in false flag type incidents & behaviour
4). Iraq WMD's
5). Growing lack of individual freedoms
6). Dumbing down of the population through television & media
7). Pathology in politics
As I have learned over the years music can sometimes be a way of projecting potentially harmfull ideas onto an unassuming population even if the musician involved is often unaware of this at the time.
I guess my main aim as a musician would be to reverse this process where possible IE, music used as a vehicle for objective truth, there for those who choose to listen, but still maintaining a healthy level of musicality.
That being said it is probably not for me to judge whether this particular song lives up to this high standard, but I would appreciate any constructive feedback, the last thing I want to do is actively promote disinformation.
I was initially planning to release it as a free download, but it has been suggested to me by a few people now that a short flash video flash video possibly featuring some of the footage from the current round of global protests would really complement the music. Being that my flash media skills are mediocre at best, I had the idea to post the song on this forum & see if there are any like minded individuals intersted in collaborating to produce a flash video, & its ok if there is not I would simply appreciate any constructive feedback.
I haven't really posted much yet on this forum (i don't really post on any forums to be honest) but I have followed Laura's & SOTT.net's work for a few years now & it has had a sincerely positive effect on my life(especially the work on psychopathy & narcissism) and I haven't honestly found a group of websites or people more dedicated to getting to the truth of things as SOTT.net & Cass.org
I have no interest in making money in this song & any video will be released free on youtube, I do however feel the overall concept has potential & as a musician I am happy with the overall quality & feel of the music.
On another note I have sampled a couple of prominent & now deceased American comedians in this song & id like to make a few comments on the use of their work.
George Carlin: While I enjoy some of his views, I don't share his opinions on Atheism (my own views are more Agnostic than anything) the samples I have used in this song relate only to his views on government & politicians.
Bill Hicks: Again while I have a fondness for Bill's work I don't share his views on drug use and my own experience's with drugs have all ultimately been negative (No drug references here). That being said much of Bills social commentary is still extremely relevant today & many artists & musicians over the years have sampled & referenced his work.
Finally as a warning their is a small amount of coarse language in this song, I have tried my hardest to keep it in good taste but there is a point to it & the song does deal with some serious issues, that being said if coarse language does offend you then this is song probably not for you & I sincerely hope I have not breached forum rules in posting the link to it.
Anyway if none of the above puts you off give it a listen, there is lots of guitar solo's, musical harmonies, & layers of sound & I would greatly appreciate any constructive feedback.
Here is the link to the song
If you have any problems listening to or downloading it email me at [removed by moderator] & I will email it to you, I would have liked to put it up as an attachment to this post & avoid posting it on an external site but the song is about 7MB & I'm unfortunately limited with the upload capacity.
Cheers for any feedback all the same.
I just wanted to share with anyone that might be interested, an original piece of music that I've recently written & recorded.
The music itself could probably be described as Progressive Rock & there is a definite Pink Floyd feel to it, but this is also a protest song & I've ended up focussing on some of the following issues:
1). Government indifference to widespread population inequality
2). Growing power of the Military Industrial Complex
3). Government involvement in false flag type incidents & behaviour
4). Iraq WMD's
5). Growing lack of individual freedoms
6). Dumbing down of the population through television & media
7). Pathology in politics
As I have learned over the years music can sometimes be a way of projecting potentially harmfull ideas onto an unassuming population even if the musician involved is often unaware of this at the time.
I guess my main aim as a musician would be to reverse this process where possible IE, music used as a vehicle for objective truth, there for those who choose to listen, but still maintaining a healthy level of musicality.
That being said it is probably not for me to judge whether this particular song lives up to this high standard, but I would appreciate any constructive feedback, the last thing I want to do is actively promote disinformation.
I was initially planning to release it as a free download, but it has been suggested to me by a few people now that a short flash video flash video possibly featuring some of the footage from the current round of global protests would really complement the music. Being that my flash media skills are mediocre at best, I had the idea to post the song on this forum & see if there are any like minded individuals intersted in collaborating to produce a flash video, & its ok if there is not I would simply appreciate any constructive feedback.
I haven't really posted much yet on this forum (i don't really post on any forums to be honest) but I have followed Laura's & SOTT.net's work for a few years now & it has had a sincerely positive effect on my life(especially the work on psychopathy & narcissism) and I haven't honestly found a group of websites or people more dedicated to getting to the truth of things as SOTT.net & Cass.org
I have no interest in making money in this song & any video will be released free on youtube, I do however feel the overall concept has potential & as a musician I am happy with the overall quality & feel of the music.
On another note I have sampled a couple of prominent & now deceased American comedians in this song & id like to make a few comments on the use of their work.
George Carlin: While I enjoy some of his views, I don't share his opinions on Atheism (my own views are more Agnostic than anything) the samples I have used in this song relate only to his views on government & politicians.
Bill Hicks: Again while I have a fondness for Bill's work I don't share his views on drug use and my own experience's with drugs have all ultimately been negative (No drug references here). That being said much of Bills social commentary is still extremely relevant today & many artists & musicians over the years have sampled & referenced his work.
Finally as a warning their is a small amount of coarse language in this song, I have tried my hardest to keep it in good taste but there is a point to it & the song does deal with some serious issues, that being said if coarse language does offend you then this is song probably not for you & I sincerely hope I have not breached forum rules in posting the link to it.
Anyway if none of the above puts you off give it a listen, there is lots of guitar solo's, musical harmonies, & layers of sound & I would greatly appreciate any constructive feedback.
Here is the link to the song
If you have any problems listening to or downloading it email me at [removed by moderator] & I will email it to you, I would have liked to put it up as an attachment to this post & avoid posting it on an external site but the song is about 7MB & I'm unfortunately limited with the upload capacity.
Cheers for any feedback all the same.