The following notes were taken from viewing (long video – 14 parts) this video put up originally by Stormy Knight (link did not work) then by Seek10.
In the early 80’s while researching papers at the Library of UoC in Calgary, came across a number of old medical experiment papers depicting what the Dr’s of Death in Nazi Germany were up to and it was completely pathologically sick
. This film touches the edges of this and discusses these same Dr.’s if not in person then at least their mindsets spreading into the west – operation Paper Clip facilitated some of this
The film is not easy to view and leave one numb, the Scientology CCHR relationship is curious and without knowledge of all the present laws, what is being proposed as a counter, not sure what to make of this. The Psychiatric profession is squarely in the sights along with big pharma , but it is not likely that it is as easy as that, there are many other influences that percolate these conditions. However here, Scientology is a most curious aspect which needs some thought.
Some of the tone and words of the notes are mine and not necessarily words from the video moderator – goes with the subject, Psychiatrics have never been high on my list; remember the Psychiatric buildings adjacent to McGill University in Montreal – very institutional/dark, the place where Dr. Cameron
played out his games for the CIA with LSD.
First part historical background in the 1800’s not detailed here but by any words alone it is simply barbaric.
The film seems to depict a war between Doctors of most types, Pathologists, Psychologists vs Psychiatrics, with the latter, once the evidence is in, and not based on a generalization, are of a particularly reckless type of evil perpetrated upon human kind. This pseudo mind science was build on the backs of suffering of the most cruel intent, build with doctors scalpels and electrical volts. These medical mad men, in many cases captains of society, have traduced the human mind with their darkest most thoughts and actions. Now, with their DSM bible which counts some 374 diagnosis to label (and bill) and the might of big Pharma to support their every non scientific diagnostic lie.
Not discussed here but curiously indeed, it seems that diagnosis is now easily made by regular physicians who must get their knowledge from the Pharma feedback loop bypassing the Psychiatry profession; don’t think they mind though because Pharma kicks back to that association and its members helps. Anyhow, the regular doctors must just be manipulated and hopefully just naive, not evil like some of their pseudo mental health professional colleagues portrayed in this video and of obvious historical root.
459 million people diagnosed globally with mental illness, shoved through scanning machines that tell them nothing and are prescribed trillions of pills. This all adds up to > 80 Billion annually with another 250 billion in direct government funding from your pocket. The trick which I’m quite sure was realised here too, is that the annual dollar bases is nothing compared to the revolving door that was created of this pseudo mental medicine for decades more of extended care.
In 1965 Psychiatrists with their lies were given the full scale authority over our school children with school being their laboratory and the labelling rose tenfold; ADD or ADHD etcetera, etcetera. In just a few years the number of 5 minute diagnosis for ADHD rose to 4.4 million children; today it is > 20 million worldwide, all requiring Pharma prescribed support. Even when challenged as a group in an open forum on diagnostics of ADHD the Psychiatrists fumbled and mumbled and claim that it is very hard to describe – charlatans and mental terrorists? What seems so is that now, as children rage under their mental Psychiatrist keepers chemical prescribed hand, seem to be crumpling and some shoot-up their class mates and teachers while these drugs still leach within their veins. Many are just long term casualties ripe for further diagnostics
Dr. Heinz Lehmann Psychiatrists said:
…that politicians should listen to Psychiatrist. Psychiatrists should be in every Parliament and direct and monitor political activities.
This pseudo science has infiltrated starting in 1940 at the National Council for Mental Hygiene by their president Colonel JR Rees who with words has now subjected society to their mental thumb for the next 60 years. Rees says this with his creepy words,
1. “we must aim to make it (psychiatry) every educational activity in our National life.”
2. “Public life, politics and industry, all of them should be within our sphere of influence.”
3. “We have made a useful attack on a number of professions.”
4. “The two easiest naturally are the teaching profession and religion.”
5. “The most difficult are law and medicine.”
Rees’s colleague G. Brock Chisholm; co-founder of the World Federation for Mental Heath said this prophetic psychiatric gem;
To achieve World Government to remove from the mind of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, National Patriotism and Religious Dogmas.
Convinced congress that mental illness was a national threat and only they could solve it, thus the National Mental Health Act H.R.- 4512 was adopted and expenditures commenced – 1945 1 million today 1.4 billion.
Global crisis after global crises you will find the hand of psychiatrists;
…with Century’s old Pavlovian conditioning coupled with modern day mind techniques, Psychiatrists and psychologists can turn average men and even children into mass murderers.” “…this is how terrorists are created….
Note: This film is also strange, kind of a deflection to look squarely also at other things such as Islamic fundamentalist terrorists. The means is not necessarily untrue, it just seems so convenient, the adversaries depicted become the fundamentalist terrorists, some educated in the arts of the mind or who work with the mad doctors, not the west’s internal mechanisms or own hand. The production/website is strangely slick in mirror of the Museum @ CCHR. The CCHR it seems is very well funded and connected within government too, their acts to expose are correct but something feels absent – need further information on this.
The film is also very focused on a professional branch that most defiantly contains elements of Psychopath in the guise of white coats but it seems to not focus on these diseases that do exist in our intermingled world in the guise of persons of power or of social debilitation that hides so well. Does the film detract away from the other bodies such as industry, governments, military etcetera that contain a host of these people and puts the problem squarely on the profession and educated terrorists with this professional background? The film also seems to say the problem is the profession and not people with pathological disease; we know that people of pathological conditions exist in numbers. This needs some further thinking because of who produced the film and its objectives, although on the surface what is depicted is a verifiable reality.
Continued – the video then gets into mind control of militants etcetera.
By in large though, psychiatry’s mandate is;
Say Prof Barry Mehler Ph.D. said:
Social control is the primary agenda.
In the USA every child will be assessed in some form of a 10 minute screening test that will tell them absolutely nothing. Predictions by one physician stated that upwards of 90% will be diagnosed with some disorder which of course brings to the table Pharma for an entire new generation of mentally impaired. The man behind this teen screening test is the Psychiatrist David Shaffer consultant to the US Department of Defence. This scenario gets worse as it will trickle into the home, rooting out parents et all of the population.
Dr. Thomas Szasz said:
Psychiatry is politics, it’s always been politics, it is politics pure and simple because politics of psychiatry was always the application of force against people who don’t want to be forced.
Moderator says said:
We don’t have an epidemic of mental illness we have an epidemic of psychiatry.
This is a CCHR (Citizens Commission of Human Rights) presentation founded in 1969 by the Church of Scientology . CCHR investigates and exposes abuses by Psychiatrists. There office in LA has a museum type exhibition called
‘Psychiatry An Industry of Death’ (with these 14 films within).
Note: Also see Lobaczewski on Ponerology Page 188 for discussion of unethical Psychiatrists working under political influences. Lobaczewski also discusses East block Psychiatry as being particularly in the dark ages and the film also discusses some of this.
Edit - zero's Thanks seek10 ;)