Puppets for NWO


Hello, just received this in my e-mail.
Leaders of two different countries (Australia and Canada) giving the SAME EXACT SPEECH in support
of the US invasion of Iraq in March 2003.
Looks like we have one speech writer for puppets in different countries...

OzRich said:
Hello, just received this in my e-mail.
Leaders of two different countries (Australia and Canada) giving the SAME EXACT SPEECH in support
of the US invasion of Iraq in March 2003.
Looks like we have one speech writer for puppets in different countries...

good catch. It's not just speeches but events too, Each country in the coalition of the bought and paid for, has had it's own dubious 'terror plot' busted then show trials in which most of the patsies have subsequently been acquitted. Rather like a homogenised McTerror recipe has been franchised out.

Please don't leave out Gordon Brown from your NWO puppet show.

He might not spout the exact same speeches, but he's most definitely one of 'them: :evil: .
bedower said:

Please don't leave out Gordon Brown from your NWO puppet show.

He might not spout the exact same speeches, but he's most definitely one of 'them: :evil: .

I guess Gordon's ziohandlers are smart enough to alter his speeches for us to think they're his own...

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