PUTO's filter-ashes is leaking into the sewage and to the air


Jedi Council Member
Javno and Jutarnji list news, Zagreb, Croatia

Radioactive filter-ashes from PUTO is leaking into the sewage and to the air

Radioactive, toxic filter-ashes, the product of dangerous waste burning, within the former incinerator factory PUTO in Jakusevac, started to leak out from the old damaged bags into the sewage and spreading through the air. Holding is blaming the Ministry for constructing issues and environment protection.

Filter-ashes is the most dangerous product of toxic-waste burning, because it collects heavy metals from the chemicals. It is an issue of highly concentrated heavy metals, which can produce a high level of radioactivity.
About 100 tons of ashes, remained after the explosion of the incinerator in the August of 2002., was left under the eaves of the factory, but during the ownership changing and breakup – the bags were left out in the open. The exposure to the atmosphere influences increased the leaking of the ashes, from already damaged bags.

Jure Marusic, the bankruptcy executive of the company PUTO d.d., said to the reporter of Jutarnji list (Croatian daily newspaper) how they filed a suit against the EKO Tehning company – responsible for taking care of the toxic waste, fallowing the contract from the 2001. - and that the court is in the process of resolving the matter. He also stated how no other option is available for the PUTO, but to store the radioactive ashes in the courtyard of the factory, 'till the further court instructions.

- Eko Tehning was responsible for taking care of the filter-ashes and since they didn't act until this day on, the ash is considered their property. The PUTO company filed a suit against Eko Tehning, for invading their space, the trial is on the process. In such cases, the Law of Environmental Protection orders the removing and proper disposal of toxic waste to be handled by the Ministry For Constructing Issues And Environment Protection, while the costs of the disposal are the responsibility of the Eko Tehning company; which should be accordingly charged for it – said Ivanković. The Ministry of environment protection announced that the ashes will be removed after the 19th of November.

-It is true that we were responsible for the filter-ashes disposal, but the incinerator was destroyed in the fire. We won the first round in the court and waiting for the final verdict. – shortly stated Aralica. PUTO factory was sold last year, for 2 million EUR, to Varazdin's company Ekotim-energija, which, as Jutarnj list found out, is intending to use it's remains as parts for the new incinerator factory.

The experts from the Ruder Boskovic Institute did the Geiger-Müller measuring on the controversial PUTO ashes and got the results of high level radioactivity, which was reported within few media's covering, back in the 2002., when this test took place.


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