Thank you all so much for your answers. :D
My partner built a chicken taxi (the way we say it) last year, but it didn't work out that well. It is now part of their playground which indeed has chicken fence over the top.
It is true that most of the chickens were killed during the night or early in the morning. These were the independent ones that refused to retire to their secure and " varmint proof" coop.
Our lovely (but small) rooster was killed defending his chickens by birds while they were all in the vicinity of larger shrubs and when it was still light.
We lost two of our young chickens just a few weeks ago during the day, again to birds and during the day. Last week the targeted chicken got away, but was in severe shock afterwards.
The dog did nothing! The rooster ditto. He sounded the alarm, but hid under the bushes. So much for protection! He was bred in a machine. I am sure that is where he lost his protection skills. And came over from our neighbour's house and never left.
I was wondering how geese mix with chickens for instance. Do they stay together? And are they only aggressive towards strangers?
Thanks go2 for that great account of chicken adventures. They are wonderful animals, I didn't how wonderful they were. I was born and raised in a city.
They are intelligent, too. They knew you were the fox.
I will look into Bantam chickens and others as well. Ours are too tame for this world. Also, we have to get another rooster...
Mr Anderson, I will have a look at Polyface farm. I had never heard of Joel Salatin before.
Cow pies, what a good idea. I will ask my neighbour.
I also prefer the paleo diet for our chickens. Thanks for reminding me. I am still fairly new to this diet and reading the Life without Bread thread and book.
Thank you all.