Question for the nor'easters here....


Does anyone here who lives in the northeastern part of the US notice alot more talk about hurricanes?I know there is a big hooplah in general but I seem to have noticed more talk about it up here.More PSAs on the radio about emrgency preparedness and things of that nature.Maybe it's just me.
I definitely notice it now that you mention it. They keep telling us how long it's been since one touched down in New England. Hmm...

Danny said:
Does anyone here who lives in the northeastern part of the US notice alot more talk about hurricanes?I know there is a big hooplah in general but I seem to have noticed more talk about it up here.More PSAs on the radio about emrgency preparedness and things of that nature.Maybe it's just me.
Yeah, the local paper here, Newsday, had a big pullout section and cover story about 'Is Long Island ready for the next big one?' or something akin to that.
Not only are they talking up hurricanes in the Northeast, the insurance companies are using the forcasted numbers to limit or cancel flood coverage in areas like Cape Cod and Long Island. Just look at programs like "It Could Happen Here" brought to us by The Weather Channel. This could not be a more overt example of mass programming to prepare the populace for what is now obviously coming. All one has to do is look at New Orleans and replace the 9th ward with Harlem or the Bronx.

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