Questions regarding "probability Predictions"


The Living Force
I guess I am confused.

Recalling from memory, the C's quoted that Mt. Rainer was going
to blow (it's a caldera), there was going to be a 10.5 earthquake in
Puget Sound, WA, and then a 115m tnusami? The proceeded to state
that it could occur within XX years from the date of the announcment?
Sometimes they would give a probability factor. What was not clear
to me until now, that perhaps it would not even occur at all?

I had assumed that something big might go down between now and
2012 or thereabouts, but I was not sure that we could still continue
past 2012 and onwards?

From Session: 000122
Q: I am curious. Now we have the big 05-05-2000 coming up. I was reading something about this today. Apparently on this date,
the planets line up in conjunction with the peak of the solar cycle and there is supposed to be the "Big Kahuna" of earthquakes or
whatever. What is the likelihood of the majority of people experiencing THAT timeline?
A: 0.1
Q: (A) Many people are saying that the most probably date of earth change is 2012. That falls in what you previously you gave as
an outside limit of the arrival of the comet cluster, twin sun business; in the middle, in fact. Of course, it may never happen, but is
this still the case?
A: Maybe...
Q: (A) Is this a better probability than 0.1?
A: Between 0.1 and 100.
So, what is it? What can we say at this point? Nothing is certain and all of these "warnings"
were but for nought?

Hmmm.... seems consfusing.
The article at the link below contains an excellent collection of facts about earth changes in recent years. Once on the site, scroll down to the first few pages, which contain numbered facts which also include some graphs charting the increases in volcanoes and earthquakes in the past century.

Solar Activity and Climate Change on Earth From A System Design Perspective

The whole site is fascinating to me but I really can't assess if it's scientific or just scientific-sounding nonsense. I've been meaning to ask Ark's opinion of it all, since it revolves around quantum physics theories, particularly the perpetual "winding and unwinding" of everything in the universe, including the universe itself. Supposedly we're about to reach the point of the "flip" over from winding to unwinding (i.e. quantum wave collapse).
The Wave is coming! Or maybe not. What can we count on? May be this is the "C"s greatest lesson. Test everything. By challenging all we encounter we awaken. We become real.
They get us to envision the Wave coming. Then they hedge. Another shock lest we get complacent.
Thomas Alan said:
The Wave is coming! Or maybe not. What can we count on? May be this is the "C"s greatest lesson. Test everything. By challenging all we encounter we awaken. We become real.
They get us to envision the Wave coming. Then they hedge. Another shock lest we get complacent.
Good point - and...

dant said:
So, what is it? What can we say at this point? Nothing is certain and all of these "warnings"
were but for nought?

Hmmm.... seems consfusing.
Perhaps it's only confusing if you're either looking at it from a 3D literal perspective, or if you're looking to be led by the hand. What if it is all a series of clues to get us to SEE - to get us to learn to understand on our own? And, what if then - if we do understand - it actually physically happens from our perspectives. The point is that it seems that focusing on linear interpretations from a 3D perspective might be a rather 'dry' way to go about it. FWIW
I'm in the same boat as Anart on this issue of probablilites. They was one quote from the C's in the Sessions, near the end, that stated that an asteroid name P-something had a somewhat higher probablility of occurring and of course it did not happen. Sorry, but it is a little late here to search for the quote. I cannot think in 3D sometimes, let alone 4D or 6D. But I have had some recent experiences that DO support the idea of the Wave hitting...or so I think. It gets a bit weird when these things occur, because you are not completely certain. Was the experience real? Just a fluky glitch in your life, or are you losing your mind? I'll explain further later...
As far as i can understand, the Wave is supposed to help us, to give us like a boost to accelerate our evolution.

Well, in that case, i realy think that we can already feel it or it effects because i know many people who have changed very rapidlly in the last months.
One of the central themes I felt that was coming from the C's material was about the essence of change in our 3D environment and to our own 3D thinking. Everynow and then they would give hints or predictions as to what may or may not happen, but they would usually confound Laura by saying all events are still fluid and may or may not happen at all.

As Dant had pointed out, some of the events the C's mentioned have not come to pass as yet, although there have been many similar events or correlations as I percieve them. The C's mentioned that:

1 - Hurricanes would become stronger and more frequent, which they have.
2 - They have said there would be increased volcanic unrest in northern america, which there has been, although not at the sites they have predicted as yet. Im thinking Augustine, St. Helens and the recent Four Peaked volcano coming back to life(which has been extinct for thousands of years).
3 - They mentioned a large subduction quake in the US towards the North-West or west coast, which although has not happened yet, there are signs from the plate tectonics and recent microquakes that something big is coming and an large unclamping event is imminent (in the opinion of some earthquake analysers I keep up with). Also there have been large quakes in Indonesia and in the mountains of Pakistan. So there are signs of increasing tectonic unrest due to the increase in energy that seems to be flooding in from the cosmos (a precursor to the wave energy like ripples in the pond maybe, who knows?)
4 - They mentioned that many shadow government secrets would be revealed, some of which has happened, is happening and likely will continue to do so, and partly thanks to the hard work of the signs Team and the QFS (thanks for the hard work folks).
5- They also metioned the likelyhood of a twin dark star to our sun putting in an appearance followed shortly afterward by a cyclical cometary shower and the wave. Now as far as Ive read on site there are those in the atronomical community who calculated the orbit of this star and have an idea about its whereabouts and existence. Also Laura has mentioned elsewhere on site that Ark or others in the QFS have calculated the orbit of this cyclical comet shower, and it would be coming right around 2007-2009. Also there has been a massive increase in the amount of meteoric activity in the skies (I myself have observed at leats 5 meteoric events in the skies, in the last two years in my area in the UK) which seems IMHO to point toward there being truth in what has been said regarding the comet shower.

This small list is not exhaustive by any means, but I see enough of what the C's had suggested may be going on to know that they weren't spinning us a yarn. IMHO whether you see signs or not (to confirm or refute what the C's have said) is down to how each of us as individuals percieve the events unfolding around us. This has also been said in relation to the wave, it depends on your perception of it as to how it affects you.

I think Prayers for the Rain is right that the wave event depends on a sort of critical mass of people thinking or seeing the world colinearly. Gurdjieff mentioned a certain time by which 200 people need to do "something", and Laura has made a few remarks about the need for 200 people to be thinking colinearly, the QFS is likely one of these groups of thinkers and there may be more of us, some of us may form those groups or it may not happen at all. The future is still open and fluid, its the choices we make and when we make them that count. The batttleground is through us, not outside of us.
Focusing on possible dates and events imho is irrelevant, all that matters is what events DO happen around you, and how they can impact the globe. The C's have had hits and misses, but they don't give "this event will happen on this day and it will mean this".

I'm in the same line of thought as Anart, Apol, PFR and Namaste.

I also think that working on yourself is important to grounding the frequency in yourself. I kinda look at us like little transcievers. We're Catching this frequency, and by doing The Work we are able to more accurately recieve it, we can also transmit its influence, but the more we work on ourselves the less "corruption" takes place.
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