Quick! Look under the Bed! Its OBL monster!


Dagobah Resident
OK, so now "they" are just playing with us...


Bin Laden: Moussaoui Not Linked to 9/11

By MAAMOUN YOUSSEF, Associated Press Writer 34 minutes ago

CAIRO, Egypt -
Osama bin Laden purportedly said in an audio tape Tuesday that Zacarias Moussaoui - the only person convicted in the U.S. for the Sept. 11 attacks - had nothing to do with the operation.

"He had no connection at all with Sept. 11," the speaker, claiming to be bin Laden, said in the tape posted on the Internet.

"I am the one in charge of the 19 brothers and I never assigned brother Zacarias to be with them in that mission," he said, referring to the 19 hijackers.

The al-Qaida chief said the Sept. 11 hijackers were divided into two groups, "pilots and assistants."

"Since Zacarias Moussaoui was still learning how to fly, he wasn't No. 20 in the group, as your government has claimed," bin Laden said. "It knows this very well," he added.

Bin Laden said Moussaoui's confession - that he helped plan the attacks - was "void," calling it the result of "pressures exercised against him during four and a half years" in U.S. prison.

Moussaoui, a 37-year-old Frenchman and admitted al-Qaida member, was sentenced to life in prison earlier this month after a jury ruled that he was responsible for at least one death on Sept. 11.

Two counterterrorism officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said U.S. intelligence is aware of the bin Laden message. One of the officials said there is no reason to doubt its authenticity. [commentary: well sure, US intelligence created the message so they damn well are sure of its "authenticity".]

That official said the message is part of bin Laden's continuing effort to demonstrate he is a relevant extremist leader, who is knowledgeable of current events. The official said the message was made for propaganda purposes, and it does not contain any threats.

The audio message, which is less than five minutes long, was transmitted with a still photo of bin Laden.

If authentic, [commentary: Yeah, as if...] it would be the third by bin Laden this year. In a tape aired on Arab television in March, he denounced the United States and Europe for cutting off funds to the Hamas-led Palestinian government, accusing them of leading a "Zionist" war on Islam, and urged followers to fight any U.N. peacekeeping force in Sudan.

In January, bin Laden said in an audiotape that al-Qaida was preparing new attacks in the United States but offered a truce - though his lieutenant Ayman al-Zawahri later issued a video saying Washington had refused to take the offer.

The January message was bin Laden's first in over a year, his longest period of silence since the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks in the United States.

His deputy al-Zawahri releases messages more frequently, appearing in videotapes, while bin Laden has not appeared in a video since October 2004.
I was especially impressed by the martial arts bit in the video. They seem to actually have some skill - not that I know much about that type of thing. Beats watching a group of 'boyscouts' dressed up as Arabs running around like chickens with their heads cut off with guns in their hands. Must have had more in their budget this year.

The latest from "Bin Laden" Productions..... drumroll.....


Video is said to show bin Laden prepping for 9/11 attacks
POSTED: 4:39 a.m. EDT, September 8, 2006
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(CNN) -- For the first time, a video has been released showing al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden meeting with suspected terrorist Ramzi Binalshibh, purportedly as they prepare for the September 11, 2001 attacks, according to Al-Jazeera, which aired the tape Thursday.

Binalshibh is a Yemeni who allegedly admitted a role in planning the attacks. He was among 14 al Qaeda operatives that President Bush on Wednesday said had been transferred to the U.S. prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The 14 men were transferred from CIA custody so they can face military hearings if Congress approves the tribunals, the president said. (Watch suspected terrorists practice martial arts -- 2:44)

It is alleged that Binalshibh intended to be one of the September 11 hijackers but was unable to get a visa to enter the United States despite several attempts.

In one of the segments of the tape, bin Laden tells his compatriots that the news from "the brothers who went out for martyrdom operations ... is delightful."

"And I strongly advise you to increase your prayers for them and beseech Allah the Exalted in your prayer to grant them success, make firm their foothold and strengthen their hearts," the al Qaeda leaders says.

The video aired four days before the fifth anniversary of the attacks that killed almost 3,000 people in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania.

CNN was unable to independently verify whether the video, made by al Qaeda's production company, Al Sahab, was made in 2001. But two of the men seen on it -- Hamza Alghamdi and Wail Alshehri -- were hijackers who died in the suicide missions.

Alghamdi was aboard United Airlines Flight 175, which hit the South Tower of the World Trade Center; Alshehri was aboard American Airlines Flight 11, which crashed into the North Tower.

Al Qaeda military commander Mohammed Atef, also known as Abu Hafs al-Masri, also is on the tape. He was killed in Afghanistan in 2001 in a U.S. missile strike.

Many of the faces in the video are pixelated to hide the men's identities.

The men are seen in training or in scenes from their daily lives.

"If struggle and jihad is not mandatory now, then when is it mandatory? The destination from which Prophet Mohammed was sent to Heaven is being transgressed every night and day," says one militant, Wael al Shehry, according to Al-Jazeera.

"When is it time to help Muslims who are under fire in Chechnya? And what about Kashmir and the Philippines? Blood continues to flow. When will it be?" he asks.

Yasser abu Hilala, an Al-Jazeera bureau chief who did the voice-over for the report, said the video is more than an hour long and uses archive footage from Western television networks.

After the video was released, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino reiterated the administration's commitment to bringing to justice those connected to the September 11 terror attacks.

"As the president has said as recently as yesterday, one by one we will bring the 9/11 plotters to justice for their vicious acts, including Ramzi bin al-Shibh who is now in DOD (Department of Defense) custody," she said.
Interesting timing on the "new" Bin Laden video is it not?

Just when the pressure begins to mount about 9/11 (especially with the tv movie coming out) here comes another of Bin Laden's Greatest Hits!

This is getting comical. Anytime:

#1 Bush's Terrorism poll-ratings drop or
#2 People begin in masse to question 9/11

A new audiotape, videotape or arrest happens.

Almost EVERYTIME. You can even start to predict it if you pay eough attention.

Another intersting little OBL tidbit. I was listening to some talk-radio on my way to work this morning and they were discussing this new 9/11 movie. The guy is a lost republican and keeps blaming the democrats for everything so he was slamming the way Clinton kept "ignoring" the OBL threat, including a time when Sudan was apparently going to hand him over to us.

So this guy is going on and on about how "incompetant" Clinton was.

But my take on it was that Clinton was TOLD/MANIPULATED into leaving OBL be, because the PTB knew that OBL was going to be the patsy in the near future.

BTW. For anyone who hasn't started reading "Controversy of Zion" there is good information about the whole Islam/Chritianity battle in it.

Just an observation:

1) The tape was claimed to be over 5-6 years ago. I suspect this tape
was held just in time for the the upcoming election? Maybe this
is a election year reminder for the ignorant, fearful voters.
Oh, there is a commentary remarking on how the arabic language
was translated into ENGLISH! Gosh! Well thank you for english
speaking peoples! I wonder who did the translation?

2) Look at the entourage, supposedly surrounding bin laden. This
appears to me, oh, so convinient so that Bushy and gang can point
out several of the 14 "henchmen" as identified and caught just
in time for show and tell and in support for the repbublican party's
upcoming election!

3) Look at the martial arts video a bit closely - it is comical. The
kicker missed and the guy holding the bag had to readjust so that
the kicker was able to kick the bag. These "bad guys" are not
the marines or seals with years of training and conditioning,
mind you.

If you look harder, you will see "the devil's in the details" - or perhaps
I see things that aren't there? What do YOU think?
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