In point number four, Dmitriev cites a whole host of anomalies that suggest that matter is capable of changing its basic form inside a tornado, becoming invisible and / or permeable to other matter. This point will actually become very central to our future discussions. In the conventional models, these observations are typically explained by the scientific observation that inside the funnel cloud itself, the air is directed in a downwards motion at a high rate of speed, but then when you measure the walls of the cloud, the air is moving upward at about 100 to 200 meters per second. In mainstream theories, this sudden reversal in the direction of air flow is conveniently used to explain many anomalous events that have occurred surrounding tornadoes. Dr. Dmitriev urges us to look more carefully and question whether the mundane explanation of opposing air flows could hold up in light of the following pieces of evidence. These first few points focus on the idea that the effects of a tornado can be very sharply different in areas that are only a few meters from each other. This, of course, is in stark contrast to the widespread damage caused by hurricanes and other forms of extreme weather:
* A funnel uprooted an apple tree, tearing it to pieces. A beehive standing a few meters from the tree remained unharmed.
* A two-story timber house was taken off with its inhabitants and torn to pieces. A staircase of three stairs had led to the front door and had a bench leaning against it, and both the bench and staircase were not moved.
* This same funnel proceeded to tear off two wheels from a car standing by, without disturbing the rest of the car, and an oil lamp that was sitting nearby on a table underneath a tree was still burning.
Regarding the situation with the car, it would appear that the tornado’s energy had somehow weakened the lug nuts that held the wheels onto the car and thus released them, while not damaging the rest of the vehicle. If the metallic structure of the entire car had been weakened by the tornado’s energy changes somehow, then the lug nuts simply gave way under the pressure, while the rest of the car was still able to resist coming apart. Certainly skeptics could try to concoct other fanciful explanations for this, but as we proceed the facts will only continue to suggest that this is the correct interpretation.
Before finding Dmitriev’s paper, we had heard a story from a firsthand witness where a tornado passed through a given area, and a piece of straw had somehow ended up being fused halfway through a plate-glass window with no signs of breakage; but unfortunately, no photographs were available. Then, when discussing this topic with our friend Sabrina, she recounted stories that she had heard from a friend of hers in Oklahoma where a tornado had passed through, and part of the body of a cow had become fused into the wooden walls of the barn that it had been staying in. Since the effect was frighteningly fatal for the cow and the farmer did not want to attract attention or notoriety, this fact, like so many other similar tornado anomalies, was simply covered up.
How could such phenomena be possible? The only immediate explanation would be that in the area surrounding a tornado, there are distortions created in the “fabric” of space and time. Knowing what we now know about aetheric energy and its responsibility in creating matter, it would appear that in these cases that:
In the high-energy rotating fields of the tornado, matter is brought to a higher vibrational state where it temporarily changes phase and is able to pass through other matter.
Then, when the tornado passes by and the energetic effects wear off, the matter again reverts back to its normal state and solidifies.
Now while these stories were interesting, we had no other means to support them with documentation at first. Then, our attention turned to the Internet for research, and we uncovered this website:
The Great Bend, Kansas tornado of November 1915 is the tornado which seems to have the greatest number of oddities associated with it... an iron water hydrant was found full of splinters... Fictional oddities were added almost daily to the growing list of stories. An iron jug was blown inside out... a rooster was blown into a jug, with only its head sticking out of the neck of the container.
We can see here that the idea of an iron fire hydrant being able to “fill up” with splinters clearly violates the laws of physics. No matter how fast the splinters were traveling they should not have been able to penetrate metal. However, if the normally solid matter of the hydrant had become flexible and permeable to other matter, then this could be easily explained. The other reports from Great Bend are immediately treated as fiction, such as the idea that an iron jug could be blown inside out. However, both the hydrant and the jug are made of iron, a metal that is exceptionally responsive to magnetic fields, and we know from Dr. Dmitriev’s work that there are very strong electromagnetic anomalies associated with tornadoes.
In the case of the jug reversing, it is possible that the tornado had somehow changed the matter state of the jug and made it as pliable as a sheet of rubber. Then, in the presence of low air pressure inside the funnel, the higher pressure inside the jug would suddenly blast out like a cannon, turning the jug inside out in the process. This is an entirely predictable phenomenon to occur in the case of a thin, elastic material exploding in such a manner. Similarly, the rooster may have been blown into a jug that had become permeable to physical matter, and later stuck its head out of the jug to breathe and attempt to escape once the tornado had passed and the jug solidified.
As an interesting aside, we can also bring in the information that suggests that human beings are sometimes capable of producing the higher vibrational energies that can cause these changes in metal to occur. Radio talk show host Laura Lee features an article at her website,, where she writes about her experiences in going to a “spoonbending” seminar. Of course, psychic Uri Geller was the first person to demonstrate and publicize this ability to bend metal in the 1970s, and in some cases he would appear on the radio and engage the audience in a collective metal-bending experiment. Numerous people, including small children, reported their astonishment at having achieved success in their own homes. At the seminar attended by Laura Lee, the presenter was able to raise the energy and enthusiasm of the participants into a high level, at which time they were instructed to hold spoons or forks in their hand and bend them by concentration alone. While Laura Lee did not personally succeed in bending a spoon, she witnessed one male participant holding a fork solely at its base and causing the tines to slowly droop and fold over, as though the fork was being melted under great heat.
In these cases, the temperature of the silverware does not raise anywhere near enough to allow true melting to occur, and the effect only lasts for a short time. However, during the five or ten seconds when the metal is actively pliable, the participants can bend and shape it any way they like. Therefore, it would seem that the only other explanation is that certain, untapped forms of energy are capable of changing the molecular structure of matter, making it more pliable and permeable than would otherwise be possible. We have already seen that it is possible for human beings to create such energy fields through the Russian research on telekinesis that was conducted with Kulagina, Vinogradova and Ermolayev. When we begin looking more seriously at these anomalous changes in physical matter, we may well discover that our contemporary quantum theories are in need of revision – and this will be covered in some detail as we progress.
Getting back to our original point, we can see that the human psychic effect on metal in “spoonbending” is seen on a much larger level in the energy fields of the tornado, involving other kinds of matter as well. If there were only an isolated number of these anomalies, then skeptics could quickly dismiss them all as hearsay. However, once we discovered Dr. Dmitriev’s research, we found that he had cataloged a series of surprising facts in this area. In data that he cites from F.W. Lane in 1966 and T. Grazulis of Boulder, Colorado in 1993, we now have more anomalies to add to the list:
* A small pebble punctures a sheet of glass like a bullet, and does not form any fractures as it passes through.
* One board is seen to have penetrated another board without shattering it or causing any other visible damage; the two simply “fused together.”
* A burned and charred old wooden plank is seen to have punctured through the wall of a house made of timber. The weak, porous tip of the burnt plank was undamaged as it passed through the wall, even though it should have flaked apart very easily.
* A clover leaf was found to be pressed into a hard stucco wall deeply enough to form an indentation.
* A gate frame made from 1.5-inch thick sheet iron was found to be punctured by a stick of pine wood.
After looking at the facts, it seems almost ridiculous for mainstream researchers to conclude that all these effects could be created by nothing more than “high rotation speeds.” What we have is a clear violation of all known laws of physics! The only way that the clover leaf could have pressed into the stucco wall in such a manner would be if the wall itself had become as flexible and pliable as a liquid for a short time. There is no possible way that boards could fuse together, a piece of pine wood could penetrate an inch and a half of solid metal, or a weak, charred plank could penetrate through the walls of a house without breaking, under the accepted laws of physics. Yet, if matter is becoming fluidlike and permeable as the tornado passes by, these become completely normal observations.
We see that in the presence of the powerful energies of the tornado, matter can actually make phase changes, and perhaps even disappear altogether from our known reality. If we continue to believe that atoms and molecules are simply made of hard “particles” then this wouldn’t make much sense, but the new evidence that we will present suggests that atoms are simply electromagnetic fields of energy, and that energy ultimately is a measurable outcropping of the unseen, fluidlike “aether.” In that case, atoms would certainly have more flexibility to change frequency. The Bermuda Triangle information will give us the proof that we need to see how this can happen.