Randi fooled by co-worker?

clerck de bonk

Dagobah Resident
Found this over at the Daily Grail;

If this true I find it rather hilarious :lol:

Edit; wording
After studying him for a while, it became clear to me he's just a bitter old man, and a not a very good stage magician. Magicians are just entertainers paid to trick people, they are not scientists or trained to 'debunk' anything of value. I don't understand why people take him seriously at all. :rolleyes: (And I do like Penn and Teller, they are fun magicians, but I'd never take any of their debunking as more than entertainment.)
Indeed, magicians and charlatans are known
for pulling `slight of hand', but is it also true
of some scientists and politicians?. :P
You get some skeptics who WANT to be proven wrong.

Then you get "hard nosed skeptics" like Randi who KNOWS he is right, doesn't come off as the open minded searching for truth type.

"The irony in this arrest (beyond the alleged fraudster being the Amazing Randi's partner) is that Alvarez first came to public notice when he pretended to be a channeler of the spirit 'Carlos' in Randi's much-vaunted (not least, by Randi himself) 'sting' for Australian television in 1988. "

So he busted the guy for being a fraud then partners with him?

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