In the USA, its about mostly children dressing up in costumes
be it a lion, bear, or tiger (just joking) but seriously most kids
dress up as an action figure, or fairy or witch, goblin and so,
on with a candy bag for gathering candy or whatnot from going
door to door to strangers saying: "Trick or Treat!" and will receive
mostly candy, fruits, etc, but not always.
Unfortunately in some cases, there have been "candy" with
added ingredients or razor blades, nails, tacks, or who knows
what the stranger decided to give out - that is why some parents
go to the malls or to "trusted" places to receive free goodies
for their children. There are also "kids" that are much older
that do the same - and again, in some cases do nefarious
things as well... but as far as I can tell, in the majority of cases,
this seems to bode well so far, but I wonder just how long this will
continue to be good/safe for the kids - in this day and age? It gives
me the willies just thinking about ponerized people and psychos that
may be increasing in their numbers?
And then, there are teens/adults who have Halloween parties too, some
rather fun or simply outrageous.
Knock on wood though...