Ready to VOTE here in the USofA .?.?.?

Al Today

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Oh goody.
I can't wait to perform my community service.
Can you "feel" my sarcasm coming on?
It's near voting time here in Amerika.
I just wish my vote could be for something good.
I only wish I had someone good to vote for.
I feel that I will to vote for "none of the above".
I am so angry that I cannot do anything about this.
Food for the Moon I am.
Should I vote for the Butthead #1 or Butthead #2.
Oh boy, what choices I have .!.!.!
Again, I feel that I will to vote for "none of the above".
I want to vote every darn one out. EVERYONE.
Forgive me, but that won't work either.
Another PTB soldier, or mind-nummed zombie will replace them.
From what I see here in Ohio...
The politicians are not selling themselves.
They are not saying what good they can do.
They are not saying what services they will provide.
They seem to say, "Don't vote for so and so because if elected, so and so will...(here goes the mud slinging).
And it's preety damned deep here.
I am losing my cool.
I'm ready to puke.
And another thing...
Perhaps there is more here than I suspect.
Sheeple Idiots...
Here in Ohio, there are two non-smoking bans to be voted upon.
People are telling me to vote for this one or that one.
One is less intrusive, they say.
Stop... Stop right there, I then say.
I ask, "did you say intrusive"?
I think its Omaha (tell me if I'm wrong) where the gubement is telling the sheeple to call 911 and turn in those pesky public smokers.!.!.!
I can hear the phone call now...
Caller: There is a guy smoking here on the corner of Boardwalk & Park Place.
911: Yes ma'am. I see him. He has been identified. An officer will be there shortly to collect the cigarette butt for DNA evidence.
Caller: Since I have you on the line here... Do you see that funny looking person wearing a turban. He is acting suspicious...
This proves (to me) that desensitization and cultural engineering are still being performed.
Ahhhh, life in the village.
And people wonder why I live in the woods...
Jesse Ventura, in reference to the two-party system, once said something close to, "I think it's great, we have one more choice than communist Russia."
How true.
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