Realistic sensation..


Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
I'd like to share with you a weird experience that I had the day before yesterday, waiting to see what you think about that.

So I was trying to sleep, and as it happens sometimes, it was hard to fall asleep. So I was switching from thoughts to thoughts, and without really noticing, I went into a dream. Really fuzzy, I crashed my girlfriend's car onto a rock, and the car disapparead I don't know where, I was really confused, she tryed to talk to me but I was exhausted and lost, we were near a familiar house, I went on, to take some rest on the couch. Here is what became weird.
Trying to rest on this couch, I remembered myself to focus on breathing. Here and now. And I thought "I'm awake and this scene is real, everything can happen". I really remember being here but after waking up it feels more like a dream in a dream. Then, I lost the control of my own body.. even my facial expression was stuck, only my eyes were able to move. My hand took a remote, to activate the radio which was in french, (I'm french but I'm in the US since 2 months, so I dream in English, it's unusual), my whole body slided to the ground, in the same phoetus position that I was before, and as my attention was focused on the radio, my body lifted in the air, I was levitating, surprised, feeling as the most realistic sensation that I was on the air. I was not really panicked, but then I started to move backwards in the corridor, controlled by some unknown force. Then I really woke up. After waking up, I had some holographic visualisations that I never had before. And a sensation similar to what you can feel in Reiki, in the head, like opened up..Feeling that something happened to me somehow, somewhere.

It reminded me another experience that I had last year, really different though. But same context, not really asleep, I switched to a dream. I was partying with friends and suddenly I had a black out, then I felt myself (the one in the dream) directly coming back to myself (who was actually sleeping). Like if I died, and my soul came back to find my physical body.

Thank you for reading, hoping that you can enlighten me on this.
On this one, I'm really confused and a feedback could really be helpfull. I have no answer for that, if someone could lead me to more objectivity, I would be really grateful.
The clues that I have are :
The fact that I lost the car make me think that I lost the connection with my physical body.
This familiar house is a shelter for my etheric body.

The sensation to be awake was really weird, I didn't think : I'm dreaming and I'm conscious about that, like in a lucid dream, but really more : I'm awake and this scene is real, everything can happen. i basically fooled myslef.
So the force that paralysed me and made me levitate was either Me going back to my physical body, or ?

Thank you for reading.
Can you say what your diet currently looks like, Starshine? Many times, what we eat can effect our dreams. That may help narrow it down for a start. :)
Thank you for your answer, truthseeker.
Daily I eat mostly meat (beef, pork ,chiken ,lamb). Fruit juices also. Some tomatoes, grapes and melons. I'm trying to avoid bread, milky products and cereals. I'm not saying I don't eat sandwiches sometimes. I'm not at home, so I eat mainly in restaurants because we have no kitchen. So I got the sides, like french fries and/or cooked vegetables. I'm lean and fit.I smoke. I'm also grateful for what keeps me alive.
I like this kind of diet, by the way :

For this specific day, it's kind of hard to say, but it would probably be meat.
Well, if you like Mark's site, you'll probably like the life without bread thread as it's also a Paleo diet but is more streamlined (simpler). Just so you're aware, it can take at least 6 months if not more to completely rid the body of gluten so if you're having an occasional sandwich, as you said, you're not completely free of gluten.

While the thread is long, it's quite comprehensive and will explain what may of us went through as we tested and eventually cut out as well as why. If you do choose to do it, be sure to go slowly with it.
Thanks for the advice. I will take a look at the thread to look at your feebacks, I know that I'm far from being free of gluten, and about the fact that it takes long to get totally rid of it. When I'll be back home, I'll try to.
That still doesn't explain me this weird experience, by the way.
Starshine said:
Thanks for the advice. I will take a look at the thread to look at your feebacks, I know that I'm far from being free of gluten, and about the fact that it takes long to get totally rid of it. When I'll be back home, I'll try to.
That still doesn't explain me this weird experience, by the way.

Were you drinking any alcohol? Are you taking any supplements? Could you have been dehydrated? Caffeine? Do you do pipe breathing/POTS meditation before sleeping? Any number of physiological combinations and or mental activity (had you watched anything on TV, been thinking about any problems, etc.) could product some strange "dreams" or experiences. For some reason, people tend to grope for some strange, "mystical" explanation (not saying that is what you are trying to do) when the majority of the time, it's some strange "nuts and bolts" combination. :D
Starshine said:
Thanks for the advice. I will take a look at the thread to look at your feebacks, I know that I'm far from being free of gluten, and about the fact that it takes long to get totally rid of it. When I'll be back home, I'll try to.
That still doesn't explain me this weird experience, by the way.
Based on what others have written about their unusual experiences as they relate to diet, I'd say it's the gluten and the dairy. For what it's worth.
truth seeker said:
Starshine said:
Thanks for the advice. I will take a look at the thread to look at your feebacks, I know that I'm far from being free of gluten, and about the fact that it takes long to get totally rid of it. When I'll be back home, I'll try to.
That still doesn't explain me this weird experience, by the way.
Based on what others have written about their unusual experiences as they relate to diet, I'd say it's the gluten and the dairy. For what it's worth.

I agree. Gluten and dairy can really play havoc with brain chemistry.

Just a fwiw, Starshine, are you aware that there is gluten, and gluten-like properties, in all grains? That means oats, bran, millet, rice, quinoa, amaranth, etc. So pasta, and anything else made with these grains, all have the same effects, basically. All grains are evil to the body, mind and emotions.

Also, many processed meats and packaged food contain gluten.
Mrs. Peel said:
Were you drinking any alcohol? Are you taking any supplements? Could you have been dehydrated? Caffeine? Do you do pipe breathing/POTS meditation before sleeping? Any number of physiological combinations and or mental activity (had you watched anything on TV, been thinking about any problems, etc.) could product some strange "dreams" or experiences. For some reason, people tend to grope for some strange, "mystical" explanation (not saying that is what you are trying to do) when the majority of the time, it's some strange "nuts and bolts" combination. :D

No alcohol, no supplements, I didn't feel dehydrated. No caffeine, and no specific breathing exercises on that day. I got your point though, I was not focused on any specific problems.
It could be some "nuts and bolts" combination, for sure. The feeling of a real experience is unusual. It's the first time such a thing happens to me.

Nienna Eluch said:
I agree. Gluten and dairy can really play havoc with brain chemistry.

Just a fwiw, Starshine, are you aware that there is gluten, and gluten-like properties, in all grains? That means oats, bran, millet, rice, quinoa, amaranth, etc. So pasta, and anything else made with these grains, all have the same effects, basically. All grains are evil to the body, mind and emotions.

Also, many processed meats and packaged food contain gluten.

That's why it's not that easy to avoid if you don't really want to get rid of it, but as I said, I will go on this way progressivly and read more carefully the ingredients on the packagings. Does salami can have gluten in ?

Thanks for your answers, the link between Diet and dreams is pretty obvious now that you make me think about it.

Let me rectify myself, by the way :

Starshine said:
So I was trying to sleep, and as it happens sometimes, it was hard to fall asleep. So I was switching from thoughts to thoughts, and without really noticing, I went into a dream. Really fuzzy, I crashed my girlfriend's car onto a rock, and the car disapparead I don't know where, I was really confused, she tryed to talk to me but I was exhausted and lost, we were near a familiar house, I went on, to take some rest on the couch. Here is what became weird.
Trying to rest on this couch, I remembered myself to focus on breathing. Here and now. And I thought "I'm awake and this scene is real, everything can happen". I really remember being here but after waking up it feels more like a dream in a dream. Then, I lost the control of my own body.. even my facial expression was stuck, only my eyes were able to move. My hand took a remote, to activate the radio which was in french, (I'm french but I'm in the US since 2 months, so I dream in English, it's unusual), my whole body slided to the ground, in the same phoetus position that I was before, and as my attention was focused on the radio, my body lifted in the air, I was levitating, surprised, feeling as the most realistic sensation that I was on the air. I was not really panicked, but then I started to move backwards in the corridor, controlled by some unknown force. Then I really woke up. After waking up, I had some holographic visualisations that I never had before. And a sensation similar to what you can feel in Reiki, in the head, like opened up..Feeling that something happened to me somehow, somewhere.

Actually, I thought that I waked up from my first dream at this moment, that's why it felt so real. I really think it happened. I was not trying to rest on this couch, I woke up on this couch.
Starshine said:
Does salami can have gluten in ?

From my understanding, yes, it can. And gluten (wheat in particular) is not always in the ingredients. There are certain things that don't have to be listed. So reading the label doesn't help in the case of wheat. That's why eating prepackaged food should be avoided.
I took a look at the thread, it's a huge thread ! I bought "Life without Bread" to have something to begin with.
Thank you guys.
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